The trophic state of ten dam reservoirs was assessed using a zooplankton community. In order to determine the trophic state of dam reservoirs, we used indices calculated on the basis of density and species structure of Rotifera and Crustacea communities. Samples were collected once during summer 2012 in ten dam reservoirs. The largest numbers of zooplankton taxa were found in a lowland high meso-eutrophic dam reservoir (Koronowski) and the lowest ones in a submontane low eutrophic dam reservoir (Lubachowski). The trophic state was determined for the investigated dam reservoirs. In the case of the Rotifera community, the percentage of the tecta form in the Keratella cochlearis population and the proportion of high-trophic species in the total species density were the best indices to describe the water trophic status. In the case of the crustacean community, the best indices were the density of Crustacea and the biomass of Cyclopoida. The high value of all indices calculated on the basis of density and species structure of Rotifera and Crustacea was determined for Zygmunt August Lake, whose trophic status was defined as highly eutrophic to polytrophic. Our study has shown that zooplankton could be a good ecosystem indicator of the water trophic level in dam reservoirs.
W kwietniu 2012 roku podczas badań hydrobiologicznych i ichtiobiologicznych prowadzonych w zbiorniku powyrobiskowym „Stara Kredownia” w Dolinie Trzciągowskiej na obszarze Wolińskiego Parku Narodowego stwierdzono obecność dwóch objętych ochroną ścisłą gatunków traszek: 27 dorosłych osobników traszki grzebieniastej Triturus cristatus i jednego dorosłego osobnika traszki zwyczajnej Lissotriton vulgaris. Bezrybny zbiornik „Stara Kredownia” posiada unikatowe walory przyrodnicze, w tym cenne siedliska dla rozrodu i rozwoju traszek. Takich siedlisk w Polsce jest coraz mniej i warto je chronić, by zachować zagrożony gatunek
During hydrobiological and ichthyological studies carried out in April 2012 in the artificial water reservoir “Stara Kredownia” in the Trzciągowo Valley in the Wolin National Park, two strictly protected newt species were identified: 27 adult northern crested newts Triturus cristatus and one common newt Lissotriton vulgaris. The artificial fishless water reservoir “Stara Kredownia” has unique natural characteristics, including valuable habitats for breeding and development of newts. Such habitats are disappearing in Poland and therefore they should be protected to preserve endangered species
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