While the registration of dragonflies on man-made reservoirs of the Silesian Region took place, in 2006 there were recorded nu- merous males and less numerous females of Aeshna affinis. Single individuals have been reported in 1939 in Gwoździany and in 1966 in Ustroń. Since its last record Aeshna affinis has been noted again in 2005 in an old river bed of the River Odra River in Lasaki. It has been recorded on seven new sites in the next year. Most of those new sites were smali sinkhole ponds created by coal-mining. What is morę Aeshna affinis was recorded on a few natural sites too. While on natural sites there were 2-4 specimens recorded, on anthropogenic water bodies there were usu- ally about 20 individuals. Creating tandems indicated making attempts to inhabit anthropogenic water bodies by this species. There was another ąuite rare and stenothermic species - Crocothemis erythraea recorded on two sites together with Aeshna affinis. This species has been observed sińce 2002 in Odra River Valley, near the Southern bor- der of Silesian Region with Czech Republic. Nevertheless it was recorded for the first time in sinkhole ponds in 2006.
Poduszki powietrzne stosowane w samochodach osobowych mają na celu zredukowanie przeciążeń działających na ludzki organizm w czasie zderzenia a przez to zwiększenie szans na minimalizację obrażeń czy - w krańcowym przypadku - przeżycie. Stosowane niezgodnie z założeniami projektantów mogą jednak stanowić zagrożenie dla użytkownika. Niestandardowa pozycja w samochodzie, nietypowy ze względu na charakterystyki antropometryczne pasażer, mogą spowodować nieprzewidziane przez konstruktora zadziałanie poduszki. Konstruktorzy starają się uwzględnić możliwe źródła zagrożeń, rozbudowując zakres testów o konfiguracje nietypowe (OoP - Out of Position) oraz próbując zminimalizować negatywny ich wpływ na działanie poduszki.
Air bags are meant to reduce excessive loads acting on occupant's body during the crash, decreasing injury risk. Used in configuration other than designed they may not provide its proper functionality to the occupant. Untypical position in car (called Out-of-Position) or non-standard occupant (away from a 50-percentile occupant) may cause abnormal operation of the air bag. The developers try to take possible sources of risk into account, adding Out-of-Position to the standard testing procedure and focusing on minimizing its negative influence on airbag functionality.
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