The aim of this work is to determine the level of impurity by cadmium selected species of dicotyledonous plants to which belong the herbs collected from permanent grassland located near a highway. Chosen herbs were collected from the grasslands located near the international rout E-30 near Siedlce. Such herbs as common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale L.), greater plantain (Plantago maior L.) and garden sorrel (Rumex acetosa L.) were picked up. The plant material was taken from the distance 2; 10; 30 and 50 m from the wayside ditch. Shoots of plants (stems and leaves) were separated from underground parts (roots and rhizome) and then they were dried them and grinded. Crumbled material in 5 g samples was put through mineralization at a temp. 450 oC. Samples prepared like that were put in to the solution with 10 cm3 of 10 % HCl and added distilled water to the volume 50 cm3. The content of cadmium in received solutions was determined using the AAS method. The concentration of the cadmium content in shoots and in underground parts systematically decreased in the measure of dismissing from the source of pollution in all studied plants. Independently from the place of the gathering of the plant material, the most cadmium was accumulated by the common dandelion in the shoots (0.24 mg kg–1 d.m.), however the smallest concentration of cadmium in studied herbs was in the underground parts of garden sorrel (0.09 mg kg–1 d.m.) independently from the place of gathering.
Celem pracy jest określenie stopnia zanieczyszczenia kadmem wybranych gatunków roślin dwuliściennych, do których należą zioła zbierane z trwałych użytków zielonych znajdujących się przy trasie szybkiego ruchu. Wybrane zioła zbierano z użytków zielonych przy międzynarodowej trasie E-30 w pobliżu Siedlec. Zbierano takie zioła, jak: mniszek pospolity (Taraxacum officinale L.), babkę zwyczajną (Plantiago major L.) i szczaw zwyczajny (Rumex acetosa L.). Materiał roślinny pobrano z odległości 2; 10; 30 i 50 m od przydrożnego rowu. Następnie oddzielono części nadziemne roślin (łodygi i liście) od części podziemnych (korzeni i kłączy), po czym wysuszono je i zmielono. Rozdrobniony materiał w 5 g próbkach poddano mineralizacji w temp. 450 oC. Tak przygotowane próbki przeprowadzono w roztwór z 10 cm3 10 % HCl i uzupełniono wodą destylowaną do objętości 50 cm3. W otrzymanych roztworach oznaczono zawartość kadmu za pomocą metody AAS. Stężenie zawartości kadmu zarówno w częściach nadziemnych, jak i podziemnych systematycznie zmniejszało się w miarę oddalania od źródła zanieczyszczenia we wszystkich badanych roślinach. Niezależnie od miejsca poboru materiału roślinnego najwięcej kadmu kumuluje mniszek pospolity w częściach nadziemnych (0,24 mg kg-1 s.m.), natomiast najmniejsze stężenie kadmu w badanych ziołach niezależnie od miejsca pobierania było w częściach podziemnych szczawiu zwyczajnego (0,09 mg kg-1 s.m.).
Present intensification of plant production rises a need to search for new solutions, such as novel fertilization technologies which reduce environmental pollution. The aim of this work has been to examine principles of rational fertilization of permanent meadows, including delivery of nitrogen doses applied in various forms. The investigations were led in the region of Siedlce in 1999-2001. Basic fertilization was applied once during the growing season, in spring, and consisted of N–60 kg⋅ha-1, P–60 kg⋅ha-1, K–60 kg⋅ha-1 applied to soil. The fertilizers were used in two forms: multiple (Polifoska 15) [P] and a mix of fertilizers (ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, potassium salt) [M]. Nitrogen fertilization of the second and third cuts was conduced as various foliar (20%, 30%, 40% urea solution) or soil (ammonium nitrate). The doses of nitrogen in respective variants were 27.6 kg⋅ha-1 (N1), 41.4 kg⋅ha-1 (N2) and 55.2 kg⋅ha-1 (N3). Every year three cuts for determination of potassium and sodium were collected. Fertilization of the experimental objects with the multiple fertilizer resulted in increasing plants’ potassium content whereas the mixture of fertilizers increased the quantity of sodium in plants. Foliar fertilization with nitrogen in the form of urea solution gave a higher increase in the plants’ content of potassium and sodium than fertilization to roots with ammonium nitrate (independently on the basic fertilization). By analysing the content of potassium in plants in dependence of the doses as well as the kind of supplementary nitrogen fertilization, it has been verified that most of this component was determined in plants treated with foliar fertilization consisting of 55.2 kg N⋅ha-1 (N3), the lowest potassium concentration occurred in plants receiving foliar fertilization with dose 41.4 kg N⋅ha-1 (N2). The analysis of the sodium content in plants in dependence of the doses and type of supplementary nitrogen fertilization showed that most potassium was in plants produced on the plots receiving foliar fertilization with a nitrogen dose of 27.6 kg⋅ha-1 (N1), and the least potassium was determined in plants nourished with 41.4 kg N⋅ha-1 (N2) applied to soil.
Celem pracy było porównanie wpływu nawożenia azotem użytków zielonych na zawartość makroelementów w runi łąkowej. Badania prowadzono w latach 1999-2001 na łące trwałej. Każdego roku po ruszeniu wegetacji stosowano nawożenie podstawowe pogłównie, wnosząc do gleby odpowiednio: N–60 kg⋅ha-1, P–60 kg⋅ha-1, K–60 kg⋅ha-1. Zastosowano dwie formy nawozów: wieloskładnikowy (Polifoska 15) [P] i mieszaninę nawozów jednoskładnikowych [M] (saletra amonowa, superfosfat pojedynczy, sól potasowa). W drugim i trzecim odroście stosowano nawożenie azotem w formie dolistnej (20%, 30%, 40% roztwór mocznika) i dokorzeniowej (saletra amonowa). Dawki azotu wynosiły: 27,6 kg⋅ha-1 (N1), 41,4 kg⋅ha-1 (N2), 55,2 kg⋅ha-1 (N3). W każdym roku badań zebrano po trzy pokosy. W runi łąkowej określono zawartość potasu i sodu. Nawożenie nawozem wieloskładnikowym powodowało wzrost zawartości potasu w roślinach, a nawożenie mieszaniną nawozów jednoskładnikowych przyczyniło się do wzrostu ilości sodu. Dolistne dokarmianie roślin azotem w formie roztworu mocznika spowodowało większy wzrost zawartości potasu i sodu w porównaniu z nawożeniem dokorzeniowym saletrą amonową (niezależnie od zastosowanego rodzaju nawożenia podstawowego). Analizując zawartość potasu w roślinach w zależności od dawek i rodzaju nawożenia uzupełniającego azotem, stwierdzono, że najwięcej tego składnika było w roślinach nawożonych dolistnie dawką 55,2 kg⋅ha-1 azotu (N3), natomiast najmniej w przypadku zastosowania dolistnie dawki 41,4 kg⋅ha-1 (N2). Analiza zawartości sodu w roślinach w zależności od dawek i rodzaju nawożenia uzupełniającego azotem wykazała, że najwięcej tego składnika było w roślinach z poletek nawożonych dolistnie dawką azotu 27,6 kg⋅ha-1 (N1), natomiast najmniej w przypadku dawki 41,4 kg⋅ha-1 (N2) zastosowanej dokorzeniowo.
In a pot experiment conducted in a greenhouse, the effect of CCC Bercema growth inhibitor to reduce vegetative shoot growth of perennial ryegrass and cocksfoot was studded. The experiment was set up in triplicate. Growth regulator was applied once, in a form of an aqueous solution. The following experimental objects were specified: control object, Bercema with a concentration of 10%, 20% and 30%. Ten measurements were performed every 3 days. The study was conducted under conditions of 12-hour artificial light daily. The results were statistically analyzed using two-factorial variance analysis . It was found that the greatest shoot growth reduction of ryegrass due to the highest inhibitor concentration (B- 30%), but for cocksfoot under the influence of the minimal concentration (B- 10%), compared to the control object. It has been noted that cocksfoot is more sensitive to the applied growth regulator, resulted in significantly greater inhibition of shoot regrowth than for ryegrass. In the experiment with the perennial ryegrass significant differences in the growth of shoots were found under the influence of inhibitor application at a concentration of 30%, compared to the control object. In the case of cocksfoot, all the concentration increases of Bercema inhibitor significantly differentiated the shoots regrowth.
Common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale F.H. Wigg) is perennial plant often step¬ping out in very large quantity in the sward of natural meadows. This species expands, enlarging its population very quickly. In the literature there is the lack of data related to influences of the common dandelion on plants growing in it’s neighbourhood. It is also unknown why this species creates large clusters. It may compete with different plants through the allelopatic influence. Therefore, the aim of this work was to test of the influence of water extracts from leaves and from the roots of common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) as well as soil extracts from the radicular layer of this species on the germination of the seeds and the initial growth of Red fescue (Festuca rubra L.). The investigative material came from leaves and roots of Taraxacum officinale and soil coming from the radicular layer of this species. It was applied most often in biotest experiments on germination. Red fescue was the tested plant. The germination energy of red fescue was the most braked through the plant extracts prepared from roots and leaves of Taraxacum officinale.
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