Dzisiejsza Perespa, to wieś położona w gminie Tyszowce, powiecie tomaszowskim, w województwie lubelskim. Swoimi korzeniami sięga co najmniej początków XVI wieku. Pierwsza informacja o tej wsi, mówiąca że była opuszczoną pochodzi z 1531 roku. Wiadomo, że funkcjonowała tam cerkiew prawosławna, która po raz pierwszy została odnotowana w 1570 roku. Działalność parafii prawosławnej potwierdzona jest przez dalszą cześć XVI wieku. Parafia unicka pw. św. Michała Archanioła była kontynuatorką parafii prawosławnej. Początkowo organizacyjnie przynależna była do dekanatu tyszowieckiego, zaś pod koniec XVIII wieku została włączona do protopopi z siedzibą w Grabowcu. Z analizy protokołów powizytacyjnych wynika, że świątynia w tej wsi była budowlą drewnianą, nie najgorzej zaopatrzoną w utensylia. Przy cerkwi była usytuowana dzwonnica i cmentarz. Parochowi do utrzymania służyły grunty orne i łąki, dzięki którym prowadził gospodarstwo, oraz różnorodne opłaty od wiernych. Duchowny miał do swojej dyspozycji plebanię wraz z zabudowaniami gospodarczymi. Dla badanego okresu ustalono personalia siedmiu proboszczów i określono, że szacunkowa liczba parafian wahała się pomiędzy 300 a 375 duszami.
Perespa is a tiny village located in Tyszowce gmina (country commune) that lies within the administration of Tomaszów poviat (county) in Lubelskie Voivodship (District). Its roots date back to at least the beginning of 16th century. The first written record about this village claiming it to be abandoned dates back to 1531. However, it is recorded that the Orthodox church functioned there according to the note from 1570. The operation of the Orthodox parish throughout the remaining years of 16th century was also later confirmed. The Uniate parish of Saint Michael the Archangel was the successor of the Orthodox parish. In the beginning, in terms of jurisdiction it belonged to the protopope in Grabowiec. In accordance with the post-visitation protocols the Orthodox church appears to have been wooden and quite well equipped with ecclesiastical utensils. Also, there was a wooden bell tower and a cemetery by the church. Not only did a paroch (parish priest) have some arable land and grassland at his disposal to cultivate and support himself but also he collected various fees from the parishioners. Furthermore, he also was in possession of a parsonage and ancillary buildings. The personal details of past seven parochs presiding at this church in the period this research focuses on has been established whereas the average number of parishioners for the same period that fluctuated with the time is estimated at between 300 and 375.
The history of the village of Klatwy, the seat of the Saints Cosmas and Damian Uniate parish, dates back to at least fifteenth century. In 1462, due to the incorporation of the Duchy of Belz into the Kingdom of Poland, the village of Klatwy became part of the Starosty of Tyszowce and as a royal village functioned until 1768 the first partition of Polish- Lithuanian Commonwealth, Klatwy was annexed by the Habsburg Empire, then it became part of the Duchy of Warsaw and following the joint resolutions of the Congress of Vienna it was given to Russia. Originally, the village of Klatwy belonged to the Greek Orthodox Church and after the incorporation of Red Ruthenia into the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland come under the influence of the Latin Church, therefore, the inhabitants of that region were of dual rites, both Eastern Orthodox (then Uniate) as well as Latin Church.
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