Wyniki badań opisane w niniejszym artykule mają wzmocnić argumentację dotyczącą konieczności uwzględniania walorów krajobrazu w polityce przestrzennej gmin. Pozwalają one na oszacowanie wymiernych korzyści wynikających z utrzymywania w dobrym stanie elementów krajobrazu i tym samym Ograniczenia strat wynikających na przykład z usytuowania zakładów przemysłowych lub zmniejszania dostępności do cennych elementów krajobrazu poprzez spontaniczną zabudowę. Groot i inni wymieniają następujące świadczenia ekosystemów mocno związane z krajobrazem: estetyczne, rekreacyjne, kulturowo-artystyczne, duchowo-historyczne oraz naukowo-edukacyjne. Ogromną wagę krajobrazu podkreślają badania Costanzy i innych. Wycenili oni świadczenia kulturowe i rekreacyjne ekosystemów w skali globalnej na 3,8 bln dolarów rocznie, co stanowi 11,5% wszystkich świadczeń ekosystemów.
Research shows that transaction prices of building plots in the Poznań poviat vary according to the location and dependence on such local landscape elements as lakes and forests. It is an attempt to evaluate one t of the landscape services and point out that lack of landscape harmony may generate economic consequence. The study uses data on transaction prices of plots for housing construction sold between l995 and 2000 in the Poznań poviat area. Using geostatistical methods, the time and spatial variability of plot prices was analysed. On this basis, further interpolation of these prices was carried out in the poviat area. The research shows that both the extent and level of impact of Iakes and forests on plot prices are significant and may be expressed by means of a mathematical model.
More and more concern on landscape is a resulting from growing conviction of researchers about it’s indicating role in regard to ecosystem functioning. Number of research that confirm influence of landscape changes on biodiversity, climate, soil productivity, human health or quantity and quality of water courses and bodies is increasing. The simplest form of landscape study is an analysis of land cover. The data of this type can be easily treated by statistic methods and illustrated on the map. However, this sort of analysis concern mostly on particular component of landscape, not on the landscape as a whole. In many cases the structure, in terms of configuration and composition of land cover classes, determines landscape functions. Additional factor, usually not taken into account, is geomorphology of study area. The landform and his origin strongly affect landscape and it’s functions. The basic purpose of this study is to present the possibility of employing statistical analysis of numerical maps to describe landscape and predict the consequences of its changes. This paper considers the issue of landscape diversity measured by the share of land cover forms and the distribution of such forms in different geomorphologic forms of the Wielkopolsko-Kujawska Lowland. Author analyzed landscape structure of Wielkopolsko-Kujawska Lowland in 17 landscape types distinguished according to geomorphological division of Krygowski. In each geomorphological unit the share and structure of 16 land cover classes, obtained by data from CORINE Land Cover 2000 generalization, was counted. Analysis affected chosen indicators of patches area, density of their edges, shape, core zones, isolation and connectivity and was supported by Spatial Pattern Analysis Program Fragstats. Depending on the study object the change in various land cover forms entails different ecological consequences. They depend not only on the land cover type but also on its structure. The ability to predict those consequences and counteract adverse phenomena is very important. This study confirms that it is possible to draw conclusions on landscape consequences of land cover changes on the regional level only on the basis of quantitative data. It applies both to the future and the past.
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