Groundwater and surface waters are a common, inseparable resource of drinking water. The agricultural Kocinka River catchment in southern Poland is among the case studies within the BONUS - Soils2Sea project (Reducing of nutrient loadings from agricultural soils to the Baltic Sea via groundwater and streams). The study is oriented on exploring the possibilities of reducing nitrates. High concentrations of nitrates are observed in groundwater of the Upper Jurassic Major Groundwater Reservoir No. 326, in which the Kocinka catchment area is located. Previous studies in this area failed to determine whether there is denitrification of nitrates in groundwater. The aim of the study is to investigate the significance of denitrification processes in surface water for the quality of waters in catchments. The influence of artificial and natural water reservoirs on nitrogen removal in the catchment was evaluated. Samples and measurements were taken with particular attention to sites upstream and downstream of the reservoirs. Concentrations of nitrates, conductivity (EC), pH, dissolved oxygen and isotope ratios of oxygen and nitrogen in nitrates were determined in selected locations. The results indicate that nitrate reduction potential differs between the reservoirs. Especially fish ponds show high potential to remove nitrates, depending on seasonal variability.
W pracy przedstawiono podstawowe założenia niestacjonarnego modelu migracji azotanów w zlewni Kocinki. Zaprezentowano sposób odtworzenia zróżnicowanej w czasie i przestrzeni funkcji wejścia zanieczyszczenia dla dwóch głównych obszarowych ognisk zanieczyszczenia: terenów rolniczych i obszarów zabudowanych. Do oceny ładunku azotu wymywanego spod obszarów rolniczych wykorzystano program NLES4. Przedstawiono sposób odwzorowania na modelu procesu denitryfikacji, wyniki jego kalibracji oraz uzyskane w efekcie modelowania przykładowe krzywe przejścia zanieczyszczenia.
The paper presents basic assumptions and results of a non-stationary MODFLOW model of nitrate transport in the Kocinka catchment. A method of reconstructing temporally and spatially variable input function of pollution for two main contamination spots: agriculture and urbanized areas, is presented. The NLES4 software was used to assess loads of nitrogen leaching from agricultural areas. Presented are also: representation of denitrification process in the model, the results of its calibration and the modelled nitrate breakthrough curves.
Badania terenowe przeprowadzono w okresie niskich stanów wód w zlewni częściowej potoku Smolnik, obejmującej zlewnie potoków Kłodnianka i Bukowiec. Skonstruowano jednowarstwowy model filtracji ustalonej lokalnego pola filtracji wód podziemnych metodą różnic skończonych w programie Visual MODFLOW. Wykorzystanie modelowania matematycznego do oceny możliwości zwiększenia eksploatacji zasobów wodnych przysporzyło wielu problemów. Obszar badań cechuje się trudną do odwzorowania, złożoną budową geologiczną. Duża jego część jest aktywnym osuwiskiem. Niewielkie rozpoznanie budowy geologicznej obszaru przekłada się na jakość odwzorowania warunków krążenia wód podziemnych. Problemem wymagającym rozwiązania jest brak wiedzy o wielkości rzeczywistego poboru wód podziemnych z prywatnych studni przyzagrodowych. Celem prac było wyznaczenie obszarów perspektywicznych dla poboru wody pitnej w obszarze działania wodociągu wiejskiego w miejscowości Kłodne.
Numerical modelling is a frequently used tool in the assessment of both available groundwater resources and for optimization of water management in shortage areas. Field studies in the Kłodne and Męcina area were carried out in December 2012, in the period of low water level after a long term drought. Archive and collected data on groundwater levels and flows in streams were the base for creation a one-layer steady state hydrodynamic model of the local area. Possibilities of increasing aquifer exploitation in the study area were evaluated with the finite difference method in Visual MODFLOW V.4.2 package. Modelling the Carpathians gives rise to many problems. First problem with model construction was the description of geological structure, which resulted in low fidelity model. Study area has a complicated geological structure with large part of the active landslide. Flysch Carpathians are characterised by a lack of continuity of aquifer structures but the software allows to characterise only continuous layers in the model. Furthermore, real groundwater intake was burdened by high uncertainty. Specific water use is registered. Problematic was to estimate unregistered exploitation by private farmstead wells fairly widespread in the study area.
Interactions between the groundwater and surface water affect the qualitative and quantitative status of water resources. Estimation of the fluxes and the associated loadings of contaminants exchanged between the aquifers and river reaches is an important but still not well recognized component of water resources management. Such estimates are available from the numerical models of flow and transport, however, coupling of the groundwater and surface water model domains is difficult. Calibration of the coupled models relies on the knowledge of the exchanged water fluxes, hydraulic conductivities of riverbed sediments and of other parameters. Preliminary application methods allowing for identification and quantification of the groundwater – surface water exchange is presented for the Kocinka catchment in Southern Poland.
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