Arc melting is a widely used method in materials physics, in general in materials science, as well as in metallurgy, to synthesize new materials starting from high purity constituents. As the high temperature of the technological process is easily attainable, typically arc melting is used to synthesize new materials from metals, and even oxides, with high melting points. In the melting methods usually used the arc is ignited by briefly touching the electrode to the crucible and quickly withdrawing it to a short distance. The contact ignition, however, can contaminate the tip of the tungsten electrode and consequently can reduce the purity of the obtained ingot as compared to the initial components. In order to avoid the contact procedure and thus the purity reduction, an arc non-contact ignition system for melting is proposed in this paper. The arc melting system, the furnace design, the ready for use arc furnace, and the melting procedure, are presented and discussed. Additionally, an arc furnace with a suction attachment to prepare ingots as rods is presented. The clean crystal structures, known from literature, were determined for a number of the compounds synthesized by the non-contact arc method. This quality of crystal structures results mainly from the maintained materials purity during synthesis.
Topienie w łuku elektrycznym jest metodą szeroko używaną w fizyce materiałów, w ogólności w nauce o materiałach, jak również w metalurgii do syntezy nowych materiałów ze składników o wysokiej czystości. Z reguły łuk elektryczny jest używany do syntezy nowych materiałów z wysokotopliwych metali a nawet tlenków, gdyż łatwo jest uzyskiwana wysoka temperatura w tym procesie. W typowych metodach topienia łuk elektryczny jest zapalany przez krótki kontakt a następnie oddalenie elektrody od tygla na niewielką odległość. Taki kontaktowy zapłon może jednakże zanieczyścić końcówkę elektrody wolframowej i w następstwie obniżyć czystość otrzymanego wytopu w porównaniu ze składnikami wyjściowymi. W celu uniknięcia procedury kontaktowej i tym samym redukcji czystości w pracy jest zaproponowany zestaw do topienia z bezkontaktowym zapłonem łuku elektrycznego. Zestaw do topienia w łuku elektrycznym, projekt pieca, gotowy do użycia piec, proces topienia są przedstawione i dyskutowane. Dodatkowo jest przedstawiony piec łukowy z przystawką ssącą do otrzymywania wytopów w kształcie prętów.
The magnetic hyperfine fields observed at the 57Fe nuclei (77 K) in the Dy(Mn1-xFex)2 and Dy(Fe1-xCox)2 intermetallics form a Slater-Pauling curve. In order to study the effect of cobalt atoms on crystal structure and hyperfine interactions, the new Co/Al substituted series Dy(Fe0.4Co0.6-xAlx)2 was prepared and data of X-ray powder analysis are presented (300 K). From the 57Fe Mössbauer measurements at 77 K the hyperfine parameters were obtained. The magnetic hyperfine fields form a branch of the Slater-Pauling curve.
57Fe Mössbauer effect studies were performed for the cubic C15, Fd3m, MgCu2-type Dy(Co0.4-xNixFe0.6)2 intermetallics. Hyperfine interaction parameters : isomer shift, magnetic hyperfine field and quadrupole interaction parameter were obtained from the fitting procedure of the collected 57Fe Mössbauer effect spectra. As a result of Co/Ni substitution, a Slater-Pauling type curve for the average magnetic hyperfine field vs. Ni content in the Dy(Co0.4-xNixFe0.6)2 series is observed.
This paper concerns the synthesis of yttrium-dilute Tb0.27-xYxDy0.73Fe2 intermetallic series with a borderline compound Tb0.27Dy0.73Fe2 known as Terfenol-D by arc melting, XRD analysis and 57Fe Mössbauer effect studies at 295 K. XRD analysis (295 K) shows that all samples crystallize in a cubic, Fd3m, MgCu2-type structure. The lattice parameter increases along with yttrium content. Mössbauer effect spectra for the Tb0.27-xYxDy0.73Fe2 series collected at 295 K consist of two subspectra due to easy direction of magnetization <111>. Hyperfine interaction parameters: isomer shift, magnetic hyperfine field and a quadrupole splitting were obtained from the fitting procedure of the spectra.
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