Improving the efficiency of electricity generation is the main way to reduce fossil fuels consumption and carbon dioxide emission. Development of technology of coal-fired power units 50 plus for advanced ultra-supercritical steam parameters gives new opportunities. However, exceeding the unit net efficiency barrier of 50% except the increasing steam parameters requires also the modifications of the power unit cycle configuration. In the paper is presented conception of 900 MW power unit for ultra-supercritical steam parameters of 700/720°C with waste heat recovery from the boiler exhaust gases. The calculations were carried out for the hard coal fired unit and lignite fired unit. In the case of hard coal fired power unit due to the low exhaust flue gas temperature (110°C) the use of waste heat recovery system offers slight improving of the boiler efficiency and the efficiency of electricity generation. Significant potential exists in the case of the lignite fired units, where the exhaust loss from the boiler is much higher (exhaust gas temperature 170°C). In the paper is presented thermodynamic analysis of two variants of the waste heat recovery in the steam cycle. In the first variant the heat of the boiler exhaust flue gases from the air heater outlet is used to heat up the water in the low pressure feed water system. In the second considered variant the part of the boiler exhaust flue gases is taken before the air heater and its used to heat up the water in the high pressure feed water heaters system.
Poprawa sprawności wytwarzania energii elektrycznej jest podstawą redukcji zużycia paliw kopalnych oraz ograniczenia emisji dwutlenku węgla. Rozwój technologii bloków węglowych 50 plus na zaawansowane parametry ultra-nadkrytyczne pary otwiera nowe perspektywy. Przekroczenie bariery 50% sprawności netto bloku poza zwiększeniem parametrów pary wymaga również modyfikacji struktury samego obiegu. W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję bloku węglowego 900 MW na zaawansowane ultra-nadkrytyczne parametry pary 700/720°C z odzyskiem ciepła ze spalin wylotowych. Obliczenia przeprowadzono dla bloku opalanego węglem kamiennym oraz węglem brunatnym. W przypadku węgla kamiennego ze względu na niską temperaturę spalin wylotowych (110°C) zastosowanie odzysku ciepła odpadowego daje niewielkie zyski dla poprawy sprawności energetycznej kotła oraz sprawności wytwarzania energii elektrycznej. Znaczny potencjał istnieje natomiast w przypadku bloków opalanych węglem brunatnym, gdzie strata wylotowa z kotła jest większa (temperatura spalin 170°C). Przedstawiono analizę termodynamiczną dwóch wariantów wykorzystania ciepła odpadowego w obiegu. Pierwszy zakłada wykorzystanie ciepła spalin wylotowych zza kotłowego podgrzewacza powietrza w układzie regeneracji niskoprężnej, drugi pobranie części spalin sprzed kotłowego podgrzewacza powietrza.
The paper presents a thermal-economic analysis of different variants of a hard coal-fired 900 MW ultra-supercritical power unit. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of the parameters of live and reheated steam on the basic thermodynamic and economic indices of the thermal cycle. The subject of the study was the cycle configuration proposed as the "initial thermal cycle structure" during the completion of the project "Advanced Technologies for Energy Generation" with the live and reheated steam parameters of 650/670 [degrees]C. At the same time, a new concept of a thermal cycle for ultra-supercritical parameters with live and reheated steam temperature of 700/720 [degrees]C was suggested. The analysis of the ultra-supercritical unit concerned a variant with a single and double steam reheat. All solutions presented in the paper were subject to a detailed thermodynamic analysis, as well as an economic one which also included CO2 emissions charges. The conducted economic analysis made it possible to determine the maximum value of investment expenditures at which given solutions are pro.table.
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This paper presents the calculations for different configurations of a 900 MW power unit for advanced 700/720°C ultra-supercritical steam parameters with a single and double steam reheat. The use of such high parameters, especially the reheated steam temperature, involves thermodynamic and material problems related to high temperature differences in the feed water heaters. In relation to this, a concept of the modification of the feed water heaters system by using an auxiliary extraction-backpressure turbine fed with steam from the cold reheat steam line is presented. The steam from the bleeds and the turbine outlet is directed to regenerative heaters fed in the classical system from the intermediate pressure turbine, which reduces the temperature differences in these exchangers and simplifies the main turbine IP part structure.
The paper presents a thermal-economic analysis of a 900 MW coal-fired power unit for ultra-supercritical parameters with internal steam reheat. The subject of the study was the cycle proposed as the "initial thermal cycle structure" during the completion of the project "Advanced Technologies for Energy Generation" with the steam parameters of 650/670 [degrees]C/30 MPa. Two configurations of internal reheat were analysed: with a fourand seven-section exchanger. The effect of reheat on the operation of the power unit under a partial load was also analysed, and preliminary calculations of the heat exchange area of the internal reheat were made.
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The main way to improve the efficiency of a new power plant is to increase the live steam parameters. The paper presents a review of a design of an ultra-supercritical steam cycle. The steam turbine configuration for a selected ultra-supercritical application depends mainly on the number of reheats, the power unit rating, the site back pressure characteristics, number of bleeds. Increasing the live steam parameters usually constitutes the greatest contribution to the rise in the efficiency of a power unit, but the sum of efficiency gains related to the application of other solutions can also be significant.
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The presented paper concerns the steady and transient CFD analysis of the last stage of steam turbine 13K215. The aim of these studies is to investigate the flow instabilities and losses which appear in the flow. The studies were performed with the use of commercial software Ansys-CFX12. The FFT analysis was done which allows to calculate the amplitude and frequency of the main components. Additionally, on the basis of the steady analysis, the stage efficiency as well as the places of the losses generation were estimated.
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