Since dormice usually use natural tree hollows or artificial nest boxes as nest sites and these nests are reused from 1 year to another, the present study investigated how the parasite loads from old nests affected the behaviour of the forest dormouse Dryomys nitedula Pallas, 1778. Dormice were subjected to three different experiments: 1. They were given the choice of a nest box infected with ectoparasites and a new unused nest box; 2. Dormice were given the choice of a treated (uninfected) previously used nest boxes and previously used nest box that was infected; and 3. Using infrared motion sensor cameras, we tested weather they preferred to avoid nest boxes when only infected nests were available. The results revealed that the females with pups are pickier when choosing the nursery site. These preferred empty nest boxes or nest boxes with treated nests instead of the infested ones. However, non-breeding adults and sub-adults showed indifference to the flea infestation of the nest.
A slightly modified version of the celebrated Nirenberg problem concerning expanding maps is considered. A positive answer is given for a type of lattice-expansive operators in discrete Hilbert lattices. Our approach is motivated by the study of the infinite systems of nonlinear equations.