BackgroundEmergency medical staff (EMS) are a professional group at a high risk of burnout and an imbalance between work and private life, the so-called work–life balance (WLB). This affects their mental state and physical health. The aim of the study was to assess the relationship between the number of hours of work and the state of health as well as coping with the stress among emergency medical staff, as factors conditioning the maintenance of WLB.Material and MethodsThe study involved 129 people employed in the medical emergency sector. The study was conducted as a diagnostic survey using tools such as: the Mini-COPE Inventory for Measuring Coping with Stress, a specially designed questionnaire regarding the work schedule, and sociodemographic data.ResultsThe examined people were able to manage stress in an active way, and they most often rated their health as good. Most of the respondents also received family support, and both men and women declared it. However, only about half of the respondents declared their satisfaction with the income earned. The correlation between the number of hours and age was r = –0.156 (p = 0.077), and that between the number of hours and physical health r = –0.12 (p = 0.171).ConclusionsGenerally, EMS are able to cope with stress and are satisfied with the support they receive from their families. However, the number of on-call times at work has a negative impact on their health status, which, together with a lack of satisfaction with the financial situation, may contribute to disturbed WLB. Further research on the WLB phenomenon, along with monitoring the number of working hours of people employed in emergency medicine, are recommended.
WstępPracownicy sytemu Państwowego Ratownictwa Medycznego (PRM) są grupą zawodową narażoną na duże ryzyko wypalenia zawodowego i zaburzeń równowagi między życiem zawodowym a prywatnym (work–life balance – WLB). Rzutuje to na ich zdrowie psychiczne i fizyczne. Celem badania była ocena zależności między liczbą przepracowanych godzin a stanem zdrowia i radzeniem sobie ze stresem jako czynnikami warunkującymi utrzymanie WLB u pracowników ratownictwa medycznego.Materiał i metodyW badaniu wzięło udział 129 osób zatrudnionych w PRM. Badanie przeprowadzono metodą sondażu diagnostycznego z wykorzystaniem Inwentarza do pomiaru radzenia sobie ze stresem (Mini-COPE) oraz autorskiego kwestionariusza dotyczącego grafiku pracy badanych i ich danych socjodemograficznych.WynikiBadane osoby w sposób aktywny potrafiły radzić sobie ze stresem i najczęściej oceniały swój stan zdrowia jako dobry. Większość badanych otrzymywała również wsparcie ze strony rodziny, jednak zadowolenie z osiąganego dochodu deklarowało już tylko około połowy z nich. Korelacja między liczbą przepracowanych godzin a wiekiem wyniosła r = –0,156 (p = 0,077), między liczbą przepracowanych godzin a subiektywną oceną zdrowia fizycznego była na poziomie r = –0,121 (p = 0,171).WnioskiPracownicy systemu PRM potrafią radzić sobie ze stresem i są zadowoleni z otrzymywanego wsparcia ze strony rodziny. Duża liczba dyżurów w pracy wpływa negatywnie na odczuwany przez badanych stan zdrowia, co wraz z brakiem zadowolenia z sytuacji finansowej może przyczyniać się do zaburzenia WLB. Zaleca się dalsze badania nad zjawiskiem WLB i monitorowanie liczby godzin pracy osób zatrudnionych w PRM.
Plant suspension cultures are described as a source for the acquisition of medicinal secondary metabolites which in the future may become an alternative to traditional raw materials. This study demonstrates that the cell cultures of one of the ginseng species – Panax quinquefolium L. synthesize ginsenosides, which are triterpene saponins having a multidirectional pharmacological effects. Tested suspension cultures were run on a small scale in the shake flasksand in scale up of the process in a 10-liter stirred tank. In the shake flasks,the highest biomass yield (2.28 gl-1 for dry and 33.99 gl-1 for fresh weight) was reached on day 30 of culture, and the highest content of saponins (2.66 mg g -1 dw) was determined on day 28 of culture. In the bioreactor, nearly 2.67 and 3-fold increase of respectively dry and fresh biomass was recorded in relation to the inoculum. Large-scale cultures synthesized protopanaxatriol derivatives such as Rg1 and Re ginsenosides, however, no saponins belonging to the protopanaxadiol derivatives were reported.
Panax quinquefolium L., belonging to the Araliaceae family, along with P. ginseng is one of the well-known species of ginseng. Multidirectional pharmacological action of this plant is attributed to triterpene saponins called ginsenosides. Pharmacopoeial raw material are roots obtained from the field crops which are time-consuming and require expensive agrotechnical procedures. Therefore, the new sources of ginseng biomass are sought such as in vitro suspension cultures. P. quinquefolium L. cell cultures, treated with the elicitation of methyl jasmonate (MJ) in concentration 50 and 250 μmol L-1, synthesize more ginsenosides than control cultures. The highest increase (2.2-fold) of all examined compounds was noted using 250 μmol L-1 MJ. In this condition, the predominantly quantitative metabolite was Rb1 ginsenoside belonging to protopanaxadiol derivatives.
BackgroundWhen assessing physical activity (PA), particular attention should be paid to medical university students who are taught to be health care professionals (HCPs) responsible for maintaining health in humans. However, different studies have shown that HCPs exhibit the same unhealthy behaviors as the general population. This study analyzed PA among medical university students of different faculties and their adherence to current PA recommendations.Material and MethodsData from 216 medical university students of physiotherapy, dietetics and pharmacy, including males (N = 44) and females (N = 172), the mean age of 22.3±1.8 years, were collected. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire in its long form (IPAQ-LF) was used to assess and classify PA behaviors. The results were analyzed in accordance with World Health Organization recommendations regarding PA.ResultsOver 60% of all the students were classified as active during all-day activity. However, while analyzing PA in different domains, the same shares of all the students were still insufficiently active during leisure time, and so they did not meet the recommendation of >75 min/week of vigorous PA, >150 min/week of moderate PA or an equivalent combination. All the students self-reported PA mainly in the work and transport domains. Generally, physiotherapy students were the most active and performed PA with higher intensity.ConclusionsThis study revealed a low level of leisure time PA among the students, and no habit of regular PA. Some changes in medical education should be suggested to include physical education as a long-term subject in medical school curricula. Future research is needed to investigate the exercise barriers that students perceive, which can guide future interventions aimed at improving their PA, and thereby impact on the quality of health care which they will provide.
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