The effects of large deformation were studied by preparing thin (20-30 μm) membranes with quantum-well layers on top. A small gas pressure of a few bar deforms the membrane substantially and changes the optical spectra of the quantum wells. We present the results of the photoluminescence and absorption from GaAs/AlGaAs and from InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells subjected to tensile and to compressive biaxial strain. The light-hole lines shift more than two times faster than the heavy-hole lines so that they cross under tensile strain.
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It is shown that the phonon deformation potentials in semiconductors can be determined by Raman scattering on hydrostatically and biaxially deformed samples. The complete data includes biaxial deformation in the (100), (111), and (110) planes. Biaxial strain is applied to the sample using the recently developed membrane method. The phonon displacement under biaxial strain can be directly obtained from Raman measurements on a single membrane provided we determine the strain from the splitting of the band gap using e.g. the photoreflectance technique. Alternatively, the ratios of different phonon shifts can supply the necessary information. The method is illustrated with experimental results for GaP.
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The interband absorption of strained InGaAs/GaAs multiple quantum well was studied at room temperature for pressures up to 5.5 GPa. Three absorption lines were attributed to the excitonic transitions hh1-e1, lh1-e1 and hh2-e2. They were visible until pressure of about 5 GPa which is above the Γ-X crossover for this system. Pressure coefficients of the observed lines were compared with the literature data. The origin of broadening of the lines above Γ-X crossover is discussed.
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We measured Hall concentration n in InGaP:Si epitaxial layers grown by MBE as a function of pressure P up to 2 GPa and of temperature T from 77 to 300 K. We interpreted our results in terms of the broad distribution of impurity states resonant with the conduction band. From the low-temperature n(P) dependence we can directly obtain the total density of impurity states around the Fermi level ρ(E_{F}). The Fermi level can be shifted with respect to impurity states by applying pressure and by using samples with different n. In this way we obtain ρ(E) in a wide energy range. We discuss the possible reasons for the observed broad distribution of ρ(E).
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We present results of theoretical studies of external tuning for laser diodes based on InGaAsP/InP heterostructures at temperatures from 300 K down to 80 K and at hydrostatic pressures up to 2.27 GPa. The tuning range achieved by pressure and grating was 390 nm (from 1220 nm to 1610 nm). At lower temperatures the tuning range achieved with grating was significantly reduced. Our results indicate that pressure tuning is much more effective than temperature tuning when combined with tuning by external grating.
InGaP/AlGaInP lasers (emitting from 630 to 690 nm) and GaAs/AlGaAs lasers (emitting at 780 nm) were studied under hydrostatic pressure up to 20 kbar and at temperatures from 240 to 300 K. The electrical characteristics, the power-current dependencies and the emission spectra were measured. The emission spectra shifted in agreement with the pressure/temperature variation of the band gaps in active layers of the laser. Since at high pressure theΓ-X separation in the conduction band is strongly reduced (both in AlGaInP and AlGaAs), the dominant loss mechanism of the lasers is the electron leakage to X minima in the p-claddings. This, in turn, leads to high sensitivity of threshold currents to temperature. The dependence of threshold currents on pressure and on temperature is in good agreement with the simple theoretical analysis taking into account the carrier leakage and the radiative and nonradiative recombination. Better agreement between the theory and the experiment is obtained assuming drift rather than diffusion leakage. This indicates that threshold currents could be further reduced if the p-doping is improved in the claddings.
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In the present paper we demonstrate that wide-range wavelength tuning of semiconductor lasers can be achieved by applying high pressure and low temperature. We report the experimentally measured dependence of the threshold current and emission energy on pressure and temperature in InGaAs/GaAs quantum-well lasers and provide the simple theoretical explanation of the physics behind the experimental findings.
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