Reaktory z przepływem nieciągłym, nazywane SBR, to takie reaktory, do których ścieki surowe dopływają w sposób ciągły, a odpływają do odbiornik okresowo, najczęściej jeden lub dwa razy na dobę. Klasyczny reaktor SBR to zbiornik wyposażony w układy napowietrzania, mieszania i pomiarowe, np. poziomu i stężenia tlenu. Reaktor SBR jest jednocześnie reaktorem i osadnikiem wtórnym. Osad czynny w takim reaktorze poddawany jest stałemu obciążeniu, co jest jedną z najważniejszych przyczyn niekorzystnego zjawiska tzw. puchnięcia osadu wywołanego nadmiernym rozwojem bakterii nitkowatych.
In the paper the new paradigm for structural optimization without volume constraint is presented. Since the problem of stiffest design (compliance minimization) has no solution without additional assumptions, usually the volume of the material in the design domain is limited. The biomimetic approach, based on trabecular bone remodeling phenomenon is used to eliminate the volume constraint from the topology optimization procedure. Instead of the volume constraint, the Lagrange multiplier is assumed to have a constant value during the whole optimization procedure. Well known MATLAB topology based optimization code, developed by Ole Sigmund, was used as a tool for the new approach testing. The code was modified and the comparison of the original and the modified optimization algorithm is also presented. With the use of the new optimization paradigm, it is possible to minimize the compliance by obtaining different topologies for different materials. It is also possible to obtain different topologies for different load magnitudes. Both features of the presented approach are crucial for the design of lightweight structures, allowing the actual weight of the structure to be minimized. The final volume is not assumed at the beginning of the optimization process (no material volume constraint), but depends on the material’s properties and the forces acting upon the structure. The cantilever beam example, the classical problem in topology optimization is used to illustrate the presented approach.
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Autorzy pracy podejmują problematykę zmian w podejściu do pozyskiwania i utrzymywania kapitału ludzkiego w Siłach Zbrojnych RP w zestawieniu ze zmianami w środowisku bezpieczeństwa. Wskazują na ideę Wojsk Obrony Terytorialnej jako antidotum na taktykę „zielonych ludzików” zastosowaną przez Rosję podczas aneksji Krymu w 2014 r. oraz rozwiązania wprowadzone ustawą z dnia 11 marca 2022 r. o obronie Ojczyzny i program zwiększenia liczebności Wojska Polskiego jako element budowy potencjału wojskowego będącego elementem skutecznego odstraszania. Do osiągnięcia celu, to jest wzrostu liczebności SZ RP do ok. 300 tys. żołnierzy, konieczna była systemowa zmiana w obszarze rekrutacji oraz form i zasad pełnienia służby wojskowej. Wskazanie na nowoczesne - nadążające za rozwojem współczesnych pokoleń - rozwiązania oraz wzrost atrakcyjności służby w organizacji uchodzącej dotychczas w opinii wielu za konserwatywną jest istotą niniejszego opracowania.
The authors of the work take up the issue of changes in the approach to acquiring and maintaining human capital in the Polish Armed Forces in comparison with changes in the security environment. They point to the idea of the Territorial Defense Forces as an antidote to the “little green men” tactics used by Russia during the annexation of Crimea in 2014, as well as the solutions introduced by the Act of March 11, 2022 on defense of the homeland and the program to increase the size of the Polish Army, as an element of building military capability as an element of effective deterrence. To achieve the goal, i.e. to increase the size of the Polish Armed Forces to approx. 300,000 soldiers, a systemic change in the area of recruitment as well as the forms and principles of military service was necessary. Pointing to modern - keeping pace with the development of modern generations - solutions and increasing the attractiveness of service in an organization considered by many to be conservative is the essence of this study.
The article presents a method of transferring topological optimization results directly to CAD system. The devel- oped method is based on sequential removal and addition of material, ignoring lesser fragments of the model. The input data includes coordinates of nodes imported from the model of finite element method optimized object. The algorithm is able to recognize geometry patterns during material addition and subtraction. Based on the results of the recognition process, individual 3D features are placed in CAD design tree (like „Feature Manager” design tree in Solidworks, used in the procedure described in the article below). Thus, the described algorithm allows for convenient and quick editing of transferred geometry of the optimized object directly in the CAD environment. The algorithm was tested on various examples of 2D and 3D models. The execution code of the presented method was written in Python programming language, and the macro for the CAD program was written in VB.NET. The proposed solution is independent of the optimizer used.
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