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oldest pedagogical journal published in Galicia, Eastern Europe, in the last 30 years of the 19th century. To date, these problems have not been analysed in detail in literature on the subject. The journal, devoted in particular to teachers’ training colleges and folk schools, was recommended to teachers in the south of Poland (which at that time was a part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire) as an important means of self-education. It was emphasized that knowledge acquired in teachers’ training colleges had to be broadened and the candidates for teachers, as well as professional Galician educators, should do it on their own. This concerned, among other things, the knowledge of the idiosyncrasies of working with disabled pupils. An analysis of the annual volumes of the journal from 1868–1899 demonstrates that its editors and collaborators dealt with issues in the field of oligophrenopedagogy, education of the deaf and people with impaired hearing, education of the blind and social rehabilitation. Articles published in the journal familiarized the readers with the history and contemporary problems of special education. They also supplied valuable educational and methodological instructions for parents, guardians and teachers of disabled children.
The aim of the article is to analyse the pedeutological texts published in the era of the Partitions of Poland in the pages of the oldest Galician pedagogical periodical, which “Szkoła” was. The journal, edited by teachers and educational activists, addressed mainly to folk school teachers, published uninterruptedly for 70 years, is for today’s researchers an invaluable source of knowledge about the functioning of Galician education and its employees. The editors and collaborators of the journal often took up such important subjects as vocation, role models of folk teachers, relations with pupils’ family homes or difficult realities of teacher’s work. Teachers received a lot of specific advice concerning the upbringing and education of pupils, frequently from older and experienced colleagues. They could also learn a catalogue of traits and attitudes expected from folk teachers, concerning also their own families or taking up additional work.
nr (2/2016)
For Polish people and Polish families the first half of the 20th century was a difficult time. It was the final period of the Partitions, with intensified repression, especially Russification and Germanization, the time of World War I, and twenty years of the rebuilding of Polish statehood which ended in another worldwide armed conflict in 1939. The dynamic political changes which led to the outbreak of WWI and WWII and to the regaining of independence by Poland in 1918 were accompanied by significant transformations of social structure and new tendencies in the development of culture and education. The change of women’s social position and their political and educational emancipation forced new models of family relations to appear, and a uniform school system reconstructed after 123 years of bondage, together with the introduction of compulsory school attendance and the development of forms of pre-schooling education were significant challenges for many parents and their children. During the entire period the Polish family played a very important part in educational ideologies binding in Polish lands at that time – national and state education. Because of that it was the subject of interest of many pedagogic magazines. The aim of the paper is to indicate the main areas of tasks given to Polish families in the first half of the 20th century in the light of one of the oldest Polish periodicals of this type – „Szkoła”. Apart from the topics brought up in the pages of this magazine in the second half of the 19th century such as the cooperation of home and school, some new problems appeared then, including: the duties of a family in the difficult war and post-war period, concern for child’s health at home, or the significance of parents’ shaping of characteristics propagated by the supporters of national education.
Pierwsza połowa XX wieku to dla Polaków i polskich rodzin trudny okres. To schyłkowy okres zaborów z nasileniem represji, zwłaszcza rusyfikacji i germanizacji, lata I wojny światowej, dwudziestoletni etap odbudowy własnej państwowości zakończony kolejnym światowym konfliktem zbrojnym w 1939 roku. Dynamicznym zmianom politycznym, które doprowadziły do wybuchu I i II wojny światowej oraz odzyskania przez Polskę niepodległości w roku 1918 towarzyszyły znaczące przeobrażenia struktury społecznej oraz nowe tendencje w zakresie rozwoju kultury i oświaty. Zmiana pozycji społecznej kobiet, ich emancypacja polityczna i edukacyjna wymuszały nowe wzory relacji rodzinnych a odbudowany po 123 latach niewoli jednolity system szkolny, wprowadzenie powszechnego obowiązku szkolnego oraz rozwój form wychowania przedszkolnego stanowił istotne wyzwania dla wielu rodziców i ich potomstwa. Rodzi na polska przez cały ten okres pełniła bardzo ważną rolę w obowiązujących wówczas na ziemiach polskich ideologiach wychowawczych – wychowania narodowego i wychowania państwowego. W związku z tym była przedmiotem zainteresowania wielu czasopism pedagogicznych. Celem referatu jest wskazanie głównych obszarów zadań stawianych przed polskimi rodzinami w pierwszej połowie XX wieku w świetle jednego z najstarszych polskich periodyków tego typu – „Szkoły”. Oprócz wątków podejmowanych na łamach tego pisma w drugiej połowie XIX wieku, takich jak współpraca domu ze szkołą, pojawiło się bowiem wówczas kilka nowych problemów zadania rodziny w trudnym okresie wojennym i powojennym, troska o zdrowie dziecka w warunkach domowych czy znaczenie kształtowania przez rodziców cech charakteru, propagowanych przez zwolenników wychowania państwowego.
W służbie historii nauki, kultury i edukacji Księga pamiątkowa dedykowana Prof. Lechowi Mokrzeckiemu z okazji Jubileuszu pięćdziesięciolecia pracy zawodowej, pod red. R. Grzybowskiego i T. Maliszewskiego, wyd. II poprawione i uzupełnione, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego i Fundacja Rozwoju Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, Gdańsk 2008, ss. 497
nr 17/18
Wanda Szuman (1890-1994) - an outline of her biography and pedagogic activi
Wanda Szuman (1890-1994) - zarys życia i działalności pedagogicznej
Stanisław Kot, one of the creators of the history of education as a scientific discipline, studied at the University of Lvov between 1904 and 1909. His special line was classical philology, Polish philology and, for two terms, legal studies. The hitherto written relevant historical and educational literature does not address these issues in detail – Kot’s professional life in Cracow is far better known and elaborated. However, on the basis of the analysis of the Lvov archival material from the State District Archive in Lvov (primarily student catalogues and examination protocols for doctoral examinations), it is possible to reconstruct the course of studies of this well-known historian of education until the very last stage of his doctoral achievements, i.e. his successful defense of his dissertation in 1909. The scope of this study was fairly wide. The comprehensive and extensive knowledge in the history of literature, both Polish and general, history, pedagogy, philosophy and psychology that he gained in Lvov, as well as the excellent knowledge of the Polish language and classical languages, formed a firm base for Kot to pursue professional career on his own. It was the Lvov scholarly environment that shaped him as a researcher and scholar and made it possible for him to not only debut as a scholar but also to encounter and come into contact with scholars from the academic centers of Cracow. Thanks to his brilliantly-written doctoral dissertation, supervised by Wilhelm Bruchnalski and Józef Kallenbach from Lvov, and to his first publications in the   periodical “Muzeum” (which he presented at a pedagogical seminar prepared by Bolesław Mańkowski), S. Kot quickly gained a reputation as a precise scholar among the university circles of the town. Also in the later period of his professional career he remained in close contact with his former university lecturers and cooperated with them, for example, on the work on the successive volumes of the publication of book series Biblioteka Narodowa (National Library).
tom 46
The aim of the article is to present the debate on the teaching and educational effectiveness of school trips, described in Lviv “Szkoła”, the oldest Galician educational magazine –, from the moment the periodical was founded in 1868 until Poland regained independence. In the pages of this magazine, the leading representatives of the teaching community of the time, often professionally active teachers, expressed their opinions on the subject, analysing both the possibilities and the risks related to a broader use of these forms of teaching work. They often put forward original proposals regarding formal issues of the organisation of trips and outings, also referring to their own experiences in this area. The debate was not free from polemics but a majority of its participants positively assessed trips as a means of physical, health, hygienic and aesthetic education of students. The trips were also recognised to be a perfect opportunity to conduct illustrative geography or history lessons, and to shape civic and patriotic attitudes.
nr 2(950)
Współcześnie międzyokresowa substytucja konsumpcji dokonywana jest z wykorzystaniem na szeroką skalę rynku kredytowego. Głównym czynnikiem określającym poziom konsumpcji i możliwość zadłużania się jest dochód konsumentów. Celem artykułu jest zbadanie, w jakim stopniu konsumenci o niskich i wysokich dochodach korzystają z kredytów. Podjęto również próbę zidentyfikowania czynników, które wpływają na prawdopodobieństwo bycia zadłużonym. Analizie poddano także wysokość obciążenia budżetów gospodarstw domowych spłatami kredytów w zależności od poziomu zamożności. W artykule wykorzystano nieidentyfikowalne dane z badania budżetów gospodarstw domowych z lat 2000–2013 oraz dane pochodzące z badania „Diagnoza społeczna”. Do weryfikacji problemów badawczych wykorzystano metody analizy struktury oraz modelowanie regresyjne z uwzględnieniem modeli dla dwumianowych zmiennych jakościowych. Wyniki badań wskazują na odmienny sposób wykorzystania kredytów przez gospodarstwa domowe o niskich i wysokich dochodach, co znajduje odbicie w zróżnicowaniu struktury konsumpcji. W analizowanym okresie zauważalny jest wzrost obciążeń spłatami kredytów budżetów gospodarstw domowych o wysokich dochodach. Rezultaty badań wskazują, że dochód, wykształcenie i miejsce zamieszkania w największym stopniu determinują korzystanie z kredytów.
Today intertemporal substitution of consumption is done by using the credit market on a large scale. The main factor determining both consumption and the ability to borrow is household income. The aim of the article is to examine the extent to which low- and high-income consumers use credit. The factors that influence the likelihood of being in debt were identified. The burden of debt repayment on household budgets depends on affluence. Non-identifiable data from the household budget survey from the years 2000–2013 and data from the study „Social Diagnosis” were used in the paper. To verify the research problems, structure analysis and regression modeling were used, taking into account model for binomial variables. The results of the study indicate that wealthy and poor households use loans in different ways, a fact reflected in the variation in the structure of consumption. In the period analysed, there was a noticeable increase in the burden of repayments of loans on the budgets of households with high incomes. The results of the study indicate that income, education and place of residence determine to the greatest extent the use of the credit by households.
Kondycja zdrowotna jest istotnym obszarem życia społecznego. Pracownicy o dobrej kondycji zdrowotnej pracują wydajniej i efektywniej niż człowiek chory. Powszechnie przyjmuje się, że stan zdrowia jest jednym z elementów kapitału ludzkiego i czynnikiem określającym sytuację jednostki na rynku pracy. Głównym celem badań jest analiza stanu zdrowia członków gospodarstw domowych w kontekście ich aktywności zawodowej. Hipoteza badawcza zakłada, że osoby z problemami zdrowotnymi pozostają raczej bierne zawodowo niż bezrobotne. W artykule podjęta została także próba identyfikacji czynników (związanych ze stanem zdrowia) wpływających na prawdopodobieństwo pozostawania biernym zawodowo. Do realizacji celu badań zostały wykorzystane dane dla członków gospodarstw domowych, pochodzące z Europejskiego Badania Dochodów i Warunków Życia (EU‑SILC), przeprowadzonego przez Główny Urząd Statystyczny w Polsce z 2013 r. Wyniki badań wskazują, że pogorszenie stanu zdrowia zwiększa ryzyko pozostania biernym zawodowo. W analizie kolejności ważności czynników wpływających na bierność zawodową te związane ze zdrowiem okazały się jednymi z ważniejszych.
Health condition is an important area of social life. Employees in good health work more efficiently and effectively than sick ones. It is widely accepted that health is one of the elements of human capital and a factor in determining the situation of the individual in the labour market. The main objective of the research is to analyse the health status of household members in the context of their professional activity. The working hypothesis assumes that people suffering from health problems are rather economically inactive than unemployed. In the paper an attempt is made to identify factors (related to eg. health) which affect the probability of being economically inactive. To achieve the objective of the paper individual data of household members from the European Survey on Income and Living Conditions (EU‑SILC) conducted by Central Statistical Office in Poland in 2013 was used. The results of the analysis indicate that in general, deterioration of health increases the risk of remaining economically inactive. In the analysis of the order of importance of factors affecting economic inactivity, the ones connected with health turned out to be of the greatest importance.
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