Oceniano wpływ materiału szkłojonomerowego na wzrost bakterii próchni- cotwórczych płytki nazębnej po dodatkowym wcieraniu w ten materiał preparatu fluorkowego. Oceny dokonano po sześciu miesiącach od wypełnienia cementem szkłojonomerowym ubytków przyszyjkowych. Stwierdzono, że dodatkowe wcieranie fluorku w powierzchnię szkłojonomeru nie przywraca mu właściwości hamowania wzrostu bakterii płytki nazębnej.
Glass ionomer cements are important options in restorative and preventive dentistry due to their adhesion to the tooth surface and fluoride release, which can decrease the risk of recurrent caries. The aim of this study was to define, in vivo, the influence of the topical use of fluoride gel on dental plaque bacteria growing on the glass ionomer cement. Fifteen patients were included into this study. Thirty five class V restorations from the glass ionomer cement ( Ketac Molar Aplicap, ESPE Germany) were placed in the patient's one half of the lower jaw. The sound enamel of other side of the lower jaw was treated as a control. After 6 month 72 old dental plaque was collected from the surfaces of restorations and the surfaces of the sound enamel. Total amount of 30 dental plaque samples were investigated according to the previously described method ( 17). In dental plaque samples the amount of Streptococcus mutans was calculated at the Department of Microbiology, Medical University of Łódź. Next the topical application of fluoride gel (Fluormex) was performed on the surfaces of glass ionomer (Ketac Molar) fillings and the sound enamel. The patients were asked not to clean the teeth for 72h. After this time the dental plaque was again collected from the surfaces of restorations and sound enamel. Statistical analysis of collected data was accomplished and showed no statistically significant differences in the amount of Streptococcus mutans both on Ketac Molar and the enamel before and after the topical use of fluoride gel. It was concluded that the topical fluoridation of glass ionomer cement did not affect Streptococcus mutans growing in dental plaque.