It is incontrovertible that acquisition of a sound system of a second language is always a complex phenomenon and presents a great challenge for L2 learners (e.g. Rojczyk, 2010a). There are numerous studies (e.g. Nowacka, 2010; Flege, 1991) which show that L2 learners whose first language has a scarce number of sounds, have problems to distinguish L2 sound categories and tend to apply their L1 segments to new contexts. It may be easily detectable in the case of vowels. There is abundance of studies examining L2 learners’ successes and failures in production of L1 and L2 vowels (e.g. Flege, 1992; Nowacka, 2010; Rojczyk, 2010a). Usually such projects show how difficult it is for L2 learners to separate “old” and “new” vowel categories. However, the situation becomes much more complicated when we think of third language (L3) production. While in the case of L2 segmental production the number of factors affecting L2 sounds is rather limited (either interference from learners’ L1 or some kind of L2 intralingual influence), in the case of L3 segmental production we may encounter L1®L3, L2®L3 or L3 intralingual interference. This makes separation of L3 sounds a much more complex process. The aim of this study is to examine whether speakers of L1 Polish, L2 English and L3 German are able to separate new, L3 vowel categories from their native and L2 categories. Being a part of a larger project, this time the focus is on German /oe/. This vowel was chosen since it is regarded as especially difficult for Polish learners of German and it is frequently substituted with some other sounds. A group of English philology (Polish-English-German translation and interpretation programme) students was chosen to participate in this project. They were advanced speakers of English who did not encounter any difficulties in communication with native speakers of this language and upperintermediate users of German. They had been taught both English and German pronunciation/practical phonetics during their studies at the University of Silesia. The subjects were asked to produce words containing analysed vowels, namely: P /u/, P /ɔ/, P /ɛ/, E /uː/, E /ɔː/ and G /oe/. All examined vowels were embedded in a /bVt/ context. The target /bVt/ words were then embedded in carrier sentences I said /bVt/ this time in English, Ich sag’ /bVt/ diesmal in German and Mówię /bVt/ teraz in Polish, in a non-final position. The sentences were presented to subjects on a computer screen and the produced chunks were stored in a notebook’s memory as .wav files ready for inspection. The Praat 5.3.12 speech-analysis software package (Boersma, 2001) was used to scroll through the audio files in order to locate an onset and offset of target vowels, measure the F1 and F2 frequencies and plot vowels on the plane. All analyses were also performed using Praat. The obtained results shed new light on L3 segmental production and L1 and L2 interference.
ABSTRACT Numerous studies (e.g. Lipińska, 2014; Majer, 2002; Nowacka, 2003; Sobkowiak, 2002; Szpyra-Kozłowska, et al., 2002; Szpyra-Kozłowska, 2008; Waniek-Klimczak, 2002; Wrembel, 2002) have shown that although teaching L2 pronunciation is included in university curricula, it is at the same time virtually absent at lower stages of education. Moreover, it has been noticed that teaching phonetics to younger learners is advisable and may be really effective (e.g. Lipińska, in press a; Nixon and Tomlinson, 2005). Undoubtedly, one can say that there are a lot of books and courses designed for adults written by and for Polish learners of English (e.g. Porzuczek et al., 2013; Sawala et al., 2011) or dedicated to international users (e.g. Baker, 2006; Hancock, 2008; Hewings, 2010). But the materials and methods used while working with adult learners and university students are no longer applicable if one wants to teach phonetics in a different environment and create an attractive and efficient course for children or young teenagers, since, as e.g. Komorowska (2011) notices, each foreign language course has to be characterised by realistic goals and appropriate methods and components. The aim of this paper is to present various methods and materials which can be successfully applied while teaching English pronunciation to 11-13-year-olds. They have been used in three groups consisting of such L2 learners, and their usefulness and effectiveness have been proven by studies on both speech production and perception (e.g. Lipińska, in press b).
The article presents actions that preceded the introduction of open access policy for scientific publications at the Cracow University of Technology. These included: preparation of the IT infrastructure, providing access to doctoral dissertations, creating the CUT Repository, development of legal documents, introducing open licenses for scientific journals published at the CUT, information and educational actions in the field of OA. These works were carried out following the guidelines contained in government documents and based on practical solutions implemented in this area in the scientific community. The above-mentioned actions led to the introduction of Open Access Policy at the CUT under the Ordinance of the Rector of the CUT of 22 March 2019. The article also discusses the data presented in the first report on the implementation of the Open Access Policy at the Cracow University of Technology and the resulting conclusions.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie działań poprzedzających wprowadzenie Polityki Otwartego Dostępu wobec publikacji naukowych na Politechnice Krakowskiej (PK). Działania, których skutkiem było przyjęcie otwartego mandatu na PK, obejmowały przygotowanie infrastruktury informatycznej – w tym utworzenie Repozytorium PK, opracowanie dokumentów prawnych, udostępnienie rozpraw doktorskich, wprowadzenie otwartych licencji dla czasopism naukowych wydawanych na PK, działania informacyjne i edukacyjne w zakresie OA. Prace te realizowano zgodnie z wytycznymi zawartymi w dokumentach rządowych oraz na podstawie praktycznych rozwiązań zrealizowanych w instytucjach naukowych. Konsekwencją tych działań było wprowadzenie, na mocy zarządzenia Rektora PK z dnia 22 marca 2019 roku, Polityki Otwartego Dostępu na PK. W podsumowaniu omówiono również dane przedstawione w pierwszym Raporcie z realizacji Polityki Otwartego Dostępu na Politechnice Krakowskiej.
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