The union signed by 63 priests in 1646 at the Uzhgorod castle became the basis for later full unification of Eparchy of Mukachevo with the Catholic Church. The Charter of April 24th, 1646 says the details of this unification. This document attests the development on the issue of unification with the Catholic Church, which took place in the clergy of Eparchy of Mukachevo in the mid-17th century.
Alexander Ruttkay and Karol Pieta interpreted the graphemes on plaques as the Latin letters, which was confirmed also by Ľubomír Kralčák, contrary to Paul Žiga. They could deduce neither the importance of image nor text, since they did not watch the symbolic expression of the imaged situation. Just the connection between graphemes and figures leads to the interpretation of figures and text on a plaques from Bojná: Christ – plaques No. 1 and 4, Blessed Virgin – plaque No. 3, the Apostle Thomas – plaque No. 2, Seraphim – plaque No. 5 and cherub – plaque No. 6. The images correspond to the shape of the plagues, image of wings and lips, as well as the importance of plaque, which is highlighted in the Latin graphemes representing the text with a clear missionary message destined for Slavs of Great Moravia. The events just before and after the most important moments for humanity are imaged on a set of plaques, in terms of the life of Jesus Christ and his message. Pilate condemns Jesus to death and reanimated Christ shows himself to all eleven apostles. This also includes the graphemes: (E)VAVM – „Est ex eritate, Audit Vocem Meam“ (Jn 18, 37) and NDE – „Noster Dominus (or Deum) Est“. The plaques from Bojná are the authentic testimony of Christianisation of the Moravian Slavs before the arrival of the Byzantine mission led by Constantine-Cyril and Methodius. We admit that even our view of the content and hidden text of plaques may not be definite, but they cannot be even correctly deduced without the theological understanding. Just theological interpretation can stand closest to interpretation of imaged figural motifs and Latin graphemes on the plaques with full respect for knowledge summarized by archaeologists K. Pieta and A. Ruttkay. At the same time thus the arguments of Ľ. Kralčák about use of Latin graphemes as a basis for the biblical text are confirmed.
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