Introduction. A severe epidemic of lifestyle diseases, including obesity, is now one of the biggest problems of modern medicine. This is a medical problem, social and economic. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of selected perinatal and environmental factors on the prevalence of overweight and obesity in preschool children located in the Subcarpathian region. Materials and methods. The survey was conducted in 2012, it included 200 children between the ages of 3 to 6 years (87 boys and 113 girls) from kindergartens. In children, weight loss was measured on an electronic balance and their height was also measured on medical scale. Obesity was determined on the basis of criteria developed by the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF). Results. The prevalence of overweight and obesity among preschool children was found in 3-year-olds (6.4%), 4-year- olds (11.3%), 5-year-olds (17.7%), and 6-year-olds (20.7%). Conclusions. Body weight and mother’s BMI are factors that significantly increase the risk of obesity among children aged 3–6. Additionally, in boys, a risk factor is also the birth body length.
Wstęp. Wielka epidemia chorób cywilizacyjnych, w tym otyłości, jest obecnie jednym z największych problemów współczesnej medycyny. Jest to problem medyczny, socjalny i ekonomiczny. Celem niniejszej pracy było określenie wpływu wybranych czynników okołoporodowych i środowiskowych na występowanie nadwagi i otyłości u dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym w województwie podkarpackim. Materiał i metoda. Badaniem przeprowadzonym w 2012 roku objęto grupę 200 dzieci w wieku od 3 do 6 lat, w tym 87 chłopców i 113 dziewczynek. Na podstawie uzyskanych pomiarów obliczono wskaźnik masy ciała (BMI, body mass index). Nadwagę i otyłość określono na podstawie kryteriów opracowanych przez International Obesity Task Force (IOTF). Wyniki. Nadwagę i otyłość stwierdzono u 6,4% 3-latków, 11,3% 4 -latków, 17,7% 5-latków i 20,7% 6-latków. Wnioski. Czynnikiem znamiennie zwiększającym ryzyko otyłości wśród dzieci w wieku 3–6 lat jest masa ciała matki i wskaźnik BMI matki. Dodatkowo u chłopców czynnikiem zwiększającym ryzyko jest urodzeniowa długość ciała.
Introduction. Obesity in children and adolescents is a growing problem in the 21st century. The epidemic of chronic non-communicable diseases resulting from obesity is currently one of the biggest problems of modern medicine. Excessive body weight is the result of a long-lasting imbalance between the amount of energy supplied and its expenditure. Energy regulation of the body is subject to both genetic and environmental factors. Among other things, due to this, the problem of excessive body weight is most severe in societies with a high degree of socio-economic development. The aim of this paper is to determine the influence of selected environmental and social factors on the occurrence of overweight and obesity in pre-school children. Material and methods. The study included pre-school children from south-eastern Poland. After obtaining the consent from parents, 200 children (87 boys, 113 girls) aged 3 to 6 years were examined. A questionnaire used for the research was derived from the program: European Pilot Study Evaluating the Influence of Local Promotional Activities on Prevention of Obesity in Pre-school Children. In the subjects, body weight was measured on an electronic scale three times and the body height was measured three times using a stadiometer. Obesity was determined according to the criteria developed by the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF). Results. The prevalence of overweight and obesity among children amounted to 6.4% in 3-year-olds, 11.3% in 4-year-olds, 17.7% in 5-year-olds, and 20.7% in 6-year-olds. A factor significantly increasing the risk of obesity among the examined girls and boys was the mother’s BMI index. Conclusion. Although knowledge about the factors that promote overweight and obesity is common, it is still a common health problem. Particular attention should be paid to the prevention of obesity in children of parents with a BMI above 30 kg m2. Early maternal education can change the lifestyle of the whole family.
Introduction. Healthy nutrition is very important during pregnancy for both a baby and a mother. Modification of metabolic and hormonal processes i.e. metabolic programming occurs already at the prenatal stage. This process significantly affects the baby’s health and eating habits at a later age. The diet of a pregnant woman should supplement the demand for energy, nutrients, vitamins and minerals. An expecting woman needs to also avoid products that are contraindicated during this period, such as raw milk, eggs or meat. Aim. Assessment of nutritional behavior of pregnant women from the Podkarpacie province. Materials and method. 228 women living in the Podkarpackie province were enrolled in the study. Surveys were collected via the Internet. An anonymous questionnaire developed by the authors was used. Results. Women’s eating habits are primarily influenced by education. Most women had knowledge about proper nutrition and awareness of its impact on the health of the baby. A worrying fact was a very low intake of dairy products. 44% of women consumed dairy products only once a day. Fruit and vegetables consumption was also low (40% of the respondents ate only from 100 to 200 g during the day). Conclusions. Although part of the eating habits of pregnant women is correct, nutritional education should be introduced in this group, especially related to the adequate supply of dairy products, fruit and vegetables to supplement the necessary vitamins, minerals and protein.
Introduction. In recent years there has been a significant increase in the prevalence of overweight and obesity in humans. It turns out that the problem is not limited to adults; excessive body weight is occurring in children more often. Aim. The main purpose of this work was to determine the prevalence of overweight and obesity in preschool children from the Rzeszów district, and to determine risk factors for occurrence. Materials and survey method. The study was conducted among 200 preschool children (3 - 6 years of age) from the Rzeszów poviat area. Measurements of height, weight, and determination of BMI were performed and these values are standardized according to the WHO centile grids appropriate for each age group. Survey results. Normal weight was observed in 58% of the respondents, 11% were overweight, and 10.5% were obese, whereas 20.5% of children had undernourishment. Obese children were the largest group among 6-year-olds. Among 4 year old children, abnormal body weight were more frequent in boys. On the other hand, in children aged 5 years, undernourishment or overweight was found more frequently in girls. Conclusions. The study did not confirm a significant relationship between gender, place of residence and socio-economic situation of respondents, and the prevalence of overweight or obesity. The results of this study indicate that the problem of excessive body weight refers to the increasing number of children.
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