Terapeutyczna Jurysprudencja (TJ) miała wpływ na sądownictwo oraz praktykę prawniczą, ponieważ można w ostatnich latach zaobserwować powstawanie sądów specjalnych (problem-solving courts). TJ w rozumieniu Davida B. Wexlera, to podejście łączące doświadczenia z wielu dziedzin naukowych, stanowiące interdyscyplinarny obszar badań, który koncentruje się na terapeutycznych i antyterapeutycznych skutkach prawa, procedur prawnych oraz ról jakie odgrywają legal actors – między innymi sędziowie, prokuratorzy czy pracownicy wymiaru sprawiedliwości. Rola, jaką odgrywają oni w trakcie procesu, jest w tej teorii szczególnie podkreślana w kontekście wywoływania zarówno pozytywnych, jak i negatywnych konsekwencji dla uczestników procesu. Celem tego artykułu jest rekonstrukcja rozumienia empatii i jej roli w TJ oraz pokazanie, jak pojęcie empatii jest rozumiane w kontekście pracy sędziego, szczególnie w odniesieniu do głównych autorów TJ, Davida B. Wexlera i Bruce J. Winicka.
Therapeutic jurisprudence (TJ) has had a influence on the judiciary and legal practice given the emergence of special courts, the so-called problem-solving courts. As understood by David B. Wexler, TJ is an approach that combines experience from many scientific fields, constituting an interdisciplinary field of research that focuses on the therapeutic and antitherapeutic consequences of laws, legal procedures, and the roles and behaviours of legal actors such as lawyers and judges. The role that they play during a trial is particularly emphasized in this theory in the context of causing both positive and negative consequences for those participating in the trial. The first purpose of this paper is to reconstruct the understanding of empathy and its role in the therapeutic jurisprudence, and to show how the concept of empathy is understood in the context of a judge’s work, particularly in relation to main TJ authors, David B. Wexler and Bruce J. Winick.
The issue of legal regulation of abortion is one of the main challenges facing modern law. The bioethical problem of abortion has led to the emergence of many legal solutions in the world. Although in South Korea, since 1953, the termination of pregnancy is prohibited, the problem of illegal abortion still occurs. On 22 September 2016, the South Korean Ministry of Health proposed a project to change the legal status, tightening the penalty for terminating pregnancy, also specifying this act as an unethical medical act. The social reaction to the announced regulation of the law was a spontaneous protest – the equivalent of the Polish Black Protest. The Seoul protest took place on October 19, 2016, when hundreds of women went out into the streets of Seoul demonstrating their opposition. The purpose of this paper is to try to answer the question of how the proposed reform of the abortion law improves the social attitudes towards abortion law and the emergence of the “black protest” in South Korea.
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