The article discusses the selected research projects, carried out by archaeologists from Poznań, which focus on the study of the Late Neolithic and the Early and Middle Bronze Age cemeteries. The methodology applied and the results of the excavations, geophysical and remote sensing research of barrow cemeteries in Wielkopolska (Poland) and Maramureş (Romania) have been presented. The preliminary results of isotopic analyses of human remains from Poland and Hungary have been characterised.
The article presents preliminary results of field and desk research conducted in Nowe Objezierze (Moryń commune, West Pomeranian Voivodeship) in 2017–2020 which covered a fragment of the Early Neolithic circular enclosure (roundel) and its surroundings, being a potential area of settlement of groups using it.
Artykuł prezentuje wstępne wyniki badań terenowych i gabinetowych przeprowadzonych w latach 2017–2020 w Nowym Objezierzu (gm. Moryń, woj. zachodniopomorskie). Objęły one fragment wczesnoneolitycznego obiektu typu rondel oraz jego otoczenie, jako możliwy obszar zamieszkania użytkujących go grup.
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