The importance of the research described in this article arises from the problem of adapting the digital TETRA radio standard as an information exchange channel between track-side and on-board SIRDP-E (block system). The aim was to define the characteristics of the use of base stations and radio modem modules from different manufacturers. Of the proposed applications for digital radio equipment, the best result was achieved for the equipment of the manufacturer Hytera Communications Corporation Limited as a base station and radio modem modules. The research showed the effectiveness of the proposed method of determining qualitative combinations of TETRA standard digital radio communication equipment in SIRDP-Е system. The article may be useful for other manufacturers of digital radio communication equipment for railway signalling devices and railway operators in post-Soviet countries
Znaczenie badania opisanego w niniejszym artykule wynika z problemu dostosowania standardu cyfrowego radia TETRA jako kanału wymiany informacji między urządzeniami przytorowymi i pokładowymi SIRDP-E (system blokowy). Celem było określenie cech wykorzystania stacji bazowych i modułów radiomodemu różnych producentów. Spośród proponowanych zastosowań cyfrowego sprzętu radiokomunikacyjnego najlepszy wynik osiągnięto dla wyposażenie producenta Hytera Communications Corporation Limited jako stacji bazowej i modułów modemu radiowego. Badania wykazały skuteczność proponowanej metody określania jakościowych kombinacji urządzeń do organizacji cyfrowej komunikacji radiowej standardu TETRA w systemie SIRDP-Е. Artykuł może być przydatny dla innych producentów sprzętu do cyfrowej komunikacji radiowej dla sygnalizatorów kolejowych i operatorów kolejowych w krajach poradzieckich.
The paper considers developed and offered an effective algorithm for solving the block-symmetrical tasks of polynomial computational complexity of data processing modular block-schemes designing. Currently, there are a large number of technologies and tools that allow you to create information systems of any class and purpose. To solve the problems of designing effective information systems, various models and methods are used, in particular, mathematical discrete programming methods. At the same time, it is known that such tasks have exponential computational complexity and can not always be used to solve practical problems. In this regard, there is a need to develop models and methods of the new class, which provide the solution of applied problems of discrete programming, aimed at solving problems of large dimensions. The work has developed and proposed block-symmetric models and methods as a new class of discrete programming problems that allow us to set and solve applied problems from various spheres of human activity. The issues of using the developed models are considered. and methods for computer-aided design of information systems (IS).
The article herein presents a new technique of controlling the system of collecting, storing and processing the information from the solar collectors, which might be applied to heating the industrial and domestic compartments for hot water supply. The most profitable usage of the solar collectors in the industry is replacement of a human interference with wireless sensor nets. The solar collector standard system consumes in average 30% of the heat due to poor control and configuration. Our monitoring and control system allows upgrade the performance of heating the industrial and domestic premises by means of solar collector for hot water supply.
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