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Background: Several studies have shown an association between work-related stress and risk factors for cardiovascular disease. However, only a few studies concerned the police. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between the general and work-related stress, and the functioning of the circulatory system in the police staff. Material and Methods: The study group consisted of 126 policemen (aged 37.8±7.3 years), with average employment duration of 14.4±7 years. The study comprised the assessment of health status based on the medical examination and medical history of identified diseases, cardiovascular risk factors and symptoms, dietary habits, physical activity, intake of drugs, data on the family history, determinations of serum total cholesterol, HDL and LDL fractions, triglycerides, and fasting glycemia. The stress level was assessed using the Questionnaire for the Subjective Assessment of Work and Perceived Stress Scale. Results: On medical examination hypertension was found in 36% of the people under study. Chest discomfort was reported by 60% of the subjects. Average body mass index (BMI), serum cholesterol and LDL were elevated (22.7±4.1, 222.6±41.7 mg/dl and 142.7±39.7 mg/dl, respectively). Mean triglyceride, HDL fraction and fasting glucose levels were normal in the whole group. The levels of general and occupational stress were 34.9±4.8 and 128.0±33.3, respectively, being higher than in other occupational groups. In the group with the highest level of stress, there were significantly more people with circulatory problems (81%), drinking strong alcohol at least once a week (27%), working in a 3-shift system (40.5%) and working overtime (44%). Conclusions: The results show that the police are a group at high risk of developing cardiovascular diseases due to work-related stress. Med Pr 2013;64(3):335–348
Wprowadzenie: W wielu badaniach wykazano związek między stresem związanym z pracą a czynnikami ryzyka chorób układu krążenia. Tylko nieliczne z nich dotyczyły policjantów. Cel pracy: Celem pracy była ocena związku między stresem ogólnym i zawodowym a funkcjonowaniem układu krążenia u policjantów. Grupa badana: Badania przeprowadzono u 126 policjantów w wieku 37,8±7,3 lat, o średnim stażu pracy: 14,4±7 lat. Metody: Badanie obejmowało: ocenę stanu zdrowia na podstawie badania lekarskiego i wywiadu dotyczącego stwierdzonych chorób, czynników ryzyka i dolegliwości ze strony układu krążenia, nawyków żywieniowych, aktywności fizycznej, używek oraz wywiadu rodzinnego, badania stężenia cholesterolu całkowitego, frakcji HDL (high density lipoprotein - lipoproteina wysokiej gęstości) i LDL (low density lipoprotein - lipoproteina niskiej gęstości), trójglicerydów i glikemii na czczo. Poziom stresu oceniano z zastosowaniem „Kwestionariusza do subiektywnej oceny pracy” i Skali Spostrzeganego Stresu. Wyniki: Nadciśnienie tętnicze w badaniu lekarskim stwierdzono u 36% osób. Dolegliwości w klatce piersiowej zgłaszało 60% osób. Średni wskaźnik masy ciała (body mass index - BMI), stężenie cholesterolu i frakcji LDL było podwyższone (odpowiednio: 22,7±4,1; 222,6±41,7 mg/dl i 142,7±39,7 mg/dl). Średnie stężenie triglicerydów, frakcji HDL i glukozy na czczo w całej grupie było w normie. Poziom stresu ogólnego i zawodowego był wyższy niż w innych grupach zawodowych (wynosił odpowiednio: 34,9±4,8 i 128,0±33,3). W grupie o najwyższym poziomie stresu istotnie więcej było osób z dolegliwościami ze strony układu krążenia (81%), spożywających mocny alkohol co najmniej raz w tygodniu (27%), pracujących w systemie 3-zmianowym (40,5%) i w godzinach nadliczbowych (44%). Wnioski: Wyniki badania wskazują, że policjanci są grupą o wysokim ryzyku sercowo-naczyniowym związanym ze stresem zawodowym. Med. Pr. 2013;64(3):335–348
Background: The aim of this work was to assess the load on the musculoskeletal system and its effects in the collectors of solid refuse. The rationale behind this study was to formulate proposals how to reduce excessive musculoskeletal load in this group of workers. Material and Methods: The study group comprised 15 refuse collectors aged 25 to 50 years. Data about the workplace characteristics and subjective complaints of workers were collected by the free interview and questionnaire. During the survey the photorecording of the workpostures, the distance and velocity by GPS recorders, measurements of forces necessary to move containers, energy expenditure (lung ventilation method), workload estimation using the Firstbeat system and REBA method and stadiometry were done. Results: The distance walked daily by the collectors operating in terms of 2 to 3 in urban areas was about 15 km, and in rural areas about 18 km. The most frequent musculoskeletal complaints concerned the feet (60% subjects), knees, wrists and shoulders (over 40% subjects). After work-shift all examined workers had vertebral column shorter by 10 to 14 mm (11.4 mm mean). Conclusions: The results of our study show that the refuse collectors are subjected to a very high physical load because of the work organization and the way it is performed. To avoid adverse health effects and overload it is necessary to undertake ergonomic interventions, involving training of workers to improve the way of their job performance, active and passive leisure, technical control of the equipment and refuse containers, as well as the renegotiation of contracts with clients, especially those concerning non-standard containers. Med Pr 2013;64(4):507–519
Wstęp: Celem pracy była ocena obciążenia układu ruchu i jego zdrowotnych konsekwencji u ładowaczy nieczystości stałych, niezbędna do opracowania propozycji działań w kierunku minimalizacji przeciążeń układu ruchu. Materiał i metody: Badaniem objęto 15 ładowaczy w wieku 25-50 lat. Informacje na temat charakterystyki stanowiska pracy i subiektywnych odczuć pracowników w zakresie uciążliwości pracy oraz występowania dolegliwości uzyskano, stosując wywiad wolny i badanie kwestionariuszowe. Ponadto wykonano fotograficzną rejestrację typowych czynności roboczych oraz przy użyciu systemu GPS rejestrację drogi przebytej przez ładowaczy i szybkości ich przemieszczania się, pomiar siły niezbędnej do przemieszczania pojemników ze śmieciami, pomiar wydatku energetycznego (metodą kalorymetrii pośredniej), ocenę obciążenia przy użyciu systemu FirstBeat i metodą REBA oraz pomiar długości kręgosłupa metodą stadiometryczną. Wyniki: Ładowacze pracujący w zespołach 2-3-osobowych pokonują dziennie pieszo ok. 15 km w rejonach miejskich, a w wiejskich - ok. 18 km. Dolegliwości ze strony układu ruchu występowały najczęściej w okolicach stóp (60% badanych), kolan oraz nadgarstków i barków (ponad 40%). U wszystkich pracowników stwierdzono po pracy zmniejszenie długości kręgosłupa o 10-14 mm (średnio: 11,4 mm). Wnioski: Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań wskazują na bardzo duże obciążenie fizyczne ładowaczy spowodowane sposobem wykonywania pracy i jej organizacją. Z tego względu konieczne jest wprowadzenie interwencji ergonomicznych, które powinny uwzględniać szkolenie pracowników w zakresie prawidłowych sposobów wykonywania pracy, wypoczynku aktywnego i biernego, ale także kontrolę stanu technicznego wyposażenia i pojemników na śmieci oraz renegocjację umów z klientami, zwłaszcza w zakresie ponadnormatywnego ładowania pojemników. Med. Pr. 2013;64(4):507–519
Content available Znaczenie stanu narządu wzroku dla kierowcy
Sight is the basic sense for drivers. Condition of the eye determines correct, comfortable and safe performance of the work as drivers. This article presents various factors influencing the sight condition. There are two groups of factors, external (environment, the kind and time of work, stress caused by work) and internal (systemic and local disorders). All these factors can reduce significantly visual functions, such as visual acuity, field of vision, color vision, strereoscopic vision, twilight vision and glare sensitivity. There are also presented actual requirements for drivers and causes of the car accidents in various age groups. Impairments in vision functions can be dangerous for both the driver and other road users. Med Pr 2013;64(3):419–425
Narząd wzroku jest dla kierowcy podstawowym narządem zmysłu. Jego stan warunkuje prawidłowe, komfortowe i bezpieczne wykonywanie tego rodzaju pracy. W artykule przedstawiono czynniki mogące wpływać na funkcje układu wzrokowego. Omówione zostały zarówno uwarunkowania zewnętrzne (środowisko, charakter i czas pracy, stres związany z jej wykonywaniem), jak i wewnętrzne (zaburzenia systemowe i miejscowe). Wszystkie wymienione czynniki mogą znacznie obniżać funkcje wzrokowe ważne dla kierowców, takie jak ostrość wzroku, pole widzenia, widzenie barwne, widzenie stereoskopowe i widzenie zmierzchowe oraz wrażliwość na olśnienie. Ponadto przedstawiono aktualne wymagania stawiane kierowcom różnych kategorii oraz przyczyny wypadków w różnych grupach wiekowych. Obniżenie funkcji wzrokowych może okazać się niebezpieczne zarówno dla kierowcy, jak i innych użytkowników dróg. Med. Pr. 2013;64(3):419–425
Introduction: The paper reports the results of the determinations of UMTS EMF distributions in the driver's cab of motor vehicle simulators. The results will serve as the basis for future research on the influence of EMF emitted by mobile phones on driver physiology. Materials and Methods: Two motor vehicle driving simulators were monitored, while an EMF source was placed at the driver's head or on the dashboard of the motor vehicle driving simulator. For every applied configuration, the maximal electric field strength was measured, as were the values at 16 points corresponding to chosen locations on a driver's or passenger's body. Results: When the power was set for the maximum (49 mW), a value of 27 V/m was measured in the vicinity of the driver's head when the phone was close to the head. With the same power, when the phone was placed on the dashboard, the measured maximum was 15.2 V/m in the vicinity of the driver's foot. Similar results were obtained for the passenger. Significant perturbations in EMF distribution and an increase in electric field strength values in the motor vehicle driving simulator were also observed in comparison to free space measurements, and the electric field strength was up to 3 times higher inside the simulator. Conclusions: This study can act as the basis of future studies concerning the influence of the EMF emitted by mobile phones on the physiology of the driver. Additionally, the authors postulate that it is advisable to keep mobile phones at a distance from the head, i.e. use, whenever possible, hands-free kits to reduce EMF exposure, both for drivers and passengers.
Objective: Mobile phones generate microwave radiation which is absorbed by exposed tissue and converted into heat. It may cause detrimental health effects. The aim of the experiment was to check if exposure to EMF emitted by mobile phone influenced the tympanic temperature. Material and Methods: Human volunteer study was performed on ten healthy young men, aged 22.1±4.7 years, examined three times: 1. on a day with 2×60 min of no exposure (sham day), 2. on a day with continuous, 60 min exposure and 60 min of no exposure, 3. on a day with intermittent exposure (4×15 min “on” and 4×15 min “off”). Exposure was generated by mobile phone (frequency 900 MHz, SAR 1.23 W/kg). The study was double-blind, performed under controlled conditions (at 24°C and 70% humidity). The tympanic temperature (Tty) was monitored every 10 sec by a thermistor probe placed close to the aural canal membrane in the ear opposite the one in contact with mobile phone (contralateral position). Multivariate repeated-measures analysis of variance was used to calculate the results. Results: The mean Tty in the whole group during continuous exposure was significantly higher than during sham exposure (p = 0.0001). During intermittent exposure the temperature was lower than during sham day (difference was up to 0.11°C). Within an hour after continuous exposure, Tty was higher by 0.03°C and after intermittent exposure Tty was lower by 0.18°C in comparison with sham day. Two hours after exposure Tty was significantly lower (p = 0.0001) than after sham exposure (0.06°C and 0.26°C respectively). The trends in Tty during experiment differed significantly in relation to exposure conditions (p < 0.05). Conclusions: The results of this analysis indicate that the physiological response to EMF exposure from mobile phone was mostly related to type of exposure (continuous or intermittent).
Impedance cardiography seems to be a very good, although underappreciated diagnostic method. What may distinguish it from among the many research methods is the fact that it enables non-invasive monitoring of cardiac output, stroke volume and systemic vascular resistance. Holter recording of the hemodynamic parameters makes it possible to study them not only in stationary (hospital, outpatient clinic) conditions, but also during household or professional activities, e.g., during road vehicle driving. Assessment of the trends of changes in the circulatory system of the employee at work makes it possible to judge whether the type of work performed by the worker is well tolerated – whether it is not too hard or too stressful. This is important, therefore, impedance cardiography can be extensively used in occupational medicine. Provision of preventive care to workers according to current standards requires, on the one hand, the use of the latest diagnostic methods while, on the other hand, the methods must be inexpensive, because otherwise the employer would not be able or willing to pay the associated costs. Impedance cardiography meets those criteria; however, few data is available in literature worldwide on the use of this method in the research on the impact of occupational work on cardiovascular responses of the employees. This work reports the use of impedance cardiography in studies on the various aspects of work environment.
Monitoring of cardiovascular hemodynamic changes requires a very expensive and highly specialized equipment and skilled medical personnel. Up to the present time, an inexpensive, non-invasive and easy-to-use method which, like Doppler echocardiography, magnetic resonance angiography or radionuclide imaging, would assess hemodynamics of the cardiovascular system was not available. A method known as impedance cardiography (ICG) or thoracic electrical bioimpedance cardiography (TEBC) meets those criteria. It is non-invasive, which is of a particular advantage over the conventional methods that require catheterization. As a result, the patient is not at risk of possible complications and the procedure is less expensive and easier. Impedance cardiography, despite its non-invasive character, has not been so far extensively used for monitoring of hemodynamic parameters in hospitalized patients. Various authors report that attempts have been continued to compare the results from ICG and those obtained by other diagnostic methods. This paper presents the use of impedance cardiography in diagnosis of hypertension, cardiac insufficiency, differentiating the causes of acute dyspnea, as well as in assessing the effects of cardiac rehabilitation in patients with heart failure.
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Results of epidemiological studies on the association between use of mobile phone and brain cancer are ambiguous, as well as the results of 5 meta-analysis studies published to date. Since the last meta-analysis (2009), new case-control studies have been published, which theoretically could affect the conclusions on this relationship. Therefore, we decided to perform a new meta-analysis. We conducted a systematic review of multiple electronic data bases for relevant publications. The inclusion criteria were: original papers, case-control studies, published till the end of March 2014, measures of association (point estimates as odds ratio and confidence interval of the effect measured), data on individual exposure. Twenty four studies (26 846 cases, 50 013 controls) were included into the meta-analysis. A significantly higher risk of an intracranial tumor (all types) was noted for the period of mobile phone use over 10 years (odds ratio (OR) = 1.324, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.028–1.704), and for the ipsilateral location (OR = 1.249, 95% CI: 1.022–1.526). The results support the hypothesis that long-term use of mobile phone increases risk of intracranial tumors, especially in the case of ipsilateral exposure. Further studies are needed to confirm this relationship. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2017;30(1):27–43
Recording and analyzing eye movements provide important elements for understanding the nature of the task of driving a vehicle. This article reviews the literature on eye movement strategies employed by drivers of vehicles (vehicle control, evaluation of the situation by analyzing essential visual elements, navigation). Special focus was placed on the phenomenon of conspicuity, the probability of perceiving an object in the visual field and the factors that determine it. The article reports the methods of oculographic examination, with special emphasis on the non-invasive technique using corneal reflections, and the criteria for optimal selection of the test apparatus for drivers in experimental conditions (on a driving simulator) and in real conditions. Particular attention was also paid to the helmet – or glass-type devices provided with 1 or 2 high definition (HD) camcorders recording the field of vision and the direction of gaze, and the non-contact devices comprising 2 or 3 cameras and an infrared source to record eye and head movements, pupil diameter, eye convergence distance, duration and frequency of eyelid blinking. A review of the studies conducted using driver eye-tracking procedure was presented. The results, in addition to their cognitive value, can be used with success to optimize the strategy of drivers training.
Road accidents are among the main fatalities worldwide and drowsy driving is a significant cause of road deaths where drivers are at fault. There are well known diseases which impair sensory and cognitive functions and can cause sleepiness during driving. Such diseases can be an important contraindication to driving because they may have an adverse effect on its safety. Thus, medical examinations for drivers should also be directed at identifying any possible conditions posing risks for driving safety. Occupational medicine specialists should look for symptoms of locomotor and sleep-related breathing disorders as these are medical conditions which could preclude a person from driving. In this case report, the authors describe a professional driver with chest deformity and present a pioneering attempt at assessing his medical fitness to drive. It is also explained why scoliosis can impair driving ability and how it should be diagnosed and treated. Finally, the authors describe how they used driving simulator tests as part of their diagnosis and suggest a relevant treatment regimen. Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 2019;32(5):735–45
Objectives Only a few studies have been undertaken to analyze the dietary habits of people with cardiovascular diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluate the dietary behaviors of working people who were hospitalized due to experiencing the first acute cardiovascular incident. Material and Methods In the study, the Functional Activity Questionnaire was used. The study was conducted in 2 groups. The first group included all the men hospitalized during 1 year (January–December 2009) in 2 clinics of cardiology, who were professionally active until the first myocardial infarction (MI). It comprised 243 men aged 26–70 years. The reference group consisted of 403 men, blue- and white-collar workers, aged 35–65 years. Results The body mass index of the MI patients was significantly higher (p = 0.006). The frequency of consumption of particular products in the MI group and in the reference group differed significantly for 11 of 21 products. The MI patients significantly less frequently reported the daily consumption of fruit, raw vegetables, cheese, vegetable oils and fish. In this group, the consumption of salty (p = 0.0226) or fatty (p < 0.0001) foods was significantly higher. It was shown that, after adjusting for age, education and the type of work, the daily consumption of fish, salads and cooked vegetables, as well as fruit and vegetable oils, significantly reduced the risk of myocardial infarction. An increased MI risk was, in turn, associated with obesity and preference for fatty foods. Conclusions The authors found that diet significantly modified the MI risk in the examined workers. This indicates that an important aspect of prevention activities among working people should involve education about proper dietary habits. Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 2019;32(6):853–63
Objectives The aim of the study was to establish whether the driver’s visual strategy may influence a driver’s behavior to avoid a crash in a high-risk situation. Any published papers on drivers’ visual strategies just before a crash were not found. Material and Methods Tests were performed using a high-tech driving bus simulator. Participants comprised 45 men drivers, aged 43.5±7.9 years old, seniority as a bus driver of 13.3±8.6 years. The tests were preceded by medical examinations: general, neurological and ophthalmological. Each participant drove the same city route for approximately 40 min (entire route – ER). In the final phase, a collision situation was simulated (a phantom car blocked the participant’s right of way). Driver’s visual strategy was analyzed using the FaceLab device with 2 cameras during ER and just before collision. The field-of-view covered by camera 1 was divided into 8 regions, by camera 2 into 10 regions. The distribution of gazes in regions was a criterion of visual strategy. Results Thirty-five drivers completed the simulated driving test, 14 escaped the collision, 21 crashed. These groups differed only in resting systolic blood pressure before the test. The analysis of covariance, after adjusting to this factor, indicated that during the ER visual strategy recorded by camera 1 did not differ between groups, in camera 2 the drivers in the crash group fixed their gaze more frequently (p = 0.049) in region 3 (close part of the road in front of the windshield). Just before the collision drivers who escaped the collision fixed their gaze significantly more often in region 6 (left side of the road) in camera 1 and in region 6 (in front of the windshield,) and region 10 (right side) in camera 2. Conclusions The visual strategy has an impact on the road safety. The analysis of visual strategies may be a useful tool for the training of drivers. Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 2019;32(2):161–74
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