The article presents the results of empirical research and their analysis regarding the impact of diesel oil and diesel oil mixture with bioethanol on coking the test injector nozzles of the XUD9 engine from PSA. The research included three fuel deals: diesel fuel as the base fuel and diesel oil mix with ONE10 bioethanol (10% bioethanol plus diesel oil (V/V)), ONE20 (20% bioethanol plus diesel oil (V/V)). They were conducted on the basis of CEC PF-023 developed by CEC (Coordinating European Council). Each of the abovementioned fuels was tested using a new set of injectors. The propensity of the fuel for coking the injector tips was expressed as a percentage reduction in the air flow through the nozzles of each injector for the given sheer increments. The test result was the average percentage of airflow reduction for all nozzles at 0.1 mm spike increments and was measured according to ISO 4010 "Diesel engines. Calibrating nozzle, delay pintle type”. The test results for individual atomizers of the above-mentioned test engine in the area of sediment formation from flowing fuel shown a lower tendency to coke the injectors using diesel fuel-bioethanol in comparison to the use of pure diesel oil. Based on the CEC PF-023 test, it can be noticed that the level of contamination of the tested injectors for ONE10 fuel is about 3% lower, and for ONE20 fuel is about 4% lower than the level of pollution for diesel fuel.
In this work, the thermal efficiency in an engine with the Atkinson cycle was determined. The authorsof the work showed a significant increase in the overall efficiency of the engine operating according to the Atkinson cycle in relation to the engine working according to the Otto, Diesel and Sabathe cycles. The article presents the results of simulation studies on the efficiency of an internal combustion engine operating according to the Atkinson cycle and comparative cycles: Otto, Diesel, and Sabathe. The simulation tests were carried out taking into account the type of the theoretical working factor ofthe thermal cycles. The work has determined the degree of isobaric volume change in the Atkinson cycle and its influence on the theoretical efficiency of the cycle.
W niniejszym artykule dokonano teoretycznej analizy wyznaczania sprawności ogólnej silnika cieplnego pracującego według obiegu Atkinsona. Autorzy pracy wykazali wystąpienie znaczącego wzrostu sprawności ogólnej silnika pracującego według obiegu Atkinsona w stosunku do silnika pracującego według obiegów Otto, Diesla i Sabathe’a. W artykule przedstawione zostały wyniki badań symulacyjnych dotyczących sprawności silnika spalinowego pracującego według obiegu Atkinsona oraz porównawczo obiegów: Otta, Diesla i Sabathe. Badania symulacyjne przeprowadzone zostały w uwzględnieniem rodzaju czynnika roboczego teoretycznego obiegu cieplnego. W pracy został wyznaczony stopień izobarycznej zmiany objętości w obiegu Atkinsona oraz jego wpływ na sprawność teoretyczną obiegu.
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