The firm's liquidity is of distinct interest to creditors, as it indicates the ability to cover outstanding obligations when they are due. There are untold examples of companies being forced into receivership because they have become illiquid despite otherwise good operating results. Net working capital is of interest primarily for internal control, but the current ratio and acid test should be seen in relation to figures commonly accepted in the particular industry.
The article describes the specificity of dentistry services market, demonstrating the activities of the public and private sectors. A detailed analysis was conducted regarding the use of dentistry services on the basis of various criteria. An attempt was made to establish the costs of dentistry health care incurred by the Health-Insurance Fund and the National Health Fund for the insured in the years 2003 - 2004. The article presents also average spending on dentistry health care incurred by an average household. The last part of the article concerns the employment of dental surgeons.
The Polish banking law, unequivocally conditionals allowing the credit up from credit capacity of credit holder defined as ability of paying back the taken credit with its interest in the terms deiinited by the agreement. Approximately, to the law regulations, the banks during the rating of the credit capacity use two criteria. The first one is universal and uniformal, therefore, it concerns the control of bank dues at a fixed time. The second one on ther other hand, the financial and economic rating of the credit holder is not uniformally predetermined and allows various analitical approaches from each bank given separetely. As a rule, it is indicated for necessity of rating the economical and ńnancial situation, by the means of two groups of criteria, which are objective criteria (measurable, quantitative), and the subjective criteria (unmeasurable, qualitative). Nevertheless, choice of the criteria, their rating and value, is up from the bank. The application of the method up to those selected matters, banks estimate in their own rangę on the account of acquired experiences, using other banks models, especially foreign banks.
The aim of the article was to demonstrate other than purely medical factors that influence the choice of a dentist's surgery by patients. The specificity of medical services was presented here. The demand for medical services was noted as well. The factors that influence patients' behavior in the market and on the decisions made by them. This information is of a significant importance for those managing the Health Clinics.
For today's economy, information is a factor that affects the company's value as much as traditional production factors: capital, or labour. Next to land, labour and capital, information is considered the fourth production factor, performing various functions, dependent on its use, management level, managers' foresight and activity, and the complexity of the activity's results. Greater value of information results from more intense competition on all the levels and dimensions of business activity. The market economy is characterized by a constant process of interplay between the supply and demand created by market players, hence a great demand for clear, synthetic and relatively comparable information. The economic situation of the company, as well as the conditions specific for the industry also affect the company's results. To maximize the economic effect of the information, the companies should develop fast-reaction systems supported by computer science, which would reduce the gap between the tasks. The information is gathered usually in the environment, hence it is of great importance to realise that not all the company's information needs are rational, and that their full satisfaction leads to an enormous increase in real costs of its acquisition. It is also significant to distinguish between the needs related to decision-making, and the information needs themselves.
The article refers to problems connected with the occurrence of risk, which is appearing during business activities. It contains classification of risk types, witch the present day company is most exposed to. The right estimation of risk is an indispensable condition of the correct estimation of cash flows and expenses connected with realization of examined investment projects and the right qualification of present net values of these undertakings. The estimation of risk and its influence is one of the most important elements in the calculation of the profitability of these undertakings.
The article encloses verification of qualitative criteria in the estimation of the economic entrepreneurs credit ability in the chosen commercial bank. The survey material were rated qualitative reports of the credit takers who lead the whole accountancy, to whom the amounts of credits granted was above 10,000 PLN between 2002-2003. In the verification of qualitative criteria among the care takers was done a review of dominant answers, which got the highest and the lowest points level and the ones left out by the credit inspectors.
Every economic performance requires capital, both owner's equity and liabilities. Using of provides a company with most stability and financial independence. Though in practice financing of company performance based only on owner's equity is not sufficient. Capital taken from outside usually is necessary. In many cases the liabilities are indispensable to run an enterprise successful. In addition this capital enhance the profitability of owner's equity-and gives the effect called as leverage.
The article encloses the verification of financial indicators done in the estimation of economic entrepreneurs credit ability in the chosen commercial bank. The survey material were rated financial reports of the credit takers who lead the whole accountancy, to whom the amounts of credits granted was above 10,000 PLN between 2002-2003. The two substantive verifications of financial indicators of the estimated credit takers in the arrangement od "previous" and "new" bank's methodology were done (effective value and admited points).
Wskaźnik innowacyjności polskiej gospodarki jest jednym z najniższych w Europie. Niniejsze opracowanie prezentuje możliwości wdrażania przedsięwzięć innowacyjnych, przy wykorzystaniu różnych źródeł finansowania. Uzyskanie dostępu do nich wymaga posiadania odpowiednich pomysłów oraz właściwego przygotowania projektów. Praktyka potwierdza, że wymaga to dysponowania odpowiednio kwalifikowanymi ekspertami na etapie tworzenia koncepcji projektów jak również w czasie ich realizacji. Należy podkreślić znaczenie procedur formalnych, w tym w szczególności związanych z etapem rozliczania projektów. Dostępne źródła finansowania przedsięwzięć innowacyjnych dają możliwość realizacji dużych projektów o znaczeniu międzynarodowym, o czym świadczy podany w opracowaniu przykład oraz projektów wdrażanych przez podmioty należące do sektora MŚP, które wymagają szczególnego zainteresowania ze strony instytucji wspierających innowacyjność. Uczestnictwo w Unii Europejskiej stwarza możliwość korzystania z różnych źródeł finansowania przedsięwzięć o charakterze innowacyjnym, których realizacja wymaga współdziałania wszystkich zainteresowanych podmiotów.
The study presents actual level of creativity of polish economy, comparing with other European Union countries. There were also presented current directons of pro-innovative policy in Poland and possiblities of implementation of innovative enterprises, using various sources of financing. The effective use of financial sources needs approppriate ideas, proper preparing of projects, both in formal and in essential sense, and appropriate implemantation of projects, as well. The practice and experience confirm, it requires qualified consultans on the stage of preparing drafts of projects and implementation of projects. There must be pointed out, the significance of formal procedures, especially on the stage of accounting of projects. Available financing sources of innovative enterprises, give a real possibility of implementation of large projects of international importance, what has been presented by the example in the study, and projects of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, which need special care from the institutions supporting creativity. Participation in UE creates a chance to benefit from various financial sources of innovative enterprises with a participation of all the concerned subjects.
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