Studies on amphibians of permanent water bodies and marshes in the Wawer district of Warsaw were carried out in the spring of 2007. This terrain is situated on the right bank of the Vistula River, and is one of the least urbanized areas of the city. In this study, species composition, frequency of occurrence and number of individuals on breeding sites were determined. Surprisingly, only six amphibian species were found, which was two times lower than found during previous research in the left bank area of Warsaw. The most common species occurring in Wawer were: moor frog (Rana arvalis) and common toad (Bufo bufo). Only 69.2 % of permanent water bodies were inhabited by any amphibian species. To enable future comparative studies to be made on the impact of urban development and increased human activity on local amphibian populations, the precise locality of breeding sites were provided.
Wiosną 2007 roku przeprowadzono inwentaryzację batrachofauny, zarówno stałych jak i okresowych zbiorników wodnych na terenie Wawra. Ta dzielnica położona na prawym brzegu Wisły, jest jednym z najmniej zurbanizowanych obszarów Warszawy. Podczas badań ustalono skład gatunkowy, frekwencję występowania oraz liczebność płazów w poszczególnych zbiornikach rozrodczych. Na terenie Wawra stwierdzono występowanie jedynie sześciu gatunków płazów - dwukrotnie mniej niż na lewobrzeżnych obszarach miasta. Najpospolitszymi gatunkami okazały się żaba moczarowa (Rana arvalis) i ropucha szara (Bufo bufo). Jakiekolwiek gatunki płazów stwierdzono jedynie w 62,2% stałych zbiorników wodnych. Zarejestrowanie stanowisk godowych w systemie GPS umożliwia dalszą kontrolę stanu batrachofauny tego obszaru w trakcie zmian urbanizacyjnych.
Individual marking is necessary for determining various elements of species ecology, but toe-clipping — a method frequently used in amphibian studies, is recently being questioned. Three water bodies (of 0.3 to 1.5 ha in size) used by common Bufo bufo for breeding, located within a large city (Warsaw, Central Poland), were chosen for the study. Captured toads had Passive Integrated Transponders (PIT) subcutaneously implanted under laboratory conditions. Marked toads were searched in consecutive breeding seasons. The recapture rate of males in particular ponds was up to 13% — much lower than in other studies carried out in non-urban habitats. 77% of re-trapped individuals were found in the next season after tagging. There were no differences in the frequency of re-trapped individuals in relation to the toe-clipping treatment, as some marked individuals had part of the toe (two phalanges) clipped for skelotochronological analyses. An individual from this group was observed to have regenerated the clipped toe after one year. We did not find any indication of better body condition among the re-trapped individuals when comparing them to the marked toads at the time they were first captured. The important advantage of PIT tagging is the fact that all individuals are marked in the same way and their handling is similar. This makes it possible to compare various demographic parameters (growth rate, survival etc.). In addition, the number of animals that can be permanently marked using PITs is several times higher than through the use of codes resulting from the clipping of fingers and toes.
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Individual marking is necessary for determining various elements of species ecology, but toe-clipping — a method frequently used in amphibian studies, is recently being questioned. Three water bodies (of 0.3 to 1.5 ha in size) used by common Bufo bufo for breeding, located within a large city (Warsaw, Central Poland), were chosen for the study. Captured toads had Passive Integrated Transponders (PIT) subcutaneously implanted under laboratory conditions. Marked toads were searched in consecutive breeding seasons. The recapture rate of males in particular ponds was up to 13% — much lower than in other studies carried out in non-urban habitats. 77% of re-trapped individuals were found in the next season after tagging. There were no differences in the frequency of re-trapped individuals in relation to the toe-clipping treatment, as some marked individuals had part of the toe (two phalanges) clipped for skelotochronological analyses. An individual from this group was observed to have regenerated the clipped toe after one year. We did not find any indication of better body condition among the re-trapped individuals when comparing them to the marked toads at the time they were first captured. The important advantage of PIT tagging is the fact that all individuals are marked in the same way and their handling is similar. This makes it possible to compare various demographic parameters (growth rate, survival etc.). In addition, the number of animals that can be permanently marked using PITs is several times higher than through the use of codes resulting from the clipping of fingers and toes.
The research was carried out on 100 water bodies, from 1998 to 2000. There were 87 water reservoirs located in the area of Białystok, another 13 reservoirs were located in the Białystok surroundings, but outside the administrative boundaries (up to 2.5 km away). Several physical features of the breeding ponds in our study as well as their surroundings were described to determine the urbanization pressure in a given area. The frequency of occurrence of particular amphibian species and their number were determined. In the study area, amphibians belonging to 12 species (with one genetic hybrid) were found. Due to problems identifying "green frogs", they were put into one group for most of analyses. The most frequent amphibians within the administrative boundaries of Białystok were: the "green frogs" (observed in 66.6% of studied water bodies), the common frog (65.5%) and the moor frog (49.4%). These species occurred throughout the entire city. The rarest amphibian species were observed only on the outskirts of Białystok. They were: the crested newt (2.3%) and the natterjack (3.4%). The green toad is considered to be a species less sensitive to urbanization pressure. Paradoxically, it was rarely found in Białystok (9.2%) and only 22.2% of its breeding sites were located in the city centre.
W latach 1998-2000 przeprowadzono badania batrachofauny 100 zbiorników wodnych. Z tej liczby 87 zbiorników położonych było na terenie Białegostoku, zaś 13 w jego najbliższych okolicach, poza granicami administracyjnymi (do 2,5 km od nich). Zbiorniki rozrodcze płazów opisano biorąc pod uwagę wybrane cechy fizyczne oraz ich otoczenie w celu określenia presji urbanizacyjnej na danym obszarze. Określono frekwencję występowania poszczególnych gatunków płazów oraz ich liczebność. Ogółem na obszarze badań stwierdzono 12 gatunków płazów (w tym jednego mieszańca hybrydogenetycznego). Z uwagi na problemy z oznaczeniem żab zielonych, do większości analiz wyników połączono je w jedną grupę. Najwyższą frekwencję w granicach administracyjnych Białegostoku wykazały: żaby zielone (66,6%), żaba trawna (65,5 %) i żaba moczarowa (49,4%). Są to gatunki, które występują na terenie całego miasta. Do najrzadszych gatunków płazów, obserwowanych tylko na peryferiach Białegostoku, zaliczyć można: traszkę grzebieniastą (2,3%) i ropuchę paskówkę (3,4%). Uważana za gatunek odporny na presję urbanizacyjną ropucha zielona również wykazała stosunkowo niską frekwencję (9,2%), a jedynie 22,2% wszystkich jej stanowisk rozrodczych znajdowało się w centrum miasta.