Ukraiński dyskurs dokonał tożsamości narodowej i jest w dużym stopniu naznaczony interesem politycznym czy ideologicznym jego aktorów i nie zawsze oparty jest na racjonalnych/obiektywnych argumentach. Motywowany jest też dążeniem jego aktorów do uzyskania przewagi w czasie kampanii wyborczej, interesem państw sąsiadujących. Postawiona w artykule hipoteza jest realizowana poprzez analizę tak zwanej polityki historycznej państwa ukraińskiego.
To a considerable extent, the Ukrainian discourse can be associated with the national character by putting a stress on either political or ideological interests of discourse participants. Hence, the participants’ motivation is driven at gaining advantage over opponents during an election campaign. So, the presented in the article hypothesis is to be verified through the analysis of the so-called historical politics of the Ukrainian State.
The objective of the present paper is to define the determinants and instruments associated with the information (hybrid) war between Russia and Ukraine. The paper focuses on measures taken by Russia, between 2013 and 2015, in relation to Ukraine. The paper does not aspire to discuss the issue comprehensively, but constitutes an attempt at outlining the problem, indicating determinants and characteristics of the information war (information war as an element of hybrid warfare). The consolidated Russian information space is subordinated to the interests of authorities and draws heavily from the tools characteristic for propaganda, frequently relying upon the Soviet model. In addition, this is done with the view of re-establishing the “Russian World” (Русский мир), which would be wholly subject to Russia’s political interests. Moreover, Russian propaganda goes hand in hand with military actions – a conventional conflict in South-Eastern Ukraine.
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