The article includes description of aeolian accumulation forms located south of the Chott Jerid. The research was undertaken along a 250 km long transect. Forms of forced accumulation dominate in the eastern and western parts, (the nebka type forms in the east and tamarisk hills in the west). In the middle part (closer to the chott) forms of free accumulation dominate - mainly barchans or barchanoidal dunes. Sedimentological analysis of aeolian sands and substratum sediments allow to assess the aeolian transport path as well as the sediment source. Granulometric indices and mineral-lithological analysis showed that the researched forms are built with allochthonous quart grains. In some places share of local gypsum grains in dunes (originated from the local substratum) increases. Complex analysis show that sedimentological features of the dunes depend on the distance from the chott. Additionally it can be stated that the type of the dune is related only to a minimal degree with sedimentological features of the building material.
In the teaching of geography, outdoor lessons should be one of the most important items. Usually geography teachers are asked to take part in trips to cities like Kraków, Zakopane, Gdańsk merely as tutors, rarely as methodological assistance. Geography teachers are able to analyse numerous teaching items in the city, especially in the area of economic geography. For instance: • Location and development of cities in Poland; • Population in Poland (ageing of society); • Social problems; • Changes in the Polish economy after 1989; • Advantages and disadvantages of various energy sources; • Tourism in Poland; • Problems with traffic in big cities.
W nauczaniu geografii nieodzownym elementem powinny być zajęcia terenowe, w czasie których uczniowie mieliby możliwość zweryfikowania wiedzy podręcznikowej z rzeczywistością, zdobycia pewnych praktycznych umiejętności, takich jak dokonywanie pomiarów czy odczytów. Nauczyciele natomiast mogliby ukierunkowywać dokonywane przez uczniów obserwacje oraz udzielać pomocy w interpretowaniu wyników.
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