The analyzed perycope of the Letter to Ephesians is one of the nicest and theologically richest texts about the peace in whole the Bible. It presents the peace as result of the reconciliation of the men mutually and with God at the same time. The concept of peace used here has a broader sense, typical of the Bible. It means not only the lack of the war, but also full agreement, harmony and communion with God and with the men. The Letter to the Ephesians is showing us, that the authentic peace includes a profound renovation of the interpersonal relations among men and with God. The reconciliation made by Christ is valid help for reaching the true peace also in the contemporaneous world.
The paper sets together the traditional biblical text about the SCJ formation: We have believed love (1 John 4, 16) with the biblical inspirations of the apostolic exhortation Pastores dabo vobis. Pope John Paul the II likes particularly the John narrative about vocation of the first disciples (John 1 35 – 42), and the Markus text: He appointed twelve, that they might be with Him (Mk 3, 14). In these biblical texts he sees the contemplative aspect of the priest for-mation for the pastoral love.
The paper demonstrates an emotional aspect of biblical communication on some examples. Firstly, it is rich emotional vocabulary depicting goodness of God as well as Christian attitude. It contains terms describing love, mercy and grace. It also includes comparisons to married, bridal and parental love, especially paternal love. It is seen in frequent calling God Father. The author suggests that this aspect should be more visible in Bible trans lations into modern languages.
W Listach św. Piotra, a zwłaszcza w Pierwszym jego Liście, znajdujemy dość oryginalne ro-zumienie pokoju jako Bożej życzliwości dla tych, którzy są w stanie zrezygnować z zemsty za złe traktowanie ze strony otoczenia. Autor Listu przekonuje o tym swoich adresatów przy pomocy długiego cytatu zaczerpniętego z Psalmu 33 LXX w 1 P 3,10-12. Natomiast Drugi List św. Piotra widzi pokój nieco inaczej. W koncepcji tego Listu pokój określa już bardziej postawę chrześcijan polegającą na najwyższej doskonałości moralnej. Można ją osiągnąć przez głębsze poznanie Chrystusa.
In the Letters of St. Peter, and especially in his First Letter, we find an original understanding of peace as God’s goodness for those who resist taking revenge for the bad treatment they have received from a malevolent environment. The Author of the Letter convinces his ad-dressees with a long citation from Psalm 33 LXX in 1 Pe 3:10-12. The Second Letter of Peter sees peace in yet another light, as an attitude of Christians that is revealed in the highest moral perfection, attainable through a profound knowledge of Christ.
Large-scale shale gas prospecting in the Polish part of the East European Platform did not discover large reserves of this resources. The article presents new research indicating that one of the reasons for the lack of shale gas relates to the thermal history of the Lower Palaeozoic rocks. Illite-smectite palaeothermometry was used to reconstruct the history of the platform and determine the maximum temperatures to which these rocks were subjected. The age of illitisation was also constrained using the K-Ar method. This method allowed precise dating of the maximum age of thermal transformations due to the deposition of numerous pyroclastic horizons (K-bentonite) throughout the entire geological profile from the Cambrian to the Silurian. Isotopic dating was made on over 53 samples of Lower Palaeozoic bentonites and low-grade metamorphic clays. These results were supplemented by analysis of the degree of thermal (smectite to illite) transformation in the profiles of 37 deep boreholes. 11 zones could be distinguished with different tectonic histories within the Polish part of the East European Platform edge. Maximum heating occurred in this region at about 320–340 Ma, corresponding to the Early Carboniferous or the turn of the Early and Late Carboniferous, phase A of the Variscan orogeny, known as the Sudetian phase. In the southern part of study area, the maximum of thermodiagenesis is slightly younger – 270–290 Ma, which responds to the Early Permian, the Asturian phase, the last phase of the Variscan orogeny. This means that the generation of hydrocarbons occurred before significant Mesozoic exhumation of the Polish part of the East European Platform, which led to the escape of a considerable amount of the gas generated. The study also presents the results of an interlaboratory comparison of illite age dating using the K-Ar and Ar-Ar methods. The comparison was conducted to find out what realistic error should be considered when interpreting geological K-Ar dating results.
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