This re view pres ents a brief ac count of the chem is try and mech a nis tic as pects of aryl H-phosphonates, and se lected ap pli ca tions of this class of com pounds as in ter me di ates in the syn the sis of a wide range of bi o log i cally im por tant an a logues of nucleoside phos phates, and oligonucleotides, in which the phos phate moi eties are re placed by other struc tur ally re lated groups. The aryl nucleosideH-phosphonates, com pounds of con trolled re ac tiv ity, have proven to be more ver sa tile and su pe rior to var i ous mixed an hy drides as syn thetic in ter me di ates, par tic u larly for prep a ra tion of nu cle o tide an a- logues bearing P-N or P-S bonds in various configurational arrangements at the phos phate moi ety.
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