Artykuł porusza zagadnienia zaangażowania i przywiązania organizacyjnego, a także psychologicznych kosztów pracy w postaci wypalenia zawodowego wśród pracujących w elastycznych formach zatrudnienia w Polsce. Przedstawiono wyniki badań empirycznych obejmujących 2118 respondentów dziewięciu elastycznych form pracy: na czas określony, w niepełnym wymiarze pracy, na umowę-zlecenie, samozatrudnionych, telepracowników, pracujących na zastępstwo, pracowników tymczasowych, sezonowych oraz zatrudnionych w ramach ekonomii społecznej. Badania miały charakter eksploracyjny ze względu na deficyt danych na temat tychże zmiennych w polskich, nietradycyjnych formach pracy.
The article examines the issue of organizational engagement and attachment as well as the psychological costs of work in the form of occupational burnout among employees encompassed by flexible forms of employment in Poland. The presented results of empirical studies cover 2,118 respondents employed under nine types of flexible work: contracts for a defied period of time, part–time employment, commission work, self–employment, remote workers, substitutes, temporary workers, and seasonal workers as well as people employed in the social economy. The research was exploratory in nature because of the dearth of data on these variables in Polish non–traditional forms of employment.
The article covers the issue of organisational attachment as well as the job satisfaction in the among staff under flexible employment in Poland. It presents the results of empirical studies covering 872 respon- dents employed (older than 40 years) under nine flexible forms of work: employed for a specified period of time, part-time, commission contracts (contracts of mandate), self-employed people, remote workers (telecommuters), for substitution, temporary and seasonal workers as well as employed under social economy. The research was exploratory in its character due to a lack of data on these variables in the Polish non-traditional forms of employment. Empirical results confirm that the results of organisational attachment and job satisfaction are average and probably don’t differ from the attitudes in traditional forms of employment.
Burnout has serious consequences both for individuals and the organizations they work in. The issue generates interest among psychologist and management professionals and – according to the subject literature – there is a growing demand for helping those professional groups who face the risk of experiencing the negative effects of an exhausting working life. The aim of this paper is to characterize the phenomenon of burnout in Poland in the selected professional groups. The primary research was conducted on June and July 2017 on the group of 153 people working in the following areas: healthcare, education, higher education. Two types of questionnaire were used for the purpose of this research. The first was an LBQ Burnout Questionnaire, which is an adaptation of an Italian Link Burnout Questionnaire. The other questionnaire was originally devised by the authors to assess the perception of the phenomenon among Polish employees. The article presents the results concerning all the methods used during research and compared the results of the LBQ and the original questionnaire.
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