W artykule poruszono problem dominacji pracy w życiu współczesnych pracowników, co prowadzi do zaburzenia równowagi praca – życie. Ważne staje się więc poszukiwanie sposobów jej przywrócenia. Jednym z nich jest posiadanie kompetencji zarządzania czasem. Zatem celem artykułu jest prezentacja wyników badań nad umiejętnością zarządzania czasem przez przedstawicieli społeczeństwa informacyjnego, która stanowi podstawę do refleksji nad problemem równowagi praca – życie.
The problem discussed in the paper concerns the dominance of professional work in the lives of the contemporary employees, which leads to the disturbances in the work-life balance. Therefore, identifying methods of redressing the work-life balance becomes more important. Author suggests that one of the method is having skills of own work organization. According to that author presents results of the research on the ability to manage time by representatives of the information society, which provides the basis for a reflection on the problem of the work-life balance.
Contemporary employers put numerous competency requirements for the staff candidates. Only those having desirable competencies stand a chance for employment. It turns out that candidates for employees who are graduates of universities have competency gaps, particularly in the field of work organization and time management. The purpose of this article is to determine what exactly the people entering the labor market are not capable of, and how great the scale of the deficiencies in the activities associated with the organization of their own work is. Having this in mind, questionnaire surveys were conducted among the students of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW. On the basis of the surveys results it was concluded that people entering the labor market have a number of deficiencies in work organization skills resulting mainly from the lack of knowledge and the habit of organizing work in time. It was also established that this problem is not marginal, and it concerns a large number of future employees. Therefore, it seems necessary to undertake educational activities that lead to improvement of the observed situation.
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