This article attempts to describe the first Polish subculture that appeared in the Polish People’s Republic in 1948–1956. Bikiniarze were characterized on the basis of 300 issues of the “Przekrój” magazine, published during the apogee of this subculture. The choice of this journal is justified by the desire to look at bikiniarze through the prism of a magazine which in communist times served as a “safety valve” and was not the right hand of the Polish authorities, which demanded the creation of a negative image of bikiniarze as presented in party press publications such as: “Sztandar Młodych”, “Trybuna Ludu”, or “Po Prostu”. The characteristics of the subculture focus mainly on the image of a man - a bikiniarz, who is a symbol of this subculture and includes both a specific way of dressing and behaving, as well as lifestyle. The article also touches on the issue of a certain ambiguity of “Przekrój” itself, which is visible in the example of the magazine’s attitude towards this subculture. This magazine played a certain game with censorship and resorted to various measures to smuggle non-propaganda content, including those about bikiniarze, who were oppressed by the authorities on its pages. This was done, for instance, by using: satire, fairy tales or poems.
Conduct disorders are one of the most frequent troubles that children have to deal with at school. In this paper we present a general perspective on issues of behavioral disorders. The diagnostic criteria used by psychologists to establish the type of disorder will be presented. The following part shows the epidemiology and characterizes predisposing factors for the occurrence of this disorder in children and adolescents. Early and correct diagnosis of conduct disorder and comprehensive therapeutic treatment, accelerates the healing process and helps to maintain the health of young patients. The course of discussion will present the main methods of treatment of conduct disorders, starting with group therapy with children, the interaction of parent – child treatment, behavioral training for parents, problem solving skills and also school interventions programs. The aim of the article is to bring conduct disorder in terms of dysfunctions of children and adolescents and to present forms of therapeutic interventions.
Zaburzenia zachowania są jednym z częstszych dolegliwości u dzieci w szkole. W niniejszym referacie przedstawimy ogóle spojrzenia na problematykę zaburzeń w zachowaniu. Zostaną zaprezentowane kryteria diagnostyczne stosowane przez psychologów w ocenia rodzaju zaburzenia. W dalszej części zostanie opisana epidemiologia i scharakteryzowane czynniki predysponujące do występowania tego zaburzenia u dzieci i młodzieży. Wczesne rozpoznanie zaburzeń zachowania, prawidłowo postawiona diagnoza i kompleksowe postępowanie terapeutyczne przyśpiesza proces zdrowienia oraz utrzymania zdrowia młodych pacjentów. W toku rozważań wskażemy na główne metody terapii zaburzeń zachowania, które powinny znaleźć się w programie terapeutycznym, rozpoczynając od terapii grupowej dziecka, terapii interakcji rodzic – dziecko, treningów behawioralnych dla rodziców i umiejętności rozwiązywania problemów, a także szkolnych programów interwencyjnych. Artykuł ma na celu przybliżenie zaburzeń zachowania w kategoriach dysfunkcji dzieci i młodzieży oraz zaprezentowanie form oddziaływań terapeutycznych.
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