The article reflects significant changes going on in the area of transitional phases (TPs) in military operations on the tactical level. It is observed that the topic is a subject of many changes recently. The opinions of experts who are dealing with transitional phases are presented using different approaches. What is more, the importance of TPs accomplishment in military operations seems to be unnoticed. In the author's point of view transitional phases should be recognized as a whole and should be classified as a supplementary category, an area which combines basic categories such as defence, offence and delay operations. The TPs have a temporary character, but they assert flexibility and fluency during combat, they also allow conducting operations in a proper pace. The transitional phases appear parallel to basic tactics. Also, they connect basic tactics categories with other kinds creating the military operations to be a permanent process. Thus everything what happens on the battlefield is interconnected and inseparable. That means that transitions form one to another phase of combat and can be preceded by one or more TPs. Each successive stage can end up with transitional phases. To sum it up, the author in the article presents a suggestion how transitional phases should be classified and recognized nowadays in the theory of tactics.
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The rapid development in the segment called IT and high technology related to access to information changes resulted in the creation of a new environment, which largely determines the basic principles and ways of carrying out activities through the most modernized armies in the world. For a long time series of constraints and difficulties did not allow achieving a kind of „information comfort" in proving a result of access to information in near real-time. In this paper the background of changes resulting from the automation of command were presented conditions and changes in the process of command, which is implemented at the tactical level as a series of activities organized in a logical system of consecutive and inter-dependent phases, stages and activities. From the viewpoint of the command in command automation conditions, particular attention was paid to those elements which in the opinion of the author will play a significant role in proving network-centric environment.
Rozwój technologii informatycznych i dostępem do informacji zaowocowały stworzeniem nowego środowiska, które determinuje podstawy i sposoby prowadzenia działań przez nowoczesne armie na świecie. Nowoczesne technologie informatyczne i dynamiczny ich rozwój nieodwracalnie zmieniły charakter procesów informacyjno-decyzyjnych i przebieg operacji militarnych. Dowodzenie stało się czynnikiem decydującym o wynikach zmagań przeciwstawnych stron. W referacie na tle przemian wynikających z automatyzacji dowodzenia zaprezentowane są uwarunkowania i przemiany w części procesu dowodzenia, który jest realizowany na poziomie taktycznym jako cykl działania zorganizowanego. Z punktu widzenia procesu dowodzenia w uwarunkowaniach automatyzacji dowodzenia szczególną uwagę zwrócono na te elementy, które w ocenie autora, odgrywać będą znaczącą rolę w dowodzeniu w środowisku sieciocentrycznym.
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