Preview: The ties between music and philosophy are strong and venerable, as they date back to the very beginnings of the latter. According to the ancient tale, Pythagoras, when passing by a smithy one day, noticed that the hammers make sounds of different pitch and, more importantly, that some of the pitch combinations feel pleasant on the ear while the others sound rather harsh. Intrigued by this phenomenon, the ancient sage began to further investigate it with the so called monochord (being just a plank with a string attached to it which could be shortened at any chosen position to alter the pitch). Thus he discovered that the successions of two sounds that sound pleasant (or, to use a more technical term, consonant) could be achieved if the string is being shortened by 1:2, 2:3 or 3:4. Pythagoras could not be more satisfied with this finding, as it proved his claim that the universe is, on its hidden and true level, based upon an intelligible mathematical structure, and, moreover, that a key to understanding this structure is the Holy Tetractys, a figure representing the first four natural numbers in the form of a regular triangle.
Preview: Technology is everywhere. Whether we like it or not, technology in its manifold forms permeates all aspects of the contemporary world. Its boom is no longer limited to the “developed” countries, on the contrary, it can be observed that often poorer regions and communities are more eager to employ the most up-to-date solutions (take for example the rapid development of paying via smartphone technology in the countries of Africa where credit card infrastructure is still absent).
The essay presents an attempt at characterizing contemporary music’s culture by identifying a dialectical tension between “modern” and “postmodern” currents in it. After initial considerations on the manifold usages of the term “postmodernism,” five composers’ approaches will be analyzed: John Cage, Philip Glass (and other minimalists), Bernhard Lang, Mauricio Kagel and Johannes Kreidler. However different they may be from one another, all these composers are being interpreted as undermining, in various ways, the practice and theoretical background of modernist avant-garde music.
Głównym urządzeniem mierzącym dokładność pomiaru stosowanym w transporcie drogowym jest tachograf cyfrowy. Należy on do grupy urządzeń On Board Recording Devices, których rozwój datuje się niemal od czasów przedwojennych. Pierwszym krajem, który wprowadził obowiązek stosowania tachografu były USA. W artykule przedstawiono główne założenia funkcjonowania urządzenia, które zostało wprowadzone rozporządzeniem Rady WE nr 2135/98 z dnia 24 września 1998 r., a z początkiem maja 2006 r. wdrożone na obszarze Unii Europejskiej. Historia tachografu cyfrowego jednoznacznie pokazuje, że urządzenie jest poddawane różnym manipulacjom, a pierwotne założenia, które miały ułatwić kontrolę czasu pracy kierowcy i odczyt innych danych mają się nijak do rzeczywistości. Aby zapobiec nadużyciom wprowadzono system kluczy kryptograficznych oraz certyfikaty przechowywane w kartach i urządzeniach, umożliwiające tworzenie wyraźnych praw użytkowników i autentycznych danych zapisanych na kartach inteligentnych. Pomimo zastosowania zaawansowanych systemów bezpieczeństwa, jedynym zaobserwowanym sposobem zwiększenia dokładności pomiaru z tachografu cyfrowego jest jedna z zaproponowanych metod, która zabezpieczy w nowy sposób urządzenie rejestrujące, ale co najważniejsze zwiększy dokładność pomiaru i wykluczy odstępstwa. Ma to na celu zwiększenie bezpieczeństwa transportu drogowego.
Cryptography is a field of science necessary to solve problems with encryption of classified messages. The security of electronic information is an integral part of the digital tachography system. From year to year, there is a noticeable increase in electronic data logging systems in many aspects of life. The control measures created for the purpose of performing roadside checks are not sufficient to detect all violations in the recording equipment. Many violations that have occurred during the use of the vehicle are stored in the device’s memory. The article describes the basic mathematical rules illuminating cryptography. The hazards to which the motion sensor installed in the vehicle may be exposed are described. Breaking safety in transport systems may lead to incorrect results of inspections carried out while the vehicle is stopped by authorized services. The article also provides information on the authorities responsible for issuing cards for digital tachographs. Nowadays, documents are increasingly issued with the use of a digital signature. The digital signature of its origin is based on the principles of cryptography. The security key seems to be complicated for the average user. The article discusses the topic of tachograph construction, in particular the schematic responsible for information encryption.
The duty of applying recorders in the road transport was implemented in states of the European Union on regulations (EWG) no. 3820 / 85 on harmonizations of some social welfare legislation referring to the transport, which was changing with regulation (EWG) no. 3821/85 on recorders applied in the road transport. The duty of implementation of the digital tachograph is also considered in the context of improving road safety. Through the analysis of the records of the registering devices can be defined in each specific case of speeding by more than the allowable value in the area. Technical requirements for your device recorded in the resolution, which defines the main parameters, are measured, among things other, the traversed path length of the car, speed, time driving, other periods of work, politeness of the driver and the correct operation of the check authorized for those authorities. At present led Regulation (EU) No 165/2014 of European Parliament establishing requirements concerning structure, checking, installation, use and repairs of tachographs and their building blocks is implementing the second generation of the digital tachographs connected with the device GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System). Organizing the early detection from a distance is showing data officers from the digital tachograph and information concerning mass and mass falling on the wasp of the entire team of vehicles. Experience in work, economic pressures and competition in transport has led the drivers through a transport company in the event noncompliance, and in particular, in relation to the driving time and breaks. This article contains responsibilities after part rest on the drivers of vehicles takes the issues of system security and optimum performance of recording devices.
Digital tachographs as devices recording the work of a lorry and driver’s work are a constant factor in the work of a professional driver. It is therefore important to preserve the security of recording and storing electronic information. In this matter, cryptography also becomes an inseparable field of science. The control services set up to conduct roadside inspections do not detect all violations in the recording devices by encrypting information in information systems. One of the frequent vehicle operating parameters that can be falsified are the speed of the vehicle and its rotational speed, as well as the time and efficiency of the driver’s work. These parameters affect the amount of fuel consumption. The reduction of fuel consumption translates directly to the reduction of harmful substances emitted by the car to the environment. Variable compression engines are becoming the future of motoring in the case of internal combustion engines. It is noticeable that there are more frequent deliberate of regulations; and more violations rules concerning the proper functioning of recording devices by recording driver activity. Current methods of preventing violations are insufficient. The article points out the violations related to the actual rotational speed of the crankshaft of the internal combustion engine in relation to the vehicle speed profile, which is directly related to the fuel consumption and the emission of harmful substances. The article describes the ways to reduce fuel consumption, of which the correct driving technique is important in addition to the previously marked parameters. The factors that increase the awareness of professional drivers in the aspect of proper driving techniques are described.
The article presents the issues of the research method in assessing the impact of tire wear on the error of measuring digital recording devices used in heavy goods vehicles. The information related to the occurring measurement error in mounted digital recording devices has been presented in the driver's cab, analysis of detected violations in road transport related not only directly to the measurement error and solving the problem with the proposed research methodology. Finding out how to solve the problem is associated with fewer violations in road transport.
W artykule zaprezentowano problematykę metody badawczej w ocenie wpływu zużycia ogumienia na błąd pomiaru cyfrowych urządzeń rejestrujących zastosowanych w pojazdach ciężarowych. Przedstawiono informacje związane z występującym błędem pomiarowym w cyfrowych urządzeniach rejestrujących zamontowanych w kabinie kierowcy, analizę wykrytych naruszeń w transporcie drogowym związanym nie tylko bezpośrednio z błędem pomiarowym oraz rozwiązanie problemu z proponowaną metodyką badawczą. Poznanie rozwiązania problemu wiążę się z mniejszą ilością występujących naruszeń w transporcie drogowym.
The present article discusses the process of optimizing the structure of artificial neural networks applied in modelling the wear of spheroidal graphite cast iron (SG cast iron). The networks were trained using the RPROP gradient method with the application of the SNNS package supported by original self-developed software, which enabled automatic creation, training and testing of networks with different sizes of hidden layers. Based on the results of an analysis of learning process and testing a package of 625 networks, the network was selected which – when modelling the process of spheroidal cast iron wear – generates the slightest errors during testing.
W pracy przedstawiono proces optymalizacji struktury sztucznych sieci neuronowych użytych do modelowania zużycia żeliwa sferoidalnego. Sieci uczono metodą gradientową RPROP przy użyciu pakietu SNNS wspomaganego autorskim oprogramowaniem, które umożliwiało automatyczne tworzenie, uczenie i testowanie sieci o różnych wielkości warstw ukrytych. Na podstawie analizy wyników procesu uczenia i testowania pakietu 625 sieci dobrano tę, która modelując proces zużycia żeliwa sferoidalnego generuje najmniejsze błędy podczas testowania.
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