In the years 2016-2020, there has been a significant acceleration in the development of technologies for the hydrogen energy use and their popularization in practice. The value of the global hydrogen market in 2018 was estimated at US $122 billion, predicted that it will increase to US $155 billion by the 2022. The appropriate policy framework has a major impact on the development of new technologies, in particular during research, prototype implementations and the initial phase of their commercialization. Of course, this also fully applies to hydrogen technologies, which was confirmed, i.a., in its study by The Hydrogen Council, a leading global organization in this field. The spearheading countries intensively involved in the development and dissemination of hydrogen technologies are primarily: Japan, China, South Korea, Germany, France, Great Britain, Scandinavian and Benelux countries, as well as Canada and the USA. A dozen more countries making up the leading group, such as: Italy, Spain, Portugal, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, India and South Africa are making efforts to join the global hydrogen race and complete the leading group. The scale of the global development of hydrogen technologies is illustrated by the fact that at the end of 2019, vehicles with hydrogen fuel cells and the publicly accessible hydrogen refuelling stations serving them already operated in 18 countries. An effective use of the incurred expenditures undoubtedly requires the interested states to formulate an appropriate policy (strategy) for the hydrogenation of the economy, including, in addition to precisely defined long-term objectives, e.g. elements of support from public administration, assurance of: stable investment conditions and the necessary regulatory conditions. The article attempts to synthetically present the political framework, i.e. the functioning plans and programs as well as national strategies for the development of hydrogen technology and economy in 19 countries.
Presentation of the number of passenger cars, vehicles other than passenger cars with GVM up to 3.5 tons and above 3.5 tons (trucks, buses and special vehicles), registered in Poland as at the end of 2015, with types of energy carriers. Forecasts of transport performance of the vehicle fleet and the forecast of the fleet volume in Poland by year 2035. Expert forecasts of energy carriers consumption (petrol, diesel oil, LPG, CNG, electric power, hydrogen) up to year 2035.
The article represents the next part of the periodical publications of the Department of Economic Research in the field of cost analysis of the Polish international freight transport companies. It summarises and makes comparative assessments of the average unit costs of these companies for 2019 in relation to the results of the previous period. The survey involved both, the carriers operating on the eastern markets and in the European Union countries. The article presents statistical characteristics of the companies surveyed, taking into account their size, determined, based on the number of the fleet’s heavy goods vehicles being operated. It also shows how the average costs of a single vehicle-kilometre (veh-km) of mileage, for a truck above 12.0 Mg GVW are shaped, according to the size of the companies and taking into account the direction of transport (EU countries). The generic structure of the costs of the companies examined has been analysed. The evolution of unit costs for both 2019 and the whole period 2009-2018 were presented in tabular and graphic form.
Artykuł stanowi kolejną cześć cyklicznych publikacji Zakładu Badań Ekonomicznych ITS w zakresie analizy kosztów polskich przedsiębiorstwach międzynarodowego transportu ciężarowego. Dokonano w nim zestawienia i oceny porównawczej średnich kosztów jednostkowych przewoźników za 2019 rok w odniesieniu do ich wyników z lat ubiegłych. Badaniem objęto zarówno przedsiębiorstwa obsługujące rynki wschodnie, jak i państw Unii Europejskiej. Przedstawiono charakterystykę statystyczną badanych podmiotów, z uwzględnieniem ich wielkości, określonej na podstawie liczebności eksploatowanej floty pojazdów ciężarowych. Pokazano również, jak kształtują się średnie koszty jednego wozokilometra (wozokm) przebiegu dla samochodu ciężarowego powyżej 12 Mg dmc, według wielkości przedsiębiorstw oraz z uwzględnieniem kierunku przewozu (rynki UE). Analizie poddano również strukturę rodzajową kosztów badanych przedsiębiorstw. Przedstawiono w formie tabelarycznej i graficznej kształtowanie się kosztów jednostkowych w 2019 roku w odniesieniu do okresu 2009-2018.
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