Th author submits to a critical analysis the argument of the hole, which has been formulated by Einstein and later developed by Earman and Norton. The aim of the analysis is an evaluation of the assumption made in the argument and the possibility of avoiding its indeterministic consequences. It turns out that it is a particular form of substantivalism assumed by Earman and Norton which is responsible for the indeterministic consequences of the argument. It follows that those consequences can be avoided by rejecting either substantivalism as a whole or its particular form accepted by both authors. None of the non-substantivalist interpretations proposed can be accepted, including also the one that Earman himself has tried to develop. The presented forms of the structural substantivalism and the substantivalism rejecting the transworld identification of points are hardly aceptable, either. Hence, there are two alternatives left: either one of the versions of essentialism or else instrumentalism, i.e. giving up doing ontology. Since the author regards instrumentalism as cognitively fruitless, he prefers the first option.
This paper attempts to demonstrate that the conviction about the harmony and order of the world was a fundamental metaphysical principle of the Pythagoreans. This harmony and order were primarily sought in the structures of arithmetics, yet following the discovery of incommensurable magnitudes (irrational numbers, as we now call them), the Pythagoreans began to see geometrical structure as a fundamental part of the world. On the example of the Pythagoreans’ metaphysics and science, the paper shows the mutual relations between metaphysics and science. It demonstrates-on the one hand-the necessity of the first as a guide for the latter, and-on the other-how our scientific research can change its basic metaphysical principles when these are found to be inappropriate. The paper also tries to show the need for a realistic approach in our scientific research by means of the same example of the Pythagoreans, that is, the need to discern something which is below the surface appearance.
Artykuł ten stara się pokazać, iż podstawową zasadą metafizyczną pitagorejczyków było przekonanie o harmonii i porządku świata, które miały się najpierw przejawiać w jego strukturze arytmetycznej, zastąpionej następnie po odkryciu wielkości niewspółmiernych (czyli liczb niewymiernych, jak je nazywamy obecnie) strukturą geometryczną. Na przykładzie metafizyki i nauki pitagorejskiej artykuł pokazuje wzajemne związki pomiędzy metafizyką i nauką. Dowodzi z jednej strony niezbędności tej pierwszej dla tej drugiej, dla której pełni rolę przewodnika, z drugiej zaś pokazuje, w jaki sposób poszukiwania naukowe mogą nas zmuszać do modyfikacji wyjściowej metafizyki wówczas, kiedy ta jest nietrafna i nie sprawdza się w badaniach naukowych. Artykuł ten stara się też wykazać na przykładzie pitagorejczyków niezbędność realistycznego podejścia do poznania, czyli konieczność wyjścia poza to, co jest dane w zjawiskach.
The article explores the strategy of reconciliation of the idea of objective flow of time with science. In the first part of my paper, I analyze different conceptions of the passage of time and ponder on how we should understand it. The second part is de-voted to the problem whether there is the passage of time in science.
The paper, which is a continuation if my earlier paper devoted to the problem whether there is the flow of time in science, analyses the possibility of the reunion of the idea of passage of time and the theory of relativity.
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