Keywords: demography, population growth, birth ratesSummaryThe article presents the demographic situation in the European Union. Demographicchange or a decrease in the birth rate and an aging population have a hugeimpact on the entire economy. The problem of an aging population is a globalproblem, growing proportion of elderly people, and birth rates are low.
Program „Family 500 Plus” was launched in Poland on April 1st, 2016 and is to help families in children’s upbringing by means of providing a monthly benefit of 500.00 PLN for the second and each next child in the family. In this article the author presents his own research results with regard to collecting opinions about using this new social benefit by eligible families. The research was conducted among families of the Płock subregion.
Program „Rodzina 500 Plus” realizowany jest w Polsce od 1 kwietnia 2016 i ma za zadanie pomóc rodzinom w wychowaniu dzieci poprzez comiesięczne świadczenia wychowawcze na drugie i każde kolejne dziecko w rodzinie w wysokości 500 złotych. W niniejszym artykule zostały zaprezentowane wyniki badań własnych dotyczące zebrania opinii na temat wykorzystania nowego świadczenia wychowawczego Program „Rodzina 500 Plus” przez rodziny uprawnione. Badanie przeprowadzono wśród rodzin z subregionu płockiego.
The article presents a problem and differences of financial liquidity and profitability. The survey of financial liquidity and profitability, underwritten by the College of Economics and Social Sciences of Warsaw University of Technology, was conducted on Płock Subregion enterprises. The survey concerned cash flow management, receivables controlling, trade credits, different payments and receivables. The results of the conducted survey indicate that the majority of companies from the subregion of Płock suffer several problems and despite a wide range of possibilities of using different tools for the management of receivables, the respondents do not use them efficiently. The survey has shown that most of them applies only the most popular, simplest and cheapest solutions, but, consequently the least efficient.
The aim of the paper is the analysis of the household use of durables in Poland and other European countries. Relatively, the highest amount of money for household furnishing with durables was spent by the Bulgarians and the Italians (more than 7% of the total household expenses). In Poland, the highest expenditure occurred for the wealthiest households and those where the head of the household had a university degree while the least money was spent in numerous-family households. The best equipped households (quantity wise) were such that had one or two children and those where the household head had a university degree. The cluster analysis allowed distinguishing household groups of similar durables ownership level. These groups may be treated as consumer segments. The presented analyses also indicate the trends of the Polish consumers regarding the possession of durables.
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