Currently Poland entered a road of doctrinal and legislative con-tinuation of pre-war attainments and in the doctrine – in the scope of discussion over a necessity (a need) of changes in the Code of Civil Pro-cedure, or even elaborating a new code, because of its „decomposition” – one indicates successive legal and procedural institutions, which should be subject to evaluation. In the article a current state of legislation was subject to a critical assessment in the scope of legal norms of civil pro-cedural law, attainments of the doctrine and judicial decisions of the Supreme Court under the rule of the Code of Civil Procedure 1930 and 1964 were indicated. It was underlined that in a compromise of theory with practice there is contained a secret why C.C.P. both from 1930 and 1964 – despite shortcomings, lacks and defects, demonstrated in various critical evaluations, constitutes a proof of a great legal culture, strength-ened in conscience of civil law experts and won the good feelings and recognition of wide legal circles in the country and abroad. A reform of norms should always be the final stage in improvement of exercising administration of justice. Stability and continuity are the highest values. One should first of all defy problems of organisation and interpretation,which are leading prerequisites to improve its functioning. The final influence on a form of administration of justice and at the same time on quality of application of the law always has a judge's personality, his/her so-called „internal authority”.
Kodeks cywilny i przepisy prawa spadkowe w okresie swego obwiązywania przestały być tylko ,,law on book” i stały się ,,law in action”, w tym w zakresie postępowania dotyczącego złożenia oświadczenia woli o przyjęciu lub o odrzuceniu spadku. Utorowały one określoną praktykę sądową, stwarzając wzorce zachowań cywilnoprawnych dla obywateli, do czego przyczyniły się prace Prof. Jana Gwiazdomorskiego. Ich niezwykła gruntowność analizy, wysoka precyzja sformułowań, jasność używanych desygnatów terminologii, wierność ustawie oraz pełność dokumentacji naukowej tak polskiej, jak i zagranicznej pozostaje wzorem dla przyszłych pokoleń cywilistów.
The Civil Code and the regulations of the inheritance law during the period of its validity, stopped being only „law on book” and became „law in action”, including proceedings of making the statement about heredity acceptance or rejection. They created a specified jurisprudence, making the patterns of civil legal behavior for citizens, to which the works of Professor Jan Gwiazdomorski contributed. Their thoroughness of the analyses, the high quality of phrasings, the clearness of terminology desygnatum, fidelity to the law and completeness of scientific documentation as Polish as a foreign, remains the model for the future generation of the civil lawyers.
The subject of this paper involves issues related to the statics of the lawsuit. Herein, defective legislative technique applied in the contents of Article 1861 of the Code of Civil Procedure is indicated. The use of indefinite phrases lacking an explicit designation of terminology is pointed out: “the writ (...), the contents of which do not imply the request to recognise a civil-case litigation” or “exceptional circumstances justifying initiation of proceedings”. It is stated within that allowing the possibility of returning by the president the writ filed as an action stipulated in Article 1861 of the Code of Civil Procedure should be de facto and de iure considered as a potential possibility of depriving the party of any path to assert claims and thus, limits their constitutional right to court. It is also underlined herein that such a situation can lead to too far-reaching and undesirable discrepancies in court practice in the scope of application thereof, since particular judges and judging panels (in recognition of e.g. a complaint) can interpret this norm differently. This may lead to situations where civil proceedings become an unforeseeable and disordered activity, as well as to situations where the loss of a guarantee to a fair trial is of significance for the participants thereof.
Celem artykułu będzie próba identyfikacji „najlepszego” rozwiązania w polskim systemie prawnym, przy jednoczesnym wskazaniu głównych różnic i podobieństw w wybranych systemach państw europejskich. Biorąc pod uwagę różnice w tradycjach i kulturach prawnych wszystkich systemów sądowych istnieje potrzeba przeprowadzenia wnikliwej komparatystyki. W artykule zostanie scharakteryzowana pozycja asystenta sędziego w Polsce w porównaniu z innymi państwami europejskimi (Austria, Niemcy, Szwajcaria, Włochy), które wywarły największy wpływ na rozwój prawodawstwa polskiego. Artykuł stanowi analizę pozycji ustrojowej asystenta w RP w odniesieniu do różnych systemów prawa europejskiego, w wymiarze instytucjonalno-prawnym, z uwzględnieniem problemów praktycznych i obowiązującego stanu prawnego (od zwykłej formalnej kontroli do niemal samodzielnego podejmowania decyzji). Autorzy opierali się również na dostępnych odpowiedziach udzielonych w ramach kwestionariusza opracowanego do Opinii nr 22 (2019) w sprawie asystentów sądowych. W ramach wniosków badawczych autorzy zaproponowali zmianę regulacji prawnych odnośnie sposobu i zasad awansu asystentów w Polsce.
The aim of the article will be a trial to identify the “best” solution in Polish legal system, while identifying the main differences and similarities in selected systems of European countries. Taking the differences in the legal traditions and cultures of all judicial systems, there is a need for in-depth comparative studies. The article will characterize the position of a judge’s assistant in Poland in comparison with the other European countries (Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Italy), which had the greatest impact on the development of Polish law. The article analyzes the position of an assistant judge in the Poland in relation to various systems of European law, in the institutional and legal dimension, taking into account practical problems and the applicable legal status. The authors also relied on the Opinion 22 (2019).As the conclusions, the authors proposed, inter alia, change of legal regulations regarding to the promotion of assistants in Poland.
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