The aim of this contribution is to propose a new averaged 2D-model of non-homogeneous Reissner-Mindlin elastic plates with one-directional periodic structure. So far, the averaged 2D-models of periodic plates were formulated on the basis of the known asymptotic homogenization theory in the framework of which the effect of repetive cell size on the overall plate behaviour is neglected. To remove this drawback the tolerance averaging of the plate equations was applied, cf. Woźniak and Wierzbicki (2000). It is shown that the aforementioned cell size effect plays an important role not only in dynamic problems (like for plates with two-directional periodic structure) but also in the quasi-stationary and stability problems. The obtained results are compared with those derived for the plates having a periodic structure in two directions as well as for the plates described in the framework of homogenization.
Modelowanie średniej grubości płyt o strukturze uniperiodycznej. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie nowego, uśrednionego dwuwymiarowego modelu niejednorodnych, średniej grubości (wg hipotezy Reissnera-Midlina) liniowo-sprężystych płyt o jednokierunkowej strukturze periodycznej. Dotychczas zagadnienia płyt tego typu były najczęściej rozwiązywane metodą homogenizacji asymptotycznej. Metoda ta pomija jednak wpływ powtarzalnego segmentu płyty na jej makromechaniczne własności. Dlatego też zastosowano metodę uśredniania tolerancyjnego równań płyty, która ten wpływ uwzględnia, a opisana jest np. przez Woźniaka i Wierzbickiego (2000). Wpływ wymiaru powtarzalnego segmentu płyty odgrywa istotną rolę nie tylko w dynamice, ale również w niektórych zagadnieniach quasi-stacjonarnych i zagadnieniach stateczności. Uzyskane równania porównano z równaniami wyprowadzonymi tą samą metodą modelowania dla płyt o średniej grubości o dwukierunkowej strukturze periodycznej oraz z modelem zhomogenizowanym asymptotycznie
Today, the number of cyclotrons operating in the world largely exceeds 200. The field of uses covers production of radioisotopes for medicine, therapy by neutron and ion beams, nuclear, atomic and solid state physics research, material analysis and radiation damage studies, and production of intense neutron beams for present and future purposes. Despite this diversity, continuing efforts driven by both research laboratories as well as commercial firms result in a series of improvements in the various techniques used in the design and operation of cyclotrons. This paper intends to draw the main directions of evolution in the following issues: injection and extraction systems, beam dynamics (including high intensity issues), magnetic and electric fields computation, as well as existing and possible future applications in medicine, production of energy, neutron spallation sources and transmutation technologies. The question of a possible resurrection of FFAG (Fixed-Field, Alternating Gradient) cyclotrons, a concept invented in the fifties, will be shortly brought up.
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The aim of this contribution is to propose a new non-asymptotic 2D-model of non-homogeneous Reissner type elastic plates with one-directional periodic (uniperiodic) structure. This model was obtained by tolerance averaging technique (TAA) describing effect of repetitive cell size l (and at the same time the period-length of in-homogeneity) on the overall plate behaviour. The new feature of the proposed model is the possibility to apply the analysis of plates having thickness of an order of the period-length. So far, the non-asymptotic 2Dmodel of Reissner-type uniperiodic plates was formulated under assumption that the plate thickness is very small compared to the period-length.
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