Artykuł zawiera informacje na temat metodyki opracowania bibliografii specjalnych i terytorialnych oraz omówienie i merytoryczną charakterystykę piśmiennictwa rejestrowanego w dotychczas opracowanych bibliografiach polskich i niemieckich poświęconych tematyce pomorskiej ludności rodzimej.
The article contains the information regarding the methodology of creating special and territorial bibliographies as well as an overview and a constructive specification of the literature recorded in the currently researched Polish and German bibliographies devoted to the native Pomeranian populace.
Soils from the Lublin area exposed to low-stack emission from home heating and transport were investigated. Changes in soil enzymatic activity and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) content were analysed. Soil samples were collected in July and November 2016 and January 2017. Results of the study show that enzymatic activity and PAHs content depended on types of buildings, study period (intensification of pollutant emission from household heating), traffic volume and atmospheric air movement. Low enzymatic activities and high PAHs contents in the soils were observed in the autumn-winter period in the areas with dense single-family housing and located in the vicinity of streets with intense road traffic.
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