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The MCDA technique has been extensively and successfully applied for supporting decision making in negotiation processes. The mostly used techniques SAW, AHP or TOPSIS are based on direct preference information which requires from negotiator a clear and precise definition all the parameters of the preference model (e.g. issue weights, option rates, aspiration and reservation values etc.), so those techniques can be successfully applied in well-structured negotiation problems. But, many real negotiation problems are illstructured, that means that the negotiation space is imprecisely defined, and the negotiator’s preferences the vagueness or imperfect. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the potentials and the applicability the UTA method, one of the techniques based on indirect preference information, in evaluation of negotiation offers, especially in ill-structured negotiation problems. The UTA (Jacquet-Lagreze and Siskos, 1978, 1982, 2001) is a multicriteria decision making method which is based on the linear programming model for inferring additive utility functions from a set of representative decision data. The example is also presented to elaborate and demonstrate the holistic judgment and the usefulness UTA approach for evaluation negotiation offers.
This paper described the main idea of the MACBETH approach and M-MACBETH software to multicriteria negotiation analysis. The MACBETH is based on the additive value model and requires only qualitative judgments about differences of attractiveness to help a decision maker quantify the relative value of options or criteria. The main goal of this procedure is to support interactive learning about evaluation problems and to provide the recommendations to select and rankordering options/criteria in decision making processes. We proposed to use MACBETH methodology as well M-MACBETH software to support ill-structure negotiation problems, i e. evaluation of negotiation offers in an environment with uncertain, subjective and imprecise information and not precisely defined decision makers preferences. An numerical example showing how M-MACBETH software can be implemented in practice, in order to help a negotiator to define numerical values of options/criteria based on verbal statements and next build a scoring system negotiation offers taking into account different types of issues in negotiation problems is presented. More detail we describe the main key points of M-MACBETH software related to structuring the negotiation model, building value scales for evaluation negotiation packages, weighting negotiation issues and selected elements of sensitivity analyzes.
The Negotiation Support Systems often implement multiple criteria decision aiding (MCDA) techniques for building a negotiation scoring system. Those formal models should meet the needs, motivations, expectations, and cognitive abilities of users. In this paper, we try to explore the effects of decision maker’s subjective perception of ease of use, time requirements, interface, preference representation, and efficiency of a particular MCDA method on the choice regarding the future use of this method. The multinomial logistic regression model is built and analysed. The analysis is based on data from online decision making experiments, where three MCDA methods were implemented, i.e. AHP, SMART, and TOPSIS. The study provides several interesting findings, concerning the behavioural aspects of multiple criteria decision aiding in software support systems. Most of the users recommended TOPSIS as the best one for supporting decisions in the future. This is a fast technique, for which we used an attractive graphical interface, suggesting that these factors play a crucial role in the users’ choices. However, the causative regression model showed that the user’s positive experience in using a particular method, i.e. its effectiveness in solving an exemplary numerical case, has the highest impact on the method’s choice for future use. The second most important factor is the adequacy in representing the user’s preferences by this method. We show, however, that the strengths of effects and their significance may vary across the methods. Understanding the decision maker’s evaluations of the MCDA techniques may help build a cognitive negotiation support system that satisfies the user’s expectations.
In this article, the authors show several of the links between the social theory of judgment and choice, which is an integral part of generalized game theory (GGT), and the seminal work of Herbert Simon (1955; 1956; 1967) and Daniel Tversky and Amos Kahneman (1974; 1981). Although Simon and Tversky and Kahneman made occasional references to 'norms' and the social situation, neither of the approaches particularly recognized or stressed the social conditions of judgment and choice. Social institutional and role concepts as well as 'sacrality' and human passions were basically alien ideas (although Simon (1967) wrote an important paper on emotions and choice). Such social science concepts are part and parcel of social choice theory (a core part of GGT). This short paper cannot fully elaborate on all of these matters. The authors limit themselves on a few 'social facts' that play a critical role in human judgment and choice. It presents applications elaborating on the Simon and Tversky and Kahneman conceptualizations, but also identifying important differences. This serves to define in part the generality and scope of GGT. The emphasis in this paper is on different choice models arising under different contextual conditions. The human world is characterized by a pluralism of models (but a pluralism which is finite). The article provides a formulation of several distinct context-dependent choice models - in this sense, it is a generative theory - distinguishable in terms of the properties of elementary judgment and judgment modalities. Some models represent classical determinate decision theory with full quantification and commensurability of evaluative judgments; and the principle of the maximization of expected value (or utility) is applied to choice and decisions. Other models involve judgments which are quantified or non-quantified but not commensurable and integratable and where actors apply special algorithms of multi-criteria decision-making. Still other models involve non-quantification and noncommensurability but partial ordering of value judgments on diverse dimensions with actors using particular algorithms to make judgments and reach choices. In general, this paper applies GGT in the spirit of Simon and Tversky and Kahneman to multi-value (multi-criteria) choice as a part of complex decision-making processes. The paper provides illustrations of several new types of choice models.
Celem opracowania jest ocena wewnętrznego zróżnicowania województw Polski w zakresie kształtowania się ładu instytucjonalnego w latach 2005-2014. Ocena terytorialnego zróżnicowania poziomu ładu instytucjonalnego została przeprowadzona dzięki zastosowaniu analizy konwergencji typu sigma, która polega na ocenie dyspersji badanego zjawiska w czasie, a także metod wielowymiarowej analizy porównawczej. Do porządkowania województw wykorzystano dynamiczne mierniki syntetyczne oparte na zmodyfikowanej formule unitaryzacji zerowanej, jak również metodę Warda – procedurę tworzenia grup podobieństw między obiektami. Badania pokazały dość duże zróżnicowanie województw w zakresie kształtowania się ładu instytucjonalnego, brak stabilności rankingów otrzymanych za pomocą wskaźników syntetycznych oraz zmienność delimitacji regionów uzyskanych metodą Warda w latach 2005-2014. Liderem w zakresie kształtowania się ładu instytucjonalnego w badanym okresie było województwo warmińsko-mazurskie, natomiast ostatnią pozycję zajęło województwo łódzkie.
The aim of this paper is to assess the regional diversification of institutional development of Polish voivodeships in 2005-2014. The assessment of territorial diversification of institutional level is conducted by using sigma convergence analysis which depends on evaluating the dispersion of a researched phenomenon in time and by means of multidimensional comparative analysis methods. To rank ordering voivodeships modified formula of variable aggregations based on zero unitarization method is used and Ward method, procedure of forming the clusters of similarities between objects, is applied. The study shows a relatively high level of diversification of voivodeships as regards their institutional order, as well as a lack of stability of rankings which are obtained by means of synthetic measures. The study also presents the variability of regional delimitation obtained through Ward’s method. Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship is the leader in the context of institutional order in the studied period, while Łódzkie Voivodeship closes the ranking.
The aim of the paper is to use soft modelling and TOPSIS method in order to divide voivodeships in terms of the competitiveness level of companies. The paper verifies the hypothesis implying that the usage of two various research methods does not have considerable impact on the position of objects depending on the analyzed characteristic. The concluding part of the paper includes the comparison of the results of grouping objects obtained using the selected methods. The elaboration makes use of data from the year 2014. The results obtained on the basis of these two methods enabled the presentation of the competitiveness level of companies in urban functional areas in Poland as well as the possibilities of achieving competitive advantage by means of using additional funds from the European Union for the improvement of the conditions of their functioning.
Powodzenie ekonomiczne inwestycji w sektorze przedsiębiorstw jest obarczone różnymi czynnikami ryzyka. Ocena wniosku o udzielenie kredytu lub dofinansowanie projektu inwestycyjnego jest złożonym problemem, wymagającym wnikliwej i wielokryterialnej analizy. Przy czym zadanie jest jeszcze trudniejsze, gdy dotyczy oceny wniosków przedsiębiorstw dopiero zaczynających swoją działalność. W opracowaniu zaprezentowano autorską propozycję modelu wielokryterialnego oceny wniosków dotacyjnych oraz pożyczkowych przedsiębiorstw rozpoczynających działalność gospodarczą opartą na metodzie UTA (Utility Additive) uwzględniającą trzy kryteria: doświadczenie zawodowe osoby planującej rozpoczęcie działalności gospodarczej, ocenę biznes planu przedsięwzięcia oraz ocenę dotychczasowej współpracy z bankami wnioskodawcy. Na wstępie opisano zbiór referencyjny będący podzbiorem wariantów decyzyjnych, na którym wyznaczono preporządek zupełny na podstawie wiedzy eksperckiej. Metodę UTA wykorzystano następnie do budowy modelu, który umożliwia ocenę decyzji na całym zbiorze wariantów. Użyteczność modelu została zweryfikowana z wykorzystaniem danych z wniosków pożyczkowych w Funduszu Przyjaznym Przedsiębiorczości działającym w jednym z banków spółdzielczych w województwie podlaskim.
Companies starting their business activity have the opportunity to obtain start-up funding using various financial instruments. Due to the fact that start-ups are new entities without any history of operations, the evaluation of support applications is a difficult task and requires taking into account a large range of expert knowledge. The paper presents a multi-criteria model of evaluation of grant and loan applications submitted by companies commencing business activity, based on the UTA method. This model takes into account three criteria: professional experience of the person planning to start a business, assessment of business plan of the project, and assessment of the applicant's previous cooperation with banks. The usefulness of the model is verified using data from loan applications submitted by borrowers under the Enterprise Friendly Fund, operating in one of the cooperative banks in Podlaskie Voivodeship.
W opracowaniu przeprowadzono wielowymiarową analizę porównawczą poziomu rozwoju społecznego województw Polski w kontekście postępów realizacji koncepcji zrównoważonego rozwoju w roku 2005 oraz 2013. Do analizy zastosowano metodę porządkowania liniowego TOPSIS oraz metodę porządkowania nieliniowego Warda. Metody te dzięki łącznej analizie odpowiednio dobranych wskaźników cząstkowych pozwoliły: ocenić ogólny poziom rozwoju województw, ustalić ich ranking, wyodrębnić w miarę jednorodne grupy regionów o podobnym poziomie rozwoju społecznego. Pokazano, że w 2013 roku w stosunku do 2005 roku nastąpił wzrost ogólnego poziomu rozwoju społecznego we wszystkich województwach. W opracowaniu wykorzystano dane Banku Danych Lokalnych GUS.
The research presents multidimensional analysis of the level of social development of Polish voivodeships in the context of practicing the concept of sustainable development in 2005 and 2013. The analysis is based on the use of TOPSIS method of linear ordering and Ward’s method of non-linear ordering. The multi-method approach resulted in the assessment of the general level of development of the studied voivodeships, their ranking, classification according to their social advancement, and spatial and temporal trend change analysis within the area of interest. The results show that the year 2013 is characterized by high level of social development of all studied voivodeships as compared to 2005. The research uses the data from Local Data Bank of Central Statistic Office of Poland (GUS).
W opracowaniu zaprezentowano podstawowe wskaźniki obrazujące poziom nakładów na działalność B+R oraz strukturę ich finansowania w Polsce na tle krajów Unii Europejskiej. Dokonano oceny zróżnicowania poziomu oraz zmian trendów działalności B+R i innowacyjności w ujęciu województw Polski w latach 2005-2011 z wykorzystaniem wskaźników indywidualnych, a także dwóch metod taksonomicznych: metody TOPSIS i metody Warda. Otrzymane wyniki potwierdziły to, że województwo mazowieckie jest liderem we wszystkich rankingach i regionem zdecydowanie wyróżniającym się wśród pozostałych województw. Dla większości regionów Polski zaobserwowano zróżnicowanie zajmowanej pozycji w rankingu, jak również zmianę przynależności tych województw do różnych skupisk w badanych latach.
In the paper basic indicators depicting/describing the level of the expenditures on R&D activity and the structure financing them in Poland against the background of EU countries are presented. An assessment of diversifying the level and changes of trends in R&D activity and innovativeness in voivodships in Poland during the period 2005-2011 by making use of individual indicators as well as two taxonomical methods: TOPSiS and Ward’s methods has been done. Received results confirm that mazowieckie voivodship is the leader in all rankings and firmly comes the other provinces off. For the majority of regions in Poland diversifying the filled position in the ranking, as well as the change of the membership of these provinces in different clusters in examined years were observed.
Game theory can be viewed as an important contribution to multi-agent modeling, with widespread applications in economics and other social sciences. This paper presents two distinct approaches to extending – sociologizing – classical game theory: firstly, a system/institutional approach – social science game theory (SGT), and secondly, Erving Goffman’s interactionist approach (I-game theory). The two approaches are presented and compared; they are also contrasted with the classical theory. The article ends by concluding that due to the social science game theory, sociologists and social scientists are no longer forced into the classical straightjacket with its hyper-rationality, anomic players, and the absence of any social fabric (institutional and cultural formations). Moreover, the new game theory offers a reliable toolbox of social science concepts and methods for describing, analyzing, and explaining highly diverse interaction phenomena. We claim that those two approaches have already proved themselves useful for investigating and modeling a variety of interaction processes including cooperation, conflict, and negotiation.
When evaluating or ordering alternatives concerning given multiple criteria, decision-makers often use aspiration and reservation levels for criteria, which allows them to define some reference alternatives that build a common framework for the evaluation. In this paper, new multiple criteria approach, called distances to aspiration reference points (DARP), is presented, which can be implemented in a specific evaluation or ranking problem when many different aspiration levels should be taken into consideration. One example of such problem is measuring sustainable development of countries or states within the Union. In DARP, to measure the performance of alternative (state), the notion of distances between alternative and individual or common aspiration reference points is used. To manage the problem of different reference points, a modified max-min normalisation technique is proposed. DARP application for measuring smart growth of the EU countries is conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Głównym celem pracy była ocena funkcjonalności oraz akceptowalności trzech metod wielokryterialnego wspomagania decyzji: SMART, AHP, TOPSIS, uzyskana w wyniku przeprowadzonego eksperymentu. Do badania wykorzystano kwestionariusz ankiety elektronicznej zaprojektowanej jako hybryda klasycznego internetowego system sondażowego i systemu wspomagania decyzji. Uczestnikami eksperymentu było 1477 studentów sześciu polskich uczelni. Jako najprostszą, najszybszą w użyciu oraz posiadającą najbardziej intuicyjny interfejs wskazano metodę TOPSIS, a najbardziej pracochłonną – metodę AHP. Wyniki badań mogą być pomocne w wyborze metody wsparcia decydenta przy rozwiązywaniu problemów decyzyjnych, tak by dokonany wybór uwzględniał jego ograniczenia poznawcze, jak również sposób analizy preferencji, czasochłonność oraz uwarunkowania techniczne metody.
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