The preparation of an experiment is described and measured values of elastic constants of the piezoelectric LiTaO3 crystal, which belongs to the rhomboedral symmetry system, are given. As the experimental method, the Brillouin laser light scattering was applied and the constants from the hypersonic range of frequencies were measured. Appropriate conditions for the experimental configurations were determined by the use of a formalism based on the looking for eigenvalues of a so-called "characteristic matrix" which is a function of direction of the acoustic wave propagation and the elastic constants of the medium. Not all the measurement results are in full agreement with calculations based on ultrasonic data. A dispersion in the velocity of the acoustic waves can be observed for some direction of propagation due to the elastic constant changes in the hypersonic frequency range.
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The present article describes inelastic light scattering or the theory of photon acoustic- phonon interactions to which the coherent state formalism can be applied; it belongs partly to quantum acoustics. Such quantum calculations lead to the same results as the classical ones, and what is important, they are not in full agreement with the results of measurements. The article provides some formulae useful for comparison of the optical signals intensity in Brillouin light scattering experiments.
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The solution presented here can be useful in optical measurements where scanning in the Fabry-Perot interferometer spectral range is needed. The key to the idea is the use of a pressure sensor equipped with stainless steel diaphragm giving voltage signal proportional to pressure in a chamber where the Fabry-Perot etalon is mounted. The method should find new fields of application, in a simple and cost effective way, in university laboratories as well as in other research institutions. The previous solution is updated here by introducing silicon membrane pressure sensor.
A report from planning an experimental work in the Co/Cu metallic superlattices by the Brillouin light scattering is presented. The estimation of surface acoustic modes propagation parameters are considered for two samples of comparable thickness, however with distinct number of layers. Predictions of possible observation of softening are given. The scattering cross-sections for the different scattering mechanism, for the (s-s) and (p-p) experimental configurations are presented.
Monografia opisuje rezultaty badań podstawowych oraz dostarcza szeregu praktycznych informacji dotyczących eksperymentów wykorzystujących brillouinowskie rozpraszanie światła. Istotną właściwością książki jest to, że łączy w jedną całość opis fal akustycznych i spinowych o częstotliwościach gigahercowych. Ideą, która unifikuje ten tak bardzo szeroki zakres zjawisk, jest kierunkowy charakter spektroskopii brillouinowskiej oraz jej charakter lokalny. Praca w końcowej części relacjonuje wyniki badań nad anizotropami posiadającymi naturę magnetyczną, w supersieciach metalicznych, oraz dwuwarstwowymi strukturami podlegającymi efektowi "exchange-bias". Struktury i własności te będą miały w niedalekiej przyszłości kluczowe znaczenia dla zaawansowanych technologii elektronicznych. W supersieci Co/Cu zaobserwowano mody Damona-Eshbacha (D-E) - mody propagujące się powierzchniowo po wszystkich bokach próbki. Zaobserwowano charakterystyczne rozszczepienie modów D-E od fal objętościowych wynikających z oddziaływań dipolowych pomiędzy warstwami magnetycznymi rozdzielonymi warstwą niemagnetyczną. W strukturach Co/CoO zaobserwowano fale spinowe skwantowane w kierunku prostopadłym do warstw. Książka uzupełnia jednocześnie szeroko udokumentowane rezultaty badań rozpraszania w próbkach objętościowych. W szczególności informuje o odkrytym zjawisku przełączania kanału rozpraszania oraz donosi o nietypowym tle w widmie brillouinowskim zaobserwowanym w krysztale tlenkowym SLAO.
This book reports basic-type research and provides some practical information about Brillouin light scattering experiments. What the book weaves together includes: elastic and magnetic GHz elastic waves with spin waves. The idea which unites this wide range of results is the unidirectionality of Brillouin scattering and the local-probing character of the spectroscopy. The book concludes with results of in-plane anisotropies, magnetic in nature, in metallic superlattices and bilayered exchange-biased structures. These are features which will in the future be basic to new advanced technologies. Observed in the Co/Cu superlattices surface modes of the stack as a whole, the Damon-Eshbach (D-E) waves, coherent and sensitive to surface and subsurface magnetic features. The splitting of the D-E mode from the band of the dipolar-coupled wave was observed when the magnetic layer thickness was larger than the nonmagnetic one. In the Co/CoO bilayers, spin waves of quantized perpendicular wave-vector components were observed for chosen crystallographic directions. The book updates widely documented bulk crystal results thanks to the discovery of acoustic phonon branch switch and atypical background in oxide-type crystals.
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A new wide-band frequency component in the Brillouin spectrum, arising from absorption, has been detected in the SLAO oxide crystal. This completes the typical Brillouin spectrum, where Rayleigh lines, inelastic Stokes and anti-Stokes lines have been observed as a result of scattering from bulk acoustic phonons and, for some experimental configurations, on surface acoustic phonons. This newly discovered spectral component is distributed uniformly in frequency, independently of the light power incident on a sample, and depends on the incident wavelength.
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This paper provides the results of exchange-bias simulation of a single ferromagnetic (FM) layer coupled to a quenched antiferromagnetic (AFM) region using a Random Field Ising Model (RFIM) approach. Using the RFIM algorithm the shapes of exchange-biased hysteresis loops, featuring perpendicular magnetic anisotropies, were obtained. Providing a possible explanation of this effect the recognized stable part of an interface magnetisation represented by unreversed spins at the interface was evidently simulated. Obtained results are consistent with the Domain State Model (DSM) model, where a part of the AFM interface magnetisation is stable during hysteresis loop creation
The paper presents a new method of quantitative parameterization of volumetric-net geomorphological structures with the use of random walk formalism and an analysis of self-similarity exponent distribution derived from random walk experiments. As examples, two American three-dimensional Wind and Lechuguilla cave networks were elaborated. The provided methodology is able to uniquely characterize the morphology of cave systems.
Influence of doping effect of Cu ions on the elastic prperties of the LiNbO3 crystal in were studied by the Brilloui light scattering method. Dopant concentration of Cu was equal to 0.05mol%. Comparison with pure samples shower relative decrease in frequencies falling in the range od 4-11%. Measurements were done in defferent scattering configurations.
Influence of doping effect of Cu ions on the elastic properties of the LINBO3 crystal in were studied by the Brillouin light scattering method. Dopant concentration of Cu was equal to 0.05mol%. Comparison with pure samples showed relative decrease in frequencies falling in the range of 4-111%. Measurements were done in different scattering configurations.
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