Artykuł jest poświęcony przedmiotowym i podmiotowym uwarunkowaniom wiary religijnej. Na podstawie dwóch encyklik o wierze: „Fides et ratio” Jana Pawła II oraz „Lumen fidei” Franciszka jest w nim mowa o przedmiocie oraz akcie wiary. Obaj papieże wskazują na prawdę (objawienie Boże), która stanowi przedmiot wiary. Jan Paweł II skupia się na prawdzie w kontekście ludzkiego poznania, natomiast Franciszek akcentuje aspekt miłości prawdy. W kwestii aktu wiary jest mowa głównie o roli rozumu w wierze. Ponadto wskazano korzyści płynące ze współpracy rozumu i wiary.
The article is devoted to the objective and subjective conditions of religious faith. In Light of two encyclicals on faith: “Fides et ratio” by John Paul II and “Lumen fidei” by Francis, it talks about the subject and the act of faith. Both popes point to the truth (Godʼs revelation), which is the object of faith. John Paul II focuses on truth in the context of human knowledge, while Francis emphasizes the aspect of love of truth. The act of faith mainly concerns the role of reason in faith. Moreover, the benefits of the cooperation of reason and faith were indicated.
The article is a study devoted to the implementation of the formation prin-ciples at the Theological Seminary in Ełk in the years 2012-2022. The first part presents the personal structure of the Seminar. Based on the cited data, it turned out that the most variable element of the seminar structure is the decreasing number of alumni. The team of formators and the group of lecturers, which also underwent modifications, constituted a relatively stable construct. The second part deals with the means and ways of implementing the formation principles in force at the Higher Theological Seminary in Ełk. These principles were included in the formation document for the seminaries of the Church in Poland (1999). Each of the four dimensions of formation (human, spiritual, intellectual, pastoral) was governed by its own rules. Based on the study, it should be said that to a greater or lesser extent all of them were taken into account in the process of shaping vocations in the Ełk Seminary. The basic ways and means of their implementation are included in the Regulations and the Statute of the seminar. In addition, their shape was determined by the experience from previous years of the Seminarʼs operation, guidelines and proposals of teams responsible for formation associating rectors, spiritual fathers or prefects, the specificity of the events experienced and the conditions of the local Church.
The undertaken considerations, with analyzing Stanislaw Kaminski’s thought on the influence of philosophy on theology in logical and epistemological aspect, aim at answering a question: what kind of philosophy does theology need? If supernatural knowledge wants to be scientific, it should use philosophy which is the natural knowledge explaining reality. Philosophical knowledge, achieved through general and abstract terms, provides theology with terms for explaining religious faith. While various philosophical systems try to explain reality, it does not mean that all of them are accepted by theology. With analyzing theological language, theological conclusions, and the evolution of doctrines, S. Kaminski proves that theology needs such philosophical terms which efficiently enable to know reality. Kaminski accepts such a philosophy which investigates real being in the broadest extent, and looks for the ultimate reasons of a being outside a being itself. This philosophy is to be open to the transcendent reality, and assist in understanding the rationality of faith. Nothing but the realistic philosophy of being (ie. metaphysics) is able to harmonize natural and supernatural knowledge, and show faith as a complement of human reason.
The problem considered in this article concerns the relationship between the pre-scientific and philosophical knowledge of God’s attributes. The paper argues that although common sense does not experience omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence directly in the world, it nevertheless attributes them to God. Common sense, however, cannot justify their attribution to God. The problem of justification arising from a pre-scientific cognition is dealt with, among others, by philosophers. On the one hand, this confirms the idea that philosophy corrects and complements pre-scientific cognition. On the other hand, however, it is argued that pre-scientific knowledge is sufficient to recognise and get acquainted with God’s attributes.
Problem rozważany w tym artykule dotyczy relacji między zdroworozsądkowym a filozoficznym (realistycznym) poznaniem atrybutów Boga. Na przykładzie wszechmocy, wszechwiedzy i wszechobecności Boga dochodzi się do wniosku, że w oparciu o bezpośrednio daną rzeczywistość i przy zastosowaniu tylko poznania zdroworozsądkowego człowiek nie doświadcza tego rodzaju własności w świecie, lecz przypisuje je Bogu. Natomiast sam z siebie nie potrafi ich uzasadnić. Kwestią uzasadnienia problemów, powstających na gruncie poznania potocznego, zajmuje się filozofia. Dlatego przyjmuje się, że filozofia koryguje i uzupełnia poznanie przednaukowe. Jednakże dla samego orientowania się i uznania wspomnianych przymiotów Boga poznanie zdroworozsądkowe jest wystarczające.
The article aims to clarify the basic laws of logic and show their application in the Gospel. The content of selected fragments of the Gospel proves that it contains fundamental laws of rational thinking in the form of: the law of identity, the law of non-contradiction, the law of the excluded middle, the law of sufficient reason, the law of finality. The statements and teachings of Jesus Christ are not without logical principles, which man already applies in everyday thinking. The source of this kind of laws is real existence. The so-called the first principles that govern the existence of being, in the order of knowledge, become the laws of thinking. For the message of revelation to be understood and accepted by the person to whom it is addressed, the laws of thought must exist in the Gospel.
The article is devoted to the publications of Bishop Jerzy Mazur, which were published in the monthly „Martyria” in 2003-2023. It contains a full list of the bishop’s texts, their arrangement according to text types and an analysis of the collected material. It also informs about the degree of Episcopal authority exercised through writing and publishing activities. As a result of organizing the materials, which number 157 in total, nine types of texts were distinguished and discussed: homilies, letters, pastoral word, word during the Mass, interviews, messages and information, decrees, invitations and announcements of events, and wishes.
Artykuł jest poświęcony publikacjom bp. Jerzego Mazura, które ukazały się w miesięczniku „Martyria” w latach 2003-2023. Zawiera on pełny wykaz tekstów biskupa, ich uporządkowanie wedle rodzajów tekstów oraz analizę zgromadzonego materiału. Informuje także o stopniu sprawowania władzy biskupiej poprzez działalność pisarską i publikacyjną. Na skutek uporządkowania materiałów, których łącznie jest 157, wyróżniono i omówiono dziewięć rodzajów tekstów: homilie, listy, słowo pasterskie, słowo podczas Mszy, wywiady, komunikaty i informacje, dekrety, zaproszenia i zapowiedzi wydarzeń oraz życzenia.
Faith is a complex activity, which consists of the action of the intellect and the will. The understanding of these two authorities affects the understanding of faith. Therefore, it can be concluded that a specific conception of faith is associated with a specific conception of the intellect. The reason justifying this conclusion is the ability of the intellect to demonstrate the existence of God. The conception of the intellect showing that God exists creates the pos-sibility of receiving revelation, or the supernatural faith that is the recognition of what God has revealed. This type of intellect is characteristic of the realistic philosophy represented by Thomas Aquinas. Kantʼs conception of intellect is related to the very study of phenomena. In the order of theoretical knowledge, it is not possible to show that God exists because He is not a phenomenon. This possibility exists in a practical order, where God is the idea of reason. Therefore, the recognition of the existence of God is made thanks to the rational faith present only on the ground of morality. In turn, Comteʼs understanding of the intellect associated with the knowledge of facts and permanent relationships between them in the form of laws precludes the possibility of stating that God exists. The positivist understanding of the intel-lect is in no way connected with searching for the existence of God. This kind of intellect does not include Godʼs reach because it is limited to the examination of facts and laws. The only faith accepted by him is the natural faith that constitutes trust in the person who conveys the heritage of positivism.
Artykuł poświęcony sympozjom ku czci św. Tomasza z Akwinu w Wyższym Seminarium Duchownym w Ełku, które były organizowane w latach 2013-2023 zmierza do wykazania, czy i w jakim stopniu postulaty (w liczbie sześciu), sformułowane przez organizatorów, zostały zrealizowane. W tekście zebrano programy wszystkich dziesięciu sympozjów. Na ich podstawie zestawiono dane dotyczące prezentowanych tematów, prelegentów, środowisk naukowych, terminów, organizatorów. W oparciu o zebrane dane sformułowano wnioski dotyczące każdego z założeń. Okazało się, że wszystkie z nich zostały zrealizowane. Jednakże niektóre w stopniu większym niż pozostałe. W dużym stopniu zrealizowano założenie dotyczące celebrowania dnia św. Tomasza z Akwinu, a także założenie mówiące o nauczycielskim posłannictwie Kościoła oraz realizowaniu postulatów zawartych w dokumentach formacyjnych. W niewielkim stopniu zrealizowano założenie dotyczące ożywienia i integracji środowiska naukowego przy WSD w Ełku, a także założenie jego promowania.
Article devoted to symposiums in honor of St. Thomas Aquinas at the Theological Seminary in Ełk, which were organized in 2013-2023, aims to demonstrate whether and to what extent the postulates (six in number) formulated by the organizers were implemented. The text contains the programs of all ten symposiums. On their basis, data regarding the presented topics, speakers, scientific communities, dates and organizers were compiled. Based on the collected data, conclusions were formulated regarding each of the assumptions. It turned out that all of them were implemented. Some of them to a greater extent than others. The assumption regarding the celebration of Thomas Aquinas Day has been largely implemented, as has the assumption regarding the teaching mission of the Church and the implementation of the postulates contained in the formation documents. The assumption of revitalizing and integrating the scientific community at the WSD in Ełk, as well as the idea of promoting it, was achieved to a small extent.
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