Esej dotyczy belektrystycznej twórczości niektórych pisarzy debiutujących po 1989 roku (A. Stasiuk, P. Siemion, W. Kowalewski, Z. Kruszyński, K. Varga). Analiza przestrzeni miejskiej w ich powieściach i opowiadaniach na podstawie trzech chronotopów (Bachtin) – centrum, ulica, droga – pozwala zdefiniować pewne cechy bohatera literackiego oraz sposób narracji. W polskim literackim mieście epoki postsocjalistycznej już nie ma śladu flâneura: zastąpiony postacią wędrowca lub uciekiniera, bohater polskich fikcji literackich gubi się w ośrodkach miejskich, które przyjmują specyficzne cechy labiryntu. W tym można doszukiwać się przyczyny ponownego powodzenia i przywrócenia wartości paradygmatu podróży w nowej polskiej prozie.
This essay concerns the fiction works of some Polish writers who made their literary debuts after 1989 (A. Stasiuk, P. Siemion, W. Kowalewski, Z. Kruszyński, K. Varga). Analysis of the urban space in their novels and tales based on three chronotopes (Bachtin) – center, street, road – serves to define certain characteristics of the hero and of the literary narrative mode. In the Polish literary city of the post-socialist era, there is now no trace of the flâneur: replaced with the figure of a wanderer or fugitive, the hero of Polish literary fiction is lost in urban centers that take on the unique characteristics of the labyrinth. In this can be sought the reason behind the revived popularity of the theme of travel in the new Polish prose.
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This paper is focused on a volume of short essays and notes by Maria Kuncewiczowa entitled Notatki włoskie. Przezrocza (Italian notes. Slides) from 1985. The first part is devoted to the evolution and the literary realizations of the Italian journey, starting from 1918, in order to offer an interpretation of the place occupied by Kuncewiczowa’s work in the panorama of contemporary Polish literature. In the second part, the author analyzes the genesis and genre of this literary text, recognizing its characteristics as a silva rerum, a traditional formal model of Polish literature which experienced renewed fortune in the second half of the twentieth century. The third part of the essay constitutes its thematic core: the author analyzes the image of Rome in all its many facets, relating it to the writer’s poetics and worldview.
The author’s analysis of Arrigo Boito’s contacts with Poland and Polish culture has produced two categories of findings: one biographical, which can be reconstructed through the study of his correspondence, and the other one relating to literature and music. The first section of the present paper is devoted to the state of research on Polish inspirations in this Italian writer and composer’s works. The focus of the second section, dedicated to the analysis of Polish references in the artist’s published and unpublished letters, is the organizational role played by Arrigo Boito in the 1895 delivery of an urn containing Tadeusz Kosciuszko’s heart to the Polish museum of Rapperswil.
The article focuses on some aspects of city space in novels and tales of Polish writers (Huelle, Chwin, Kowalewski, Krajewski) debuting at the end of the 1980s. The works analyzed can be included in the typological category of so-called urban prose (proza urbanistyczna) since architectural background is strongly emphasized in their literary world in order to achieve maximum spatial realism through the detailed description of specific places. The article aims to define how the literary description of cities that have become part of the Polish state since World War II follows a broader project of historical-cultural roots and city genius reconstruction.
From the end of the 19th century up to this day Italian literature offers a negative representation and a critical judgment of the Risorgimento era. This fundamental and foundational moment of Italy’s history is seen by writers as a kind of failed revolution, a farce intended to “change everything so that nothing changes”. A closer look at the production of historical novels about this age shows that especially the narrative of southern authors, and primarily that of Sicilians, conveys this critical idea to the nation. The present study relates to a novel with a postmodern setting of the Risorgimento – Night’s Lies (1988) by Gesualdo Bufalino. The reflection starts from the typological analysis of the novel and then seeks to establish, on the one hand, the similarities and differences in reference to the historical novels of the Risorgimento and, on the other, the principles of the vision of history and literature characteristic of this Sicilian author.
Iwaszkiewicz and Italian poetry: imitation and translation – Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz’s great interest in Italian literature has been articulated essentially on three levels: essayist, intertextual and translational. In my article I intend to analyze the third level, concentrating on two of five poems by an Italian poet Salvatore Quasimodo translated by Iwaszkiewicz for a 1961 anthology and a Francesco Petrarca impression included in Iwaszkiewicz’s famous poetry cycle Sonety sycylijskie (Sicilian Sonnets, 1937). The aim of this study is to highlight some aspects of Iwaszkiewicz’s translating practice and their relation with the ideas on poetic translation that the writer expressed in his texts.