This paper describes selected elements of organization and logistics of infrastructure in plants producing mineral fertilizers in Poland. The role of logistics in these plants is extremely important, due to specificity of the sector, including, among others, numerous and independent intermediaries participating in distribution channels, as well as high cost of transport and storage. Furthermore, the paper presents investment projects conducted in examined enterprises in 2010-2012, which have contributed to development of logistics functions in the field of supply, production and distribution.
Farms are subjects of national economy in which supplies play a significant role. This article presents selected elements of supplying farms in Poland with mineral and limestone fertilizers and plant protection products. The above mentioned plant production agents are factors responsible for the quantity and quality of crop. The level of consumption of these agents in Polish agriculture in the years 2004-2012 has been analyzed. The aim pursued as part of this subject was both of research and utilitarian character. Knowledge about agricultural supplies, including mineral fertilizers and chemical plant protection products is needed.