In the article, four illustrations by Aleksander Gierymski are described. These illustrations were completed for the illustrated press during Gierymski’s sojourn in Italy from 1885 to 1886. These illustrations were typical of the “Polish traces in Italy,” relating to Padua in this case, and were published in the magazines "Wędrowiec" and "Kłosy". These illustrations show the tombs of exceptional Poles who were buried in Padua; commemorative plaques dedicated to them (in honour of Copernicus); or the monuments of Prato della Valle (Sobieski and Batory). However, in the article, based on the illustrations and the accompanying texts, and based on the artist’s correspondences (with the likes of Józef Ignacy Kraszewski, Michał Wiszniewski, Stanisław Dunin-Borkowski, and Władysław Bełza) and his diaries relating his time in Italy, the following issues, amongst others, will be addressed: Gierymski’s work method; the discourse (including the visual discourse) of “Polish traces in Italy” in Padua; Gierymski’s illustrations as an interpretation of the Polish "lieux de mémoire" in Italy. The article encourages an adoption, in the future, of a wider perspective that includes the illustrations of the “Polish traces in Italy” of other Polish artists from that period.
In questo articolo vengono descritte quattro illustrazioni realizzate da Aleksander Gierymski per la stampa illustrata durante il suo soggiorno in Italia dal 1885 al 1886. Erano illustrazioni tipiche di “tracce polacche in Italia”, in questo caso relative a Padova, e pubblicate sulle riviste: "Wędrowiec" e "Kłosy". Esse mostrano le lapidi funerarie di eccezionali polacchi sepolti a Padova, quelle commemorative a loro dedicate (in onore di Copernico), oi monumenti di Prato della Valle (Sobieski e Batory). Pertanto, nell’articolo, basato sulle illustrazioni e sui testi di accompagnamento, sulla corrispondenza dell’artista e sui testi di viaggio in Italia (di Józef Ignacy Kraszewski, Michał Wiszniewski, Stanisław Dunin-Borkowski e Władysław Bełza), sono state affrontate, tra le altre, le seguenti questioni: il metodo di lavoro di Gierymski; il discorso (anche quello visivo), “le tracce polacche in Italia” a Padova; le illustrazioni di Gierymski come interpretazione del "lieu de mémoire" polacco in Italia. L’articolo invita ad adottare in futuro una prospettiva più ampia: le illustrazioni delle “tracce polacche” in Italia” di altri artisti polacchi di quel periodo.
This paper is a review of Dariusz Skórczewski’s book entitled [Theory, Literature, and Discourse: A Postcolonial Landscape] (Lublin 2013). In the first part the objects of Skórczewski’s research: its intellectual horizon (i.e. Edward Said’s tradition) and “identity discourse”, were indicated. Next, research tools used by Skórczewski in the analysis of Polish literature: “mimicry”, “hybridity”, “compensation”, “orientalization”, were presented. In the last part of the paper, a valuation of Skórczewski’s work was made. It could be said that it is a very important book for postcolonial theory in Poland.
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