The authoress of the paper gives arguments concerning expediency of usage of three-components conjunction ('positions & dispositions & practices') in multidimensional analysis of stratification orders according to which macro-sociological approach (positions and dispositions) are combined with micro-sociological (practices). In other words, structural approach is complemented with everyday routine and innovational practices, as well as with cultural perspective, since practices are connected with a lifestyle and certain subcultures.
In the article, social inequality is examined as a certain aggregate of stratification orders which is constantly reproducing in any society. The conjunction of 'positions & dispositions' is dominant within research of stratification orders. It enables to explain the behavioral specifics of definitely operating individuals and associations as bearers of certain habitus (which is a combination of dispositions). Hence the stratification orders are the positions hierarchically organized on the basis of certain number of inequalities criteria determining the (higher or lower) place occupied by agents (individual, group, and stratum) in social stratification of society. Dispositions are the product of past experience, and they are present in social agents as schemes of perception, thought and action. The position of associations in a social structure is formed on the basis of all aggregate of stratification orders which methodologically and methodically are grounded by researcher within the framework of certain theoretical paradigm or approach.
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