This article was written under the influence of reflections made in the course of reading the latest monograph of prof. Jacek Dąbała titled: Media and Journalism. Axiology – workshop – Identity, ed. Universitas, Cracow 2014. Text on the one hand seems to be a review, on the other hand it is polemics, in which writing these words decided to even develop a kind of specific problems that interested him. In this context, this article touches on issues such as the axiology of the media and now these anti-values , telegenity of presenters/journalists and its consequences for reception by the public of mass media, contemporary journalistic workshop, its capabilities and limitations, the function of theology in the media, journalistic professionalism and the greatest contemporary threats to him, the study of audiovisual methods with particular emphasis on the phenomenological approach, and finally the identity of the journalist as a cognitive construct, the operating mechanism of the mass media’s recipients and the subject of media research media studies. This text should be treated as a voice in the discussion, initiated by prof. Jacek Dąbała on ponderable issues which are not always perceived by the Polish media experts.
Artykuł powstał na kanwie przemyśleń poczynionych w trakcie lektury najnowszej monografii prof. Jacka Dąbały pt. Media i dziennikarstwo. Aksjologia – warsztat – tożsamość, Universitas, Kraków 2014. Tekst z jednej strony ma charakter recenzji, z drugiej zaś polemiki, a nawet swoistego rozwinięcia określonych problemów, które zaciekawiły piszącego te słowa. W tym kontekście niniejszy artykuł dotyka takich kwestii, jak aksjologia współczesnych mediów oraz obecne w nich antywartości, telegeniczność prezenterów-dziennikarzy i jej konsekwencje dla recepcji przekazów audiowizualnych przez odbiorców mass mediów, współczesny warsztat dziennikarski, jego potencjały oraz ograniczenia, funkcja teologii w przekazach medialnych, profesjonalizm dziennikarski i największe współczesne zagrożenia dla niego, metody badania przekazów audiowizualnych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem podejścia fenomenologicznego, wreszcie tożsamość dziennikarska jako konstrukt poznawczy, mechanizm operacyjny odbiorcy mediów oraz przedmiot badań medioznawczych. Niniejszy tekst należy traktować jako głos w dyskusji rozpoczętej przez prof. Jacka Dąbałę na temat ważkich kwestii, nie zawsze jednak dostrzeganych przez polskie środowisko medioznawcze.
In this article, the author presents the concept of framing and analyzes various frames of Wall Street which occurred during the 2016 presidential elections in presidential candidates’ statements. Referring to Robert M. Entman (1993), the author of the article comments on how presidential candidates were perceiving Wall Street (the role, function and challenges) during the 2016 presidential campaign in the United States and, ipso facto, trying to set in public discourse, through media, using specific frames of capital market. What kind of frames did they use when they were discussing about financial markets in the campaign? Thanks to such sources like or, the author has gathered and analysed several (almost 80) presidential candidates’ speeches and statements dedicated to Wall Street. The author came to the main conclusion that almost each of the presidential candidates proposed to media and, in consequence to voters, mostly negative perception of Wall Street by using – according to Russell Neuman, Marion R. Just and Ann Crigler (1992) as well as Holli Semetko and Patti Valkenburg (2002) – "conflict", "attribution of responsibility", "morality" and "economic consequences" frames.
“Wake up Poland” March in the Coverage of Polish Television StationsThe article presents the results of a study devoted to the methods and manners of covering the "Wake up Poland (Obudź się Polsko)" march (held in Warsaw on September 29th, 2012) in Polish TV news programs. The research has covered the major evening news ("Wydarzenia" Polsat, "Fakty" TVN, "Panorama" TVP2, "Wiadomości" TVP1, "Informacje" TV Trwam) on the day preceding the event, then on the day when the event occurred place, and on the day after the event (28-30 September 2012), and live coverage of the event, presented in the news TV programs. The material was analyzed in six established categories: truthfulness, diligence, morality, reason of state, discrimination, and quality. In the analysis of the live coverage the researchers has used six quantitative operational criteria: (1) the number of pro et contra statements, (2) the number of affiliated and anonymous statements, (3) the diversity of contesting statements, (4) pro et contra affiliations of experts, (5) the sum of statements, (6) the number of reporters involved in the coverage. Qualitative analysis of individual evening news has included an examination of the interpretative frames used to explain the events from the point of view of various interest groups involved. This article presents the detailed methodology of the survey and its part dedicated to live coverage. The second part of the study, concerning only the evening news, will be presented in the next issue of "Zeszyty Prasoznawcze". Both texts should be considered complementary – for this reason, the discussion will be placed in the second text.
The article is devoted to the content analysis of 19 broadcasts for children and teens in six leading television channels dedicated to minors recipients in Poland. The study has been conducted on the basis of 16 criteria reflecting the positive and negative attributes of the programmes. It has aimed to answer the question of how the world is depicted in these broadcasts, and furthermore what socio-cultural patterns are transmitted to children and adolescents watching their favourite fairy tales and film heroes. The research conducted has proved that it is possible to identify both the best, most valuable from the point of view of the child’s development and socialization channel (it is MiniMini+) and the most harmful, presenting negative values and negative patterns channel (which is Cartoon Network). The text presents the first in Polish media and sociological studies comparative analysis of such a large number of broadcasts for children and youth, and the analysis so widely verifying the content and formal elements of these broadcasts.
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