In a two-factor pot experiment the impact of applied diverse doses of municipal sewage sludge and equal dose of wheaten straw, with and without supplemental mineral N and NPK fertilization, on some fertility properties of soil was assessed. The soil used in the experiment was acid brown incomplete soil (good rye complex). The grass - Festulolium - was the test plant, harvested four times and in the second year - common sunflower and blue phacelia. After the harvest of phacelia, the pH (in 1 M KG), the content of total nitrogen, total carbon and the available forms of P, K and Mg were analyzed. Fertilization with sewage sludge and straw failed to have a significant influence on the change of the soil pH. However, all doses of sewage sludge + straw, in comparison with the control, significantly increased the content of total carbon (from 31.8 to 37.8%) and total nitrogen (from 34.3 to 52.2%) in the soil. There was significantly more phosphorus available in the soil from all the objects with sewage sludge and straw than in the soil from the control object (from 8.2 to 21.6%), while the content of potassium was higher only in the soil from the object with 1.5% of sewage sludge + straw and magnesium at the highest dose of sewage sludge. The mineral N and NPK fertilization, used against the background of sewage sludge and straw, did not have asignificant impact on the shaping of the analyzed soil fertility indicators.
The pot experiment was set up under the conditions of the hall of vegetation in 2002. The municipal sewage sludge and composts produced with the GWDA method in 2001 based on municipal sewage sludge with the 30% addition of structuring materials, in conversion to the dry matter, were used in the experiment. The pot experiment was set up with the split-split-plot method in three repetitions. The objects of the first factor were the doses of sewage sludge and composts (1 dose = 13 g , 2 dose = 26 g, 3 dose = 39 g, 4 dose = 52 g of dry matter in relation to the soil weight in the pot), the objects of the second factor were the types of organic fertilization (sewage sludge, 0,5-year compost prepared from sewage sludge, 1,5-year compost prepared from sewage sludge), objects of the third factor were the variants with and without nitrogen and potassium fertilization in the rates of 0.27 g N and 0.26 g K per pot. The experiment was conducted in Kick-Brauckmann's pots of 9 dm3 capacity in which 8 kg of soil were placed. The test plant cultivated in the experiment was Miscanthus sachariflorus. Seedlings of Miscanthus were planted in the first year of the experiment. The obtained results show that the content of macronutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium in straw of Miscanthus sachariflorus was not dependent on the type of organic fertilizers used in the experiment. However, supplemental nitrogen-potassium fertilization significantly increases the content of potassium in the test plant in all three years of research and nitrogen in the second year. The conducted research shows that the uptake of macronutrients depended on the dry matter yield quantity and the content of a given element in the yield. Within three years the straw of Miscanthus sacchariflorus took up the most of potassium - 11.63 g from the pot and the least of magnesium 1.20 g from the pot. The amount of the absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and magnesium by the biomass of Miscanthus sacchariflorus from the pot on the objects fertilized with organic fertilizers was the highest in the second year of the research, which was a result of mineralization of the applied fertilizers.
In the years 2002-2004 vase experiment was conducted in conditions of a hall of vegetation. The municipal sewage sludge was used for research as well as composts produced in the year 2001 with GWDA method, prepared from sewage sludge with 30% addition of structure-forming materials in conversion to dry matter. The test plant was Miscanthus sacchariflorus. The aim of the research was the assessment of heavy metal content in soil in the third year after the application of sewage sludge and composts prepared from sewage sludge of different time of decomposition (0.5-year and 1.5-year). In the third year of experiment significant in content of total forme of copper, manganese and forms soluble in 1 mol HCl·dm⁻³ of cadmium and lead was noticed on objects fertilized with 1.5-year compost. The scale of changes depended on doses and type of the applied organic fertilizer. The dose of sewage sludge and composts prepared from sewage sludge at a rate of 52 g per vase caused a significant increase of the total and forms soluble in 1 mol HCl·dm⁻³ of copper, manganese, nickel and zinc in soil. The analised participation of form soluble in 1 mol HCl·dm⁻³ in the total content of heavy metals can be ranked in the following way: Pb>Cd>Zn>Mn>Cu>Ni.
W 2002 roku przeprowadzono doświadczenie wazonowe w warunkach hali wegetacyjnej. Do badań użyto komunalny osad ściekowy oraz wyprodukowane w 2001 r. metodą GWDA komposty na bazie komunalnego osadu ściekowego z 30% dodatkami materiałów strukturotwórczych, w przeliczeniu na suchą masę. Rośliną testową była trzcina chińska Miscanthus sacchariflorus. Określono zawartość metali ciężkich w glebie w trzecim roku po zastosowaniu osadu ściekowego i kompostów z komunalnego osadu ściekowego o różnym czasie rozkładu (0,5-roku i 1,5-roku). W trzecim roku badań w glebie na obiektach nawożonych kompostem 1,5- rocznym nastąpił istotny wzrost zawartości form ogólnych miedzi i manganu oraz form rozpuszczalnych w 1 mol HCl·dm⁻³ kadmu i ołowiu. Wielkość zmian zależna była od wielkości dawki oraz od rodzaju zastosowanego nawozu organicznego. Dawka osadu ściekowego i kompostów z osadu ściekowego wynosząca 52 g na wazon istotnie zwiększyła zawartość form ogólnych oraz rozpuszczalnych w 1 mol HCl·dm⁻³ miedzi, manganu, niklu i cynku w glebie. Analizując udział formy rozpuszczalnej w zawartości ogólnej metali ciężkich, pierwiastki te można uszeregować następująco: Pb>Cd>Zn>Mn>Cu>Ni.
W dwuczynnikowym doświadczeniu wazonowym oceniano wpływ bezpośre-dni i następczy łącznego stosowania zróżnicowanych dawek komunalnego osadu ściekowego (0,5, 1,0, 1,5 i 2,0% s.m. osadu w stosunku do 6 kg s.m. gleby w wazonie) i stałej dawki słomy pszennej (30 g s.m. na wazon), bez i z dodatkowym nawożeniem mineralnym azotem i NPK, na wielkość plonu i zawartość azotu, fosforu i potasu oraz na wykorzystanie azotu przez rośliny testowe. Podłoże w doświadczeniu stanowiła gleba brunatna kwaśna, niecałkowita (kompleks żytni dobry), a rośliną testową w pierwszym roku badań była trawa - Festulolium, którą zebrano czterokrotnie, a w drugim roku słonecznik zwyczajny i facelia błękitna. Nawożenie komunalnym osadem ściekowym łącznic ze słomą pszenną wpłynęło na znaczne zwiększenie plonu roślin zarówno w działaniu bezpośrednim, jak i następczym. Średnie zwyżki sumy plonu suchej masy Festulolium z czterech pokosów wahały się od 98 do 259% (działanie bezpośrednie), a sumy plonu słonecznika zwyczajnego i facelii błękitnej od 17,9 do 44,2% (działanie następcze). Nawożenie mineralne azotem, stosowane na tle osadu i słomy, zwiększyło plon trawy o 27,4%, a NPK o 38,4%, zaś sumę plonu słonecznika i facelii odpowiednio o 15,7 i 35,5%. W porównaniu z obiektem kontrolnym, w działaniu bezpośrednim, istotny wzrost średniej ważonej zawartości azotu w Festulolium uzyskano od dawki 1,0% osadu + słoma, a fosforu i potasu na obiektach z dawkami 1,5 i 2,0% osadu + słoma. W działaniu następczym osad ze słomą, zwiększył w słoneczniku i facelii zawartość wszystkich analizowanych składników. Jednak istotne zwiększenie zawartości azotu, fosforu i potasu stwierdzono w facelii, a w słoneczniku tylko fosforu, z tym że na obiektach z większymi dawkami osadu. Nawożenie mineralne azotem i NPK wpłynęło tylko na statystycznie udowodniony wzrost zawartości azotu w obu roślinach. Średnie wykorzystanie azotu z osadu i słomy przez rośliny testowe w okresie dwóch lat wahało się od 36,2 do 42,7%, z czego na działanie bezpośrednie przypadło od 30,0 do 37,2%, a na działanie następcze od 5,4 do 6,9%.
In a twofactor pot experiment the impact of direct and sequent effect of total applied diversified doses of municipal sewage sludge (0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0% dry matter sewage sludge in relation to 6 kg dry soil matter in the pot) and constant dose of wheat straw (30 g dry matter per pot) with and without the supplemental mineral fertilization with N and with NPK on the crop yield and on the content of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and also on the utilization of nitrogen by test plants was evaluated. Soil substratum in the experiment was incomplete brown acid soil (good rye complex), test plant in the first year was Festulolium - harvested four times, in the second year - common sunflower (Helianthus annuus) and blue phacelia (Phacelia tanacetifolia). Total fertilization with municipal sewage sludge and wheat straw significantly increased the yield of plants, both in direct and sequent influence. Mean increase of the yield sum of dry matter of Festulolium from four cuts oscillated from 98 to 259% (direct influence), whereas the yield sum of common sunflower and blue phacelia from 17.9 to 44.2% (sequent influence). Mineral fertilization with nitrogen applied on the background of sewage sludge and straw caused 27.4% increase of grass yield, whereas mineral fertilization with NPK caused 38.4% increase, while the yield sum of common sunflower and blue phacelia increased about 15.7 and 35.5%, respectively. In direct influence a significant increase of weighted mean content of nitrogen in Festulolium was obtained from a dose of 1.0% of sewage sludge + straw and of phosphorus and potassium on objects with doses 1.5 and 2.0% of sewage sludge + straw in comparison with control object. In sequent impact sewage sludge with straw increased the content of all analyzed components in common sunflower and blue phacelia. However, a significant increase of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content was observed in blue phacelia, while in common sunflower only phosphorus increased on objects with higher sewage sludge doses. Mineral fertilization with nitrogen and with NPK only influenced statistically proved increase of nitrogen content in both plants. Mean utilization of nitrogen from sewage sludge and straw by test plants during two years oscillated from 36.2 to 42.7%, of which direct impact included 30 to 37.2% and sequent impact 5.4 to 6.9%.
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