Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie sposobu uregulowania kwestii ekologicznych w NAFTA, która jest pierwszą umową o wolnym handlu przyjętą w czasie międzynarodowego zainteresowania problemem integracji polityki handlowej i ekologicznej.(fragment tekstu)
n the early 90s, issues regarding the reconciliation of trade and the environment achieved utmost importance at global forums. In particular, it concerned economic organizations which had to deal with this problem. The North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA) is a regional integration organization which innovatively regulates environmental aspects of trade. NAFTA members signed the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation, which is a side agreement to NAFTA. It obliges parties to assure a high level of environmental protection. Despite some weaknesses, for example the lack of effective implementation mechanisms, NAFTA and its side agreement on environmental cooperation is regarded as a model example of how trade and environmental policies should be reconciled.
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