The article discusses the issue of the origins of Jesuit missions in Greater Poland and presents their essential features on the example of the mission in Krobia. Another relevant topic undertaken in the study is the arrival of the Jesuits in Obra in 1852 and the fate of their community until 1855 when they were forced to abandon the post-Cistercian monastery. Apart from the pastoral activity of the monks, their contacts with landed gentry in Greater Poland are also characterized.
Angelo Maria Durini był nuncjuszem w Rzeczypospolitej w latach 1767– 1772. Historycy nieraz zastanawiali się, czy tylko reprezentował stanowisko papieża, czy też wychodził poza jego instrukcje. Postawa Duriniego dyplomaty oraz stosunki z opozycją antykrólewską zdają się sugerować nie tyle przekraczanie kompetencji, co jednostronne podejście do papieskich dyrektyw, którym nieobca była koncepcja kompromisu.
Angelo Maria Durini was papal nuncio in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1767–1772. Historians have asked more than once whether he only represented the position of the pope or whether he exceeded his instructions. The attitude of the diplomat Durini and his relations with the anti-royal opposition seem to suggest not so much overstepping his authority as a one-sided approach to papal directives that were quite familiar with the concept of compromise.
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